solidarietà English
Solidarity with Dinos Giagtzoglou [en]
Anarchist Dinos Giagtzoglou was arrested in central Athens on 28 October 2017, one of Greece’s national days, in an ambush by anti-terrorist police forces as he left a safe house-hideout rented by him under a false name, carrying weaponry.
Initially he got imprisoned in the prison of Larissa, a city 355 km from Athens, with the aim of isolating him from his comrades, family and friends, making the talks with the lawyer extremely difficult and preparing for his trial almost impossible since the case files contain thousands of pages in digital format.
24 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Support an anarchist who was sentenced in co called Germany [en]
Support an anarchist who was sentenced in co called Germany. This person was captured by a civilian security guard in a shopping mall while nonviolently expropriating some goods. Without noticing he has a small pocket knife on him which he didn’t want to use as weapon. Even though he was accused of: A theft with a weapon prepared to use.
The German court imposed punishment of 90 days in prison or paying 1000 Euro. That means if he doesn’t pay those money he will have to spend three months in prison. The czech ABC group decided to support him with organising a money collection. You can send your solidarity contribution to an account at: or put it in a box bye the ABC stool at public events.
24 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Kidnapping and attempted deportation of anarchist Divine Umoru + Saturday, July 20th: Protest at the CPR of Bari [en]
Transfers, violence and deportations:
Yesterday [15 July 2019] we received the news of the deportation, now in progress, of Divine Umoru, made possible by an order issued directly by Salvini, despite having the documents in order. He is an anarchist comrade who has undergone several trials, we know him and we want to be in solidarity.
For this reason, although we have made it impossible to trace their movements, we will be at Malpensa at 17.30 (Tuesday 16th) at the terminal 1 departures entrance 16. Run and come all!
19 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Operation “Panico” Call for international active solidarity, supporting prisoners and legal expenses [en]
Share, translate, support!

16 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italia: Comunicato e sciopero della fame di Leonardo in solidarietà ad Anna e Silvia [en]
Dal carcere di Lucca.
A fianco di Anna e Silvia, che dalla sezione AS2 del carcere dell’Aquila intraprendono uno sciopero della fame per protestare contro le condizioni carcerarie. La mia solidarietà, al di là di un caloroso abbraccio che passa oltre ben due finestre barrate, la esprimo con tre giorni di sciopero della fame a partire dal 2 giugno.
Quando il corpo pulsa, quando si mette in gioco la propria libertà, quando la galera la si affronta a testa alta, quando gli occhi si iniettano di sangue, quando si sente dentro e fuori, un’immensa appassionata voglia di libertà…
Quando ancora il cuore non si è spento.
Per l’anarchia.
6 giu 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Gioacchino Somma
Miserable wretches!
Everything was ready from the morning: journalists and live TV on the national channel…
A miserable judge in Turin, Roberto Sparagna, left no stone unturned in putting pressure on a gang of equally miserable individuals (jury led by judge Alessandra Salvadori).
A poor madman in search of fame after having moved from the anti-mafia prosecution to the terrorism one, he succeeded where other miserable colleagues of his had failed for decades: subversive association for the purposes of terrorism.
28 apr 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Initiative in solidarity with anarchists from Russia to Italy (29/03/2019) [en]
FRIDAY 29 MARCH in IMOLA(BO)- Italy meeting at 4 PM at the city center, under the clock tower (for those who come by train, just exit to the front of the station and go straigh on until you cross the clock), from there we will move to a nearby place for a chat about state repression against anarchists. From Italy to Russia the “internal enemy” is represented by all those who choose to oppose this world of control in an increasingly perfected police state.
28 mar 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Arrests and searches following a repressive operation against the anarchists in Trentino (19/02/2019) [en]
During the night and the morning of Tuesday, February 19, 2019, seven anarchists were arrested in various places in Trentino (Italy): Agnese, Giulio, Nico, Poza, Rupert, Sasha, Stecco. One person (Sasha) was placed under house arrest while all the others were imprisoned in various prisons. The main accusations are “subversive association for the purpose of terrorism and subversion of the democratic order” (article 270bis of the penal code) and “terrorist attack” (article 280 of the penal code), with reference to some direct actions that took place in Trentino during the last few years. Other offenses of which they are accused are: “interruption of public service”, “damage”, “sabotage of telematic devices”, “fire” and “transport of exploding material”. At the same time 50 searches were carried out, with about 150 policemen and carabinieri mobilized in the repressive operation (which was given the name “operation Renata”, apparently a name taken from the nickname given to a car used by some comrades). The investigations were conducted by Digos (state police) and ROS (carabinieri). On the same day of the arrests, a press conference took place in Rome, organized by anti-terrorism. It is clear the attempt to hit the anarchist presence in Trentino, pigeonholing and describing the relations between anarchist comrades within a phantom “subversive association” (with leaders, gregari, cashiers, responsible, “covi”, etc.), an accusation trying to distribute as many years as possible in prison.
22 feb 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Brasil: “Who killed Indio?” — A response to the anarchist call for a Black December. [en]
Luiz Carlos ruas presente, the only death is oblivion.
Luiz Carlos Ruas, aka Indio, was murdered by neonazis after defending two trans people from agression in a central subway station in São Paulo city. He died after defending freedom meanwhile security guards and citzens were conniving. He will alwways be remembered in the offensive against all passivity and authority!”
How’s that, “who killed him”? If the murderes’ names and faces are already known… It did not take so long untill the butchery media turned this event into spectacle. There was an exposure not only of who assaulted him untill his last breath but also of his family, of the trans people he defended, his life history and a lot of information applied just to create a huge smokescreen. Up this disgusting situation, two years after his death, it becomes indispensable to tell this event from beneath the claws of domination.
6 dic 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Complicity, Not Debt: An anarchist basis for solidarity [en]
“We owe each other nothing, for what I seem to owe to you, I owe at most to myself.” — Max Stirner
None of us owes anyone anything. This should be a guiding principle behind all anarchist practice. All systems of power, all hierarchies and all economic relationships are justified by the idea that each of us as individuals owes her existence to the collectivity that is this social order. This is a debt without end, an eternal obligation that can never be fulfilled, which keeps us chained to a cycle of activity that maintains this society. Our aim as anarchists and insurrectionaries is the complete overturning precisely of this cycle of activity, of the social relationships that rule over our lives. What better place to start than the absolute refusal of the most basic of economic and political principles: debt.
16 ott 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Poster for the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23-30/08) [en]

If the “innocent” ones deserve our solidarity once, then the “guilty” ones deserve it a thousand times… — Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, FAI-IRF / Imprisoned Members Cell
Solidarity will always be practiced as an indispensable feature of an anarchist way of life and action. The war continues, never give up, never give in. Long live FAI-FRI. Long live CCF. Long live the black international — Alfredo Cospito
23 ago 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Brasil: Call for an Independent Materials Fair — Activity of the Sixth International Week For Anarchists Prisoners [en]
In response to the call for a Sixth International Week in Solidarity For Anarchist Prisoners, which will take place all over the world from the 23rd to the 30th of August, there will be a first winter fair of independent materials on August 25th.
This is an open call for anyone who wants to send us proposals with an anti-authoritarian focus to add to the activity. In addition, it is mainly an invitation to participate in this initiative that will happen in the “Tia Estela Space”, a squat of homeless people located underneath the so-called “Alcântara Machado Bridge” in São Paulo. Any contribution to self-management of this space is welcome.
18 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Declaration of “Scripta Manent” accused at the hearing of May 31st [en]
In view of the presence in solidarity at the court on 31 March, we are writing these few lines to reaffirm a few fundamental concepts regarding this trial and the court carrying it out. First of all, we reaffirm our closeness to the arrested comrades: for us they are brothers and the pride with which they are confronting this little theatre makes us proud.
We also reaffirm our attachment, stronger than ever, to the anarchist ideal and our hatred of this society that thrives on death and exploitation. We are anarchists, it is normal for the State to attack us, we do not expect anything else from you and this is why your repression does not surprise us except for its clumsiness and scares us even less. In fact, after a year and a half you find us with the same positions of attack on this system. We are accused of terrorism, but we continue to point the finger at the State and its laws that you administer which legitimize the exploitation, exclusion and death of millions of people throughout the world every day, to protect the interests of those who profit from all this. It is you who are under accusation: the dead in the wars in the Middle East and Africa, those who drown while fleeing poverty, the increasingly fierce exploitation of labour, the plundering of resources and the destruction of ecosystems, living conditions more and more like survival and the ever deeper interference in our lives by the State. The law would like to treat the dissent that all this generates with jail, branding it as a crime, but it takes a lot more to shut us up.
25 mag 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Op.Scripta Manent – Solidarity Presence in the Court (31/05/2018) [en]
Anyone who forgets prisoners of social war, has forgotten the war itself! (Paris, 2016)
The state strikes and will continue to strike anarchists and revolutionaries as long as these are worthy of their name.
The Scripta Manent trial, begun in June 2017, concerns 40 years of the history of the anarchist movement, of which we are a part, and is continuing at a fast pace.
The cornerstone of the accusatory theorem of this inquest is based on the differentiation between “good” and “bad” anarchists and an instrumental interpretation, by the repressive apparatus, of the debate within in the anarchist movement.
25 mag 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Righi telecommunications repeater up in flames (13/03/2018) [en]
We live in a world where being connected is essential if we want to keep up with the times and keep pace with the neurotic rhythm that modern society is offering us.
Human relationships have broken up behind displays, Apps.
Without WhatsApp you risk being excluded from your group of friends… seriously.
At work, in the family, as a couple, we all need to be constantly available: “send your precise position”, “send a selfie “, “listen to this voice message”.
Although we realize that “perhaps” we’re spending a lot of time at home, links are becoming more and more virtual and our first thought as soon as we get in after a day’s work is to turn on the pc, we don’t want to figure out for ourselves that something’s wrong, we’re lying to ourselves.
It’s a well-known fact that technology and its damsels have full control over our lives today, what needs to be analysed is why we’ve accepted it.
15 mar 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Rome [Italy]: Atennas and phone masts torched (12/02/2018) [en]
On the night of 12 February, in the vicinity of metro/bus station Ponte Mammolo in Rome, antennas and cell masts have been torched.
Against technological domination, let’s sabotage the alienation caused by smartphones, social networks e by everything that produces fictive social interactions and misery of human relations.
Solidarity to all anarchist prisoners locked up in jails.
A greeting to Cello, Greg and Ghespe
1 mar 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Bra$il: Meeting in solidarity, against operation “Érebo” (04/03/2018) [en]
On Sunday (04/03), at 4:00 p.m., there will be a talk in solidarity with the anarchists persecuted in the southern region of the territory dominated by the Brazilian state.
The meeting will take place in the “center of social culture”, in São Paulo downtown.
During our conversation, there will be reading of counter-informatives and exchange of similar ideas.
For this, we prepared a booklet with some of the texts written on this subject. The material is available in Portuguese, Spanish, English and Italian for free distribution.
28 feb 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Rome [Italy]: 6 cars of ENI-energy company torched (01/12/2017) [en]
Rome, December 1st.
6 “enjoy” cars of car-sharing Eni-Trenitalia [developed by gas&oil company in partnership with Fiat and Trenitalia, primary train operator owned by the Italian government] for its involvement in Libya.
Let’s attack ENI everywhere.
Solidarity to the detainees and the accused for Scripta Manent, for Florence, to comrades hit by repression for the cop cars torched in France and Poland, to accused from Brenner Pass and to all those who do not bend to this rotten existent. A greeting to Krem in solitary confinement.
20 dic 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Chile : Update about the comrades Nataly, Enrique and Juan [en]
On Monday, December 11, the process of “replicas” of the Bombas 2 case begins, which consists of discussing the most “solid” arguments of the accusation against the comrades, where the accusations and respective defenses will be confronted.
It is estimated that this process lasts the week of December 11 to 15.
When the aftershocks are finished, there is a maximum period of 48 hours (working days) for the judges to call the final verdict: to declare guilt or innocence (in terms of power).
A call is made to be attentive to the date of the verdict, which is estimated to be between Monday, December 18 and Tuesday, December 19.
16 dic 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Uruguay: Solidarity with the persecuted by the operation Erebo in Brazil [en]
From October 24, a new operation of repression and intimidation is being carried out on the anti-authoritarian and anarchist movement in general in the city of Porto Alegre, attacking individual houses, social centers, occupations, libraries and anarchist spaces.
The actions of the civil police, the press and its media spectacle have also led to the preparation of the persecutory montage with the intention of generating fear, isolating the struggles and solidarities,generating the context to intensify the perscussions, the prepotencies and the harassment towards companeros and nearby.
8 dic 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Rome [Italy]: Diplomatic vehicle torched (08/2017) [en]
in august, rome empty and it’s hot, smoking and drinking beer on the square gets boring quickly. to break with the repeated everyday life and feeling angry about too many prisoners of social war, one night we decided go around doing some damage. soon we ran into a vehicle of the diplomatic corps, and we torched it joyfully. it’s easy, all it takes is a pack of firecrackers!
with this action we wanted to send a solidarity greetings to all anarchist prisoners in jail.
especially, to paska e ghespe
29 nov 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Incendiary attack (18/11/2017) [en]
There is a lot of anger, and sometimes a little is enough for it to turn into fire.
Anger and fire go together and do not wait for field days to show themselves, they strike rich and poor alike as happened at the Genoa G8 or the Hamburg G20, showing their best face at such times.
Fire and anger just act, they don’t prepare the ground for revolution, they’re not looking for adepts among the masses, they look sadly at a society that has nothing left to ask of its very existence.
Fire and anger: the first an element, the second a feeling, it takes little to get them to wed, just a little courage, then they let out a scream that pierces the cloak of apathy which this dying society is now drenched in and addicted to.
19 nov 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Incendiary attack (10/2017) [en]
Genoa, by night: A car of Italian Post Office torched in solidarity with the prisoners of Scripta Manent, with Ghespe and Paska. We are with you! For all migrants who died on borders.
27 ott 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Milan [Italy]: Action against Benetton (02/10/2017) [en]
On Tuesday, October 2nd, we paid a visit to a Benetton store in Bresso, near Milan, to remind him that his business is covered in Mapuche blood and in response to the call for action for reappearance of the anarchist Santiago. The Benetton is directly responsible for the genocide carried out by Argentine and Chilean States against Mapuche people. Benetton is an example of a capitalist and colonialist company. We glued up the front door lock and dropped of flyers, and when we was about to do something more a security guard appeared and interrupted our action.
26 ott 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Milan [Italy]: ATM attacked (03/10/2017) [en]
On Tuesday night, October 3rd, we decided to smash an ATM of Italian Post Office in the neighbourhood of Bruzzano in Milan, because of its involvement in deportation business of migrants.
Solidarity with Ghespe and with Paska (who carried out a hunger strike against the prison conditions).
26 ott 2017 Leggi il testo completo...