Italy: Updates about the “Prometeo” repressive operation – Giuseppe was transferred to the prison of Rossano Calabro

On July 8th, 2019, we learn that the anarchist Giuseppe Bruna was transferred from the prison of Alessandria to that of Rossano Calabro. The comrade was arrested on May 21st along with Natascia and Robert for the repressive operation “Prometeo” (“Prometheus”). We remind that recently Robert was also transferred (from Terni to Bancali, in Sardinia), while Natascia remains imprisoned in L’Aquila. Then the addresses become the following:
Giuseppe Bruna
C. R. di Rossano Calabro
Contrada Ciminata, snc
87064 Corigliano-Rossano (CS)
Italia [Italy]
Natascia Savio
C. C. de L’Aquila
via Amiternina, n. 3
Località Costarelle di Preturo
67100 L’Aquila
Italia [Italy]
Robert Firozpoor
C. C. di Sassari – Bancali
strada provinciale 56, n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari
Italia [Italy]