Prigionieri anarchici English
France: Update about the situation of Vincenzo (August 14, 2019) [en]
Following the arrest of the anarchist Vincenzo Vecchi, which took place in France on August 8, 2019, thanks to the joint work of the Italian and French police, this morning (August 14) at 11.00 am, at the Court of Appeal of Rennes, was held a hearing about the extradition to Italy. According to the fleshless information that has been possible to learn so far, during the hearing the judges decided nothing about extradition, as they would lack useful “different elements”. A further hearing has been set for August 23rd. So in that time he would presumably remain imprisoned at Rennes prison. To send mail or telegrams to people held in French prisons it would be necessary to have the specific identification code (numero d’écrou) that each prison assigns to the individual inmate to identify him and that, as regards the correspondence, should be indicated in the address in a precise manner. Unfortunately, by contacting the prison the answer is that this number cannot be provided (although in the other situations exactly the opposite has happened), but that it’s sufficient to indicate name and surname and the letters should still arrive. You can try. Below is the address:
19 ago 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Updates about Natascia from Piacenza prison (August 2019) [en]
Natascia is in section AS3 [“High Surveillance 3”], therefore with women defendants or suspects for crimes related to organized crime. They have almost always open cells, but in the section there is little or nothing, the library – for example – sucks. Almost all the personal letters arrive, while around twenty letters were kept by the guards, which they considered “political”. Only the first of these has been unlocked.
WE REMEMBER THE ADDRESSES TO WRITE TO NATASCIA, ROBERT AND BEPPE [arrested for “Prometeo” repressive operation at May 21st, 2019]:
19 ago 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Natascia, arrested for the “Prometeo” operation, was transferred to the prison of Piacenza [en]
We learn of the transfer, which took place on July 30th, of the anarchist Natascia Savio from the prison of L’Aquila to that of Piacenza. Natascia was arrested on May 21st 2019 in the context of the repressive operation “Prometeo” (“Prometheus”) along with two other comrades, Giuseppe and Robert. The last two have also recently been transferred further, respectively to the prisons of Bancali (Sassari, in Sardinia) and Rossano Calabro (province of Cosenza).
We recall that the main accusation against the comrades is of “attack with the purpose of terrorism or subversion”, as they are held responsible for sending three bomb packages arrived in June 2017 to the public prosecutors Rinaudo (prosecutor in several trials against the antagonist movement and the anarchists) and Sparagna (prosecutor in the trial for the “Scripta Manent” operation) and Santi Consolo, at the time director of the DAP (“Department of Penitentiary Administration”) in Rome. They are not accused of any “associative” crime (such as articles 270 or 270bis, penal code).
2 ago 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Communiqué of Alfredo from the prison of Ferrara [en]
Ferrara, July 14th, 2019
I give you the tragicomic news that my bloody gall bladder after 5 hours of operation has left us (8 July) due to a hunger strike. Excuse me but I’m still not able to respond decently to your many letters. But count on my answers. The only positive thing is that I lost 21 kg. Keep on writing to me. Sure that the struggle in solidarity with the comrades proceeds ever more effectively.
[Note: Alfredo refers to the hunger strike against the restrictions and conditions in the AS2 section of L’Aquila prison undertaken in Italy by some imprisones anarchists, from May 29th until the end of June].
24 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Florence [Italy]: Last hearings of the trial for the “Panico” operation [en]
The hearings from 15 to 18 July, 2019, are confirmed, but due to the absence of one of the judges the sentence (scheduled for July 22nd) could slip, by a maximum of one week, apparently.
For Giova, Paska and Ghespe under house arrest, was asked the transport by their own means for the hearings, therefore without an escort. For Paska has also been asked to temporarily move house arrest to a house near Florence.
As regards presences in the courtroom, Paska should therefore be present at all hearings. Giova and Ghespe will certainly not come to the hearing on the 15th, but for the following ones they still haven’t decided.
11 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Updates about the “Prometeo” repressive operation – Giuseppe was transferred to the prison of Rossano Calabro [en]
On July 8th, 2019, we learn that the anarchist Giuseppe Bruna was transferred from the prison of Alessandria to that of Rossano Calabro. The comrade was arrested on May 21st along with Natascia and Robert for the repressive operation “Prometeo” (“Prometheus”). We remind that recently Robert was also transferred (from Terni to Bancali, in Sardinia), while Natascia remains imprisoned in L’Aquila. Then the addresses become the following:
Giuseppe Bruna
C. R. di Rossano Calabro
Contrada Ciminata, snc
87064 Corigliano-Rossano (CS)
Italia [Italy]
11 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Transfer of Robert, arrested for the “Prometeo” operation [en]
On July 6th, 2019, we learn of Robert’s transfer from the prison of Terni to that of Bancali, in Sardinia. So the new address is the following:
Robert Firozpoor
C. C. di Sassari – Bancali
strada provinciale 56, n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari
Italia [Italy]
We remember that Natascia, Giuseppe and Robert were arrested on May 21st, 2019, during a repressive operation called “Prometeo” (“Prometheus”), carried out by the carabinieri of the ROS and which involved some searches. The main accusation is of “attack with terrorist or subversive purposes”, since they are considered responsible for sending three bomb packages arrived in June 2017 to the p. m. Rinaudo (prosecutor in several trials against the antagonist movement and the anarchists) and Sparagna (prosecutor in the trial for the “Scripta Manent” operation) and Santi Consolo, at the time director of the DAP (“Department of Prison Administration”) in Rome. They are not accused of any “associative” crime (such as articles 270 or 270bis, c. p.).
7 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Updates on the anarchists arrested for the “Prometeo” operation (25/06/2019) [en]
After the arrests of 21 May 2019 for therepressive operation “Prometeo”(“Prometheus”), Robert and Beppe were imprisoned in the Opera prison in Milan until June 21st, while Natasha wasimprisoned in France.
In the maximum security prison of Opera, Robert and Beppe spent an entire month in isolation in section 41bis, as there is no AS2 section [“High Surveillance 2”], with only an hour a day of “socializing” by being able to see each other, and the rest of the day with the barrier closed. This “illegal” regime was reported to the judge, PM and guarantor of the detainees, especially since the isolation had not been requested by the judge, but nothing changed for a month.
25 giu 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Updates on anarchist prisoners [en]
“Prometeo” operation: Natascia was transferred to the prison of L’Aquila and started a hunger strike
The anarchist comrade Natascia Savio, arrested on May 21, 2019, for the “Prometeto” (“Prometheus”) operation (together with Giuseppe and Robert), was transferred from the Rebibbia women’s prison in Rome to the prison of L’Aquila, precisely in the same section (AS2, “High Surveillance 2”) where are imprisoned Anna Beniamino and Silvia Ruggeri, on a hunger strike since May 29th. Also in June she was transferred from the prison of Gradignan, near Bordeaux (in France), to Rome Rebibbia, where she was imprisoned for a few days and where she began a hunger strike in solidarity with Anna and Silvia. On 20 June it became known that she was transferred to L’Aquila, so the comrade is actually imprisoned under the same conditions and restrictions imposed on Anna and Silvia. Solidarity with Anna, Silvia, Alfredo, Marco and Natascia on hunger strike!
25 giu 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: “Prometeo” operation — Natasha was transferred to the Rebibbia prison in Rome [en]
Natascia Savio
Casa Circondariale di Roma Rebibbia femminile
via Bartolo Longo 92
00156 Roma
Here the addresses of the other arrested comrades:
16 giu 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Greece: CCF Member Damiano Bolano Released from Prison [en]
On Tuesday, 21/5, the member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Damiano Bolano, was released. The comrade has been in custody since March 2011 [precisely he was arrested on March 14th].
Freedom to all!
Until the last prison has been destroyed!
We support the imprisoned fighters morally, materially, politically.
Solidarity Fund for Prisoners and Persecuted Fighters
11 giu 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Greece: The anarchist Giannis Michailidis has escaped from Tyrintha prison [en]
The anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis [sometimes the name is reported as Yannis and the surname as Mihailidis] escaped a few days ago from the so-called rural prison of Tyrintha (Tiryns), in Peloponnese. He was arrested on 1 February 2013 following the double robbery that took place in Velventos (Kozani region, in Greece), along with the anarchists Nikos Romanos, Dimitris Politis and Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos (for the same facts on 30 April 2013 were also arrested the fugitives anarchists Argyris Dalios, Fivos Harisis, Giannis Naxakis and Grigoris Sarafoudis — not all of them were convicted of robberies). The comrade, before the escape, was serving a sentence of 16 years and 4 months, imposed with the sentence that followed the trial regarding the facts of Velventos. Furthermore, in 2015 he was sentenced to 15 years for charges linked to an attack on the police on May 18, 2011, in Pefki, during a police check (two policemen were wounded and the anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos was arrested, wounded as well). Giannis is also known as “the archer of Syntagma” since, in February 2011, in the clashes during a general strike, he was arrested for hitting the riot police that protected the Greek parliament in Syntagma Square (Athens) with a bow and arrow.
11 giu 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italia: Comunicato e sciopero della fame di Leonardo in solidarietà ad Anna e Silvia [en]
Dal carcere di Lucca.
A fianco di Anna e Silvia, che dalla sezione AS2 del carcere dell’Aquila intraprendono uno sciopero della fame per protestare contro le condizioni carcerarie. La mia solidarietà, al di là di un caloroso abbraccio che passa oltre ben due finestre barrate, la esprimo con tre giorni di sciopero della fame a partire dal 2 giugno.
Quando il corpo pulsa, quando si mette in gioco la propria libertà, quando la galera la si affronta a testa alta, quando gli occhi si iniettano di sangue, quando si sente dentro e fuori, un’immensa appassionata voglia di libertà…
Quando ancora il cuore non si è spento.
Per l’anarchia.
6 giu 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Declaration of Silvia and Anna on the beginning of the hunger strike in L’Aquila prison [en]
On the morning of May 29, 2019, in the court of Turin was held the first hearing in the trial against some anarchists for the occupation of Corso Giulio 45 (Turin). One of the defendants is Silvia, arrested on 7 February in the context of the “Scintilla” repressive operation and the eviction of the Asilo Occupato in Turin. The comrade via videoconference (which prevents her from being present at the hearings) read a text written by her and Anna announcing the beginning of a hunger strike against the conditions and restrictions imposed in the AS2 section of the prison of L’Aquila (prison conditions comparable to those of detention under the 41bis regime, present right in the prison where they are locked up). We remind that the anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino is imprisoned since 6 September 2016 for the “Scripta manent” operation, for which on 24 April was issued the sentence in the trial of first instance. She was sentenced to 17 years and four other comrades sentenced between 5 and 20 years of prison.
Revolutionary solidarity with the comrades on hunger strike and with all the imprisoned anarchists!
29 mag 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: “Renata” operation — Stecco transferred to the prison of Ferrara [en]
We inform that anarchist comrade Luca Dolce, known as Stecco, was transferred from the prison of Tolmezzo (in the province of Udine) to the prison of Ferrara, precisely in the AS2 section (“High Surveillance 2”) where are imprisoned the anarchist comrades recently sentenced in the first instance trial for the “Scripta manent” operation. Stecco has been in prison since February 19, 2019, arrested along with seven other anarchists in the context of the repressive operation called “Renata”.
On May 9, five anarchists imprisoned for this repressive operation were transferred to house arrest: Agnese (who had recently been transferred to the new AS2 section in the prison of L’Aquila), Giulio, Roberto (who were detained in Tolmezzo), Andrea and Nicola (who were detained in Ferrara). Only comrade Luca Dolce (known as “Stecco”) remained in prison due to other final sentences. While another comrade, Sasha, who was also arrested on 19 February and immediately placed under house arrest, had this last “precautionary measure” transformed into an obligation to stay and return home from 9.00 pm to 7.00 am.
29 mag 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Davide Delogu transferred from Augusta to Rossano Calabro prison [en]
The anarchist sardinian comrade Davide Delogu was transferred from the Augusta prison (province of Syracuse, in Sicily) to that of Rossano Calabro (province of Cosenza, in Calabria). The address to which letters, telegrams, books, etc., can be sent is as follows:
Davide Delogu
c/o Casa di Reclusione di Rossano Calabro
Strada Statale 106 Jonica n. 32
87067 Corigliano-Rossano (Cosenza)
Italia (Italy)
From 11.03.2019 and during the month of March the comrade was on a hunger strike because the new director of the Augusta prison (Angela Lantieri) who had just arrived had immediately revoked the meeting permit that Davide makes with a Sardinian comrade (the only meeting he can currently do). He had also accompanied the strike with missed returns in the cell varying between 30 and 60 minutes and daily keystrokes in the cell.
11 apr 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Putting Ideas on Trial: The Greek State’s Laboratory of Repression An Interview with Nikos Romanos, Imprisoned Anarchist [en]
After several failed attempts across Europe to frame anarchists and other anti-authoritarians with conspiracy and terrorism charges, the Greek state is at the forefront of developing new legal strategies to attack social movements. Article 187A of the Greek legal penal code has existed since 2004, but last year, Greek officials used it in a new way against Nikos Romanos and several other anarchist prisoners, convicting and sentencing them to many years in prison based on a new interpretation of the article. Regardless of whether these verdicts are overturned in higher courts, the trials indicate a major strategic shift in the policing of social movements in Greece. They offer an important warning sign about the new forms that repression may assume around the world as social conflict intensifies.
28 mar 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Arrests and searches following a repressive operation against the anarchists in Trentino (19/02/2019) [en]
During the night and the morning of Tuesday, February 19, 2019, seven anarchists were arrested in various places in Trentino (Italy): Agnese, Giulio, Nico, Poza, Rupert, Sasha, Stecco. One person (Sasha) was placed under house arrest while all the others were imprisoned in various prisons. The main accusations are “subversive association for the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order” (article 270bis of the penal code) and “terrorist attack” (article 280 of the penal code), with reference to some direct actions that took place in Trentino during the last few years. Other offenses of which they are accused are: “interruption of public service”, “damage”, “sabotage of telematic devices”, “fire” and “transport of exploding material”. At the same time 50 searches were carried out, with about 150 policemen and carabinieri mobilized in the repressive operation (which was given the name “operation Renata”, apparently a name taken from the nickname given to a car used by some comrades). The investigations were conducted by Digos (state police) and ROS (carabinieri). On the same day of the arrests, a press conference took place in Rome, organized by anti-terrorism. It is clear the attempt to hit the anarchist presence in Trentino, pigeonholing and describing the relations between anarchist comrades within a phantom “subversive association” (with leaders, gregari, cashiers, responsible, “covi”, etc.), an accusation trying to distribute as many years as possible in prison.
22 feb 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Regarding the Death of Kevin Garrido – Clarifications and Positioning [en]
On November 2nd, Kevin Garrido was murdered in the Santiago 1 prison, located in the Chilean region. As a result of the news that has been circulating via the different counter-info web projects about this individual, we consider it necessary to make some clarifications:
Kevin Garrido, WAS NOT AN ANARCHIST, in his last communiques he made clear his affinity with eco-extremist ideology: “They investigated me, traced my steps and managed to hunt me down with their guns pointed at my head. They exposed my face on TV and the newspapers defamed me, with a cluster of idiocies in their argumentation. They falsely labeled me an anarchist and presumed that faced with a large number of policemen that I would bow my head and not respond. They sat me in one of their courtrooms for more than six hours to hear the words that the prosecutor was spreading with a vomit-inducing stench.”
7 nov 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Poster for the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23-30/08) [en]

If the “innocent” ones deserve our solidarity once, then the “guilty” ones deserve it a thousand times… — Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, FAI-IRF / Imprisoned Members Cell
Solidarity will always be practiced as an indispensable feature of an anarchist way of life and action. The war continues, never give up, never give in. Long live FAI-FRI. Long live CCF. Long live the black international — Alfredo Cospito
23 ago 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Brasil: Call for an Independent Materials Fair — Activity of the Sixth International Week For Anarchists Prisoners [en]
In response to the call for a Sixth International Week in Solidarity For Anarchist Prisoners, which will take place all over the world from the 23rd to the 30th of August, there will be a first winter fair of independent materials on August 25th.
This is an open call for anyone who wants to send us proposals with an anti-authoritarian focus to add to the activity. In addition, it is mainly an invitation to participate in this initiative that will happen in the “Tia Estela Space”, a squat of homeless people located underneath the so-called “Alcântara Machado Bridge” in São Paulo. Any contribution to self-management of this space is welcome.
18 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Updates on Scripta Manent No. 2 – March 2018 [en]
Text written by Anna and Marco about the progress of the trial in which they are defendants for the Scripta Manent operation.
At the hearings of January and February the witnesses for the accusation (originally the PM Sparagna mentioned there would be about seventy) have continued to be heard, mainly Turin Digos [political police], police, carabinieri, bomb disposal experts, witnesses, the forensic departments of Rome and of the Ris [carabinieri forensic unit] of Parma, all in relation to the specific crimes alleged. Also some editors or former editors of Radio Blackout of Turin have been called to testify on the receiving of some claims, and an occupant of the Asilo [squat in Turin] in relation to knowing and corresponding with the defendants.
3 mag 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Czech Republic: High court in Prague confirmed acquittance of all defendants on March 27th [en]
High court in Prague confirmed acquittance of all 5 anarchist defendants as result of appeal hearing on the 27th of March.
These are good news for sure and it also means that we overcame some part of “Fénix”, which meant something different to all of us: long months in prison, deprivation of anonymity or exhausting solidarity campaign, to put it shortly. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t make illusions about winning against repressions legally in courts, ever. Also High court’s decision doesn’t bring any kind of certainty for future, and already now we can see the top of other pile of police shit coming over horizon or even closer, a.k.a. Fénix 2, which literally is desperate attempt for revanche, an effort to get something against our comrades and restore a bit stinking idea of legitimacy of police and prisons, in czech context at least.
16 apr 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Update Scripta Manent [en]
The anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino (arrested in September 2016 in the framework of operation Scripta Manent, currently detained in Rebibbia prison, Rome) has informed us (2 April 2018) that “the inevitable loudly comments”, made during the ongoing trial for the aforementioned operation, “earned” her and Marco Bisesti (detained since 09/2016, too, currently in Alessandria prison) a couple of disciplinary reports, commuted to a few days of solitary confinement.
Both comrades are laughing at “punishment”.
12 apr 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Update on “Scripta Manent” prisoners (03/2018) [en]
All the defendants who are able to attend the hearings have expressed a desire to see a possible solidarity presence in the courtroom.
Marco has attended some of the last hearings, but he doesn’t know whether he will attend or not the next ones, since lately he is attending alone.
Anna obtained the permit to attend the hearings of 7th and 8th, therefore we CALL FOR A SOLIDARITY PRESENCE IN COURTROOM to give them a sign of closeness and support.
For all we know, Danilo, Alfredo and Anna get their mail regularly. They are fine and in high spirit.
7 mar 2018 Leggi il testo completo...