Italy: Operation “Scripta Manent” — Solidarity poster (12/2016) [en]

How many beings have gone through life without ever wake up!
And how many others have realized that they have lived
only for the monotonous tick-tock of the clocks.

It is a great joy
to see blow up
barracks, courthouses and
agents of Power.

The system and its structures are not abstract, they are clearly visible;
the perpetrators have names and surnames
and they can be easily identified.
To each his own choice.

Since 2003 various cells of Informal Anarchist Federation have carried out dozens of direct actions across Italy. On September 6th with operation “Scripta Manent” the State have imprisoned 8 anarchist comrades, accusing them of some of these actions. We don’t need to know who carried out these actions and if there are any connections with the arrested comrades. Our heart will continue to beat with everyone who choose a path of non submission and of attack on Power.

Solidarity with Valentina, Danilo, Anna, Marco, Sandro, Daniele, Nicola, Alfredo and with all anarchist imprisoned everywhere.


Italija: Operacija “Scripta Manent” — Solidarni plakat
Koliko je bića prošlo kroz život, a da se nikada nije probudilo!
I koliko drugih je shvatilo da su živjeli samo za monotoni tik-tak satova.

Velika je radost
gledati eksplozije
kasarni, sudova
i predstavnika moći.

Sistem i njegove strukture nisu apstraktni, sasvim su jasno vidljivi;
odgovnorni posjeduju imena i prezimena
i mogu se lako pronaći.
Svakome njegov izbor

Od 2003. razne ćelije Neformalne Anarhističke Federacije izvele su na desetine direktnih akcija diljem Italije. 6. Septembra operacijom “Scripta Manent” država je zatvorila 8 anarhističkih drugova i drugarica, optužujući ih za neka od tih djela. Ne zanima nas da znamo tko je izveo ta djela i da li postoje ikakve veze s uhapšenim drugovima. Naše srca nastavit će kucati uz svakoga tko odabere put ne pokoravanja i napada na Moć.

Solidarnost s Valentinom, Danilom, Annom, Marcom, Sandrom, Danieleom, Nicolom, Alfredom i sa svim zatvorenim anarhistima bilo gdje.

Florence [Italy]: ATM torched in solidarity with anarchist comrades (21/11/2016) [en]

Since the previous claim has not been received, we repeat: Florence 21/11 fire to the Italian Post ATM on Cento Celle Street. Against expulsions, cages, control and censorship. Solidarity to the arrested and to those under investigation Op Scripta Manent, Rome, Turin, to Divine, Carlo, Cedric and to everyone who fight, inside as outside, against authority.

Firenca [Italija]: Zapaljen bankomat u znak solidarnosti s anarhističkim drugovima (21.11.2016.)
Pošto prethodna izjava nije stigla, ponavljamo: Firenca 21.11 zapaljen bankomat Talijanske pošte u ulici Cento Stelle. Protiv deportacija, kaveza, kontrole i cenzure. Soliarnost s uhapšenima i pod istragom Op Scritpa Manent, Rim, Torino, Divineu, Carlu, Cedricu i svima koji se, kako unutra tako i vani, bore protiv autoriteta.

Genoa [Italy]: Incendiary attack in solidarity with anarchist comrades arrested in Op. “Scripta Manent” (17/11/2016) [en]

GENOA: 17/11 VEHICLE OF ENI* TORCHED — Solidarity with arrested in Op. Scripta Manent. FOR ANARCHY

*oil and gas company

Genova [Italija]: Požar u znak solidarnosti s anarhistima uhapšenim u “Scripta Manent”
GENOVA: 17.11. ZAPALJENO VOZILO ENI — Solidarnost sa svim zatvorenicima/cama Op. Scripta Manent. ZA ANARHIJU

*naftno-plinska kompanija

Italy: Direct Actions in solidarity with anarchists arrested in Operation “Scripta Manent” (11/2016) [en]

Trento: In the night between 7th and 8th, 9 cars of Italian postal service were torched. Stop deportation. For the arrested in Scripta Manent. Ignis Ardens.

Bologna: In a night of boredom in Bologna, a supermarket was sanctioned and its invasive eyes were blinded. Immediately after this act, the flames of a roadblock broke the city quietness, screaming our complicity whit those hit by repression. You can act everywhere and in every moment. No one has to give us the green light, or impose the how on us.
Tired of those who imprison us.
Tired of those who are watching and spying us.
As reply fire and action!
Solidarity for the arrested in scripta manent and for everyone behind bars.

Some skeevygenic timewasters

Italija: Direktne akcije solidarnosti s anarhistima uhapšenima u operaciji “Scripta Manent” (11.2016.)
: U noći između 7. i 8., spaljeno je 9 vozila Talijanske pošte. Prekinimo deportacije. Za uhapšene u Scripta Manent. Ignis Ardens.

Bologona: U jednoj noći bolonjske dosade, jedan supermarket je kažnjen, a njegove invazivne oči osljepljene. Odmah nakon toga, plamen jedne blokovne točke prekinuo je gradski mir, urličući naše suučesništvo s onima koje je pogodila represija. Možeš djelovati svugdje i u svakom trenutku. Nitko nam ne treba dati zeleno svjetlo, ili nametnuti nam kako.
Umorni od onih koji nas zatvaraju.
Umorni od onih koji nas gledaju i nadgledaju.
Kao odgovor vatra i djelo!
Solidarnost za uhapšene u scripta manent i za svakoga u zatvoru.

Nekoliko odvratnogeničnih zgubidana

Italy: Update on Operation “Scripta Manent” (21/11/2016) [en]

The transfer of comrades, arrested in operation “Scripta Manent”, from one prison to another is continuing. Yet another transfer, the comrade Alessandro Mercogliano was transferred from prison of Alessandria to prison of Ferrara, always in AS2 [high security wing], where are already held the kidnapped comrades Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito.
So, the sleepless and paranoiac nights of miserable prosecutor Roberto Sparagna are continuing, in order to get some clues, since he does not have even a half, he enjoys torturing the comrades with “prohibition to meet each other” (I would remind that Sandro and Marco in Alessandria, as well as Danilo and Daniele in Terni could never meet each other) and with continuous transfers.
Beyond any logic of “innocent” or “guilty”, I express my complete solidarity and my unconditional complicity to Sandrone and to every comrade arrested in operation “Scripta Manent”.

RadioAzione, 21 November 2016

Updated addresses:
BISESTI MARCO: Casa Circondariale San Michele – Strada Casale, 50/A – 15121 Alessandria (AL)
MERCOGLIANO ALESSANDRO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara
BENIAMINO ANNA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
CREMONESE DANILO EMILIANO: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR
SPEZIALE VALENTINA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
ALFREDO COSPITO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara
NICOLA GAI: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara
DANIELE: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR

Italija: Novi premještaj u okviru operacije “Scripta Manent” (21.11.2016.)
Nastavaljaju se neprekidni premještaji iz jednog zatvora u drugi, drugova uhapšenih u operaciji “Scripta Manent”. Još jedan novi premještaj, ovaj put je drug Alessandra Mercogliano iz zatvora u Alessandriji premješten u Ferraru, na AS2, gdje se već nalaze zatočeni drugovi Nicola Gai i Alfredo Cospito.
Nastavljaju se tako

Genoa [Italy]: Sentence against the anarchist comrade Carlo (16/11/2016) [en]

The anarchist comrade from Genoa informed us that the judgment against him was given this morning. The comrade was sentenced to 14 months (but he is in liberty) on charge of “apology of crime”, while the aggravation for terrorism and recidivism was dropped.
A text by the accused comrades will follow soon.
Bearing in mind that the comrade was accused for an public answer, on an anarchist website, to the text “Puntini sulle i”; and bearing in mind also the law designed by Renzi government [prime minister] which they want use to charge with terrorism even those who write on blogs and sites, there can be just one answer: Fuck you!
At least as RadioAzione I must say that more you are trying to repress us, the higher the level of tones will be... not one step back!
With rage in the body and with blood in the eyes...
Solidarity and complicity with Carlo!


Genova [Italija]: Izrečena presuda protiv anarhističkog druga Carla (16.11.2016.)
Anarhistički drug iz Genove, Carlo, javlja nam da je jutros pročitana presuda protiv njega. Drug je optužen na 14 mjeseci, ali nalazi se na slobodi, okrivljen za “veličanje”, dok su optužba za terorizam i otežavajuća okolnost ponavljanja kriminalnog djela odbačeni.
Ubrzo će uslijediti tekst optuženog druga.
Podsjećamo da je drug okrivljen za javni odgovor, na anarhističkom web-siteu, na tekst “I puntini sulle i”, a podsjećamo i zakon izašao iz Renzijeve vlade po kojem se žele za terorizam optužiti i osobe koje pištu na sajtovima i blogovima. Na sve to može postojati samo

Direct Action! The Chatter Is To Zero Reflections #13 [en]

It is typical to hear the usual whimpers from the first moments after an attack of repression carried out by the State and by those who protect it, such as the magistrates that accuse, investigate and arrest those who could be “harmful” to health of the State itself.
It is always the same old song, singed, stopped and singed again.
There are those who feel the need to distance themselves immediately from those hit by repression, and usually this attitude belongs to those people that magistrates probably do not even know (or as the saying goes “nobody gives a shit about them ...”) because their greatest effort is the punctual dissociation. Like any other “citizen” loyal to the State, this scum who calls itself “anarchist” believes the newspapers, the prosecutors and the cops who build frameworks, create scenarios and indicate the perpetrators of “evil”, and this scum immediately feels the “need” to point out what “anarchy” means, adding some dots on the letters “i”. However, there are also those who have the same attitude but they do not even bother to write something, to have a sleazy and dirty way out in every moment, through the slanders behind the back, tittle-tattle.
There are those who write some lines of tears recalling witch hunts and fabrications, there are those who write in solidarity and complicity tone and then disappear two seconds after sending “telegram of condolences”, there are those who use strong terms… and then?
“Solidarity” does not mean “condolences”, as we always say it is not a written word.
Solidarity means, when you open your eyes in the morning and think that in your everyday life you miss something, you miss a piece, you miss some friends, brothers and sisters, and above all comrades. And you miss them, not because they are far away, but because an asshole without a job decides overnight to be on “the State payroll” and locks up them in the next-generation camps.
Solidarity means to think about imprisoned comrades every day and to get them what they need, supports, letters, stamps, benefit events for economic support in prison and for defense costs, to break the isolation that the walls of reinforced concrete, bars, armored and guard dogs are trying to impose on them every single day.
Solidarity means this and much more...
Disappear after sending a telegram, write few lines just to clear a bad conscience and then disappear, these are acts of Christian charity; it is like say a prayer for the sick person or put some coins in the collection basket.
These words of mine are not directed to any movement (which does not move), any group or “sect”, but to every individual who

Campania [Italy]: Three BTS burned in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners Op. Scripta Manent (10/2016) [en]

“Fire to the technological domination. Campania, three base transceiver stations burned in the course of October, in solidarity with the arrested in operation scripta manent and with all the anarchist prisoners around the world.”

Campania [Italija]: Zapaljena tri BTS-a u znak soldiarnosti s anarhističkim zatvorenicima Op. Scripta Manent (10.2016.)
“Požar tehnološkoj dominaciji. Campania, tokom mjeseca oktobra zapaljene tri bazne stanice u znak solidarnosti s uhapšenima u operaciji scripta manent i sa svim anarhističkim zatvorenicima diljem svijeta.”

“Hands Off!” — Solidarity-zine for anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen-Germany (11/2016) [en]

from the introduction:

These pages shine a light on three anarchists presently sequestered in the dungeons of the neo dark ages as a result of the collusion between money lenders, science laboratories, judges and their henchmen.
It all began a few years ago. Two branches of dedicated speculators in genocide, worldwide slavery and domestic misery – Aachener Bank and Pax Bank, bank of the Vatican, – were relieved of a fraction of their spoils when employees obeyed the requests of some clients arms in hand. No shots fired, a couple of news items, examples of one of the few ways for the excluded to deal with banks: put one’s life on the line and take back some of what has been stolen from us all, in anticipation of destroying the bank itself and the exploitation that goes with it. If this elementary activity has changed little over the centuries, the retaliatory instruments available to such institutions through their eager defenders have extended to the laboratories of high technology (which they finance), opening up a new repressive era for those who do not accept the logic of misery and waiting.
If once the bosses’ hounds would sniff around for ‘clues’, they now claim to extract them from inside our very bodies, to which end they have invented a whole series of tricks, some of which are denounced in the pages that follow, after turning to their cyber colleagues and the now ubiquitous practice of DNA matching. As a result, three anarchists from various European countries have been targeted, accused, imprisoned and

Italy: Direct actions in solidarity with the imprisoned comrades (01/07-11-2016) [en]

Pisa: “November 7, 2016 — Cell tower torched near Pisa in solidarity with the arrested in op. scripta manent and with all prisoners.”

Genoa: “VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT, IGNIS ARDENS. Genoa 01/11. 2 postbank ATMs and 1 bank ATM torched. The State imprisons, Mistral Air deports, Unicredit finances Erdogan. The Post and the banks will continue to be attacked. Solidarity with Alfredo, Nicola, Sandro, Marco, Anna, Valentina, Danilo, Daniele and Divine.”

Italija: Djela solidarnosti s uhapšenim drugovima (01./07.112016.)
“7. novembar 2016. — Zapaljena antena mobilne telefonije pokraj Pise u znak solidarnosti s uhapšenim u op. scripta manent i sa svim zatvorenicima.”
Genova: “VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT, IGNIS ARDENS. Genova, 01.11. Zapaljena 2 postamata i 1 bankomat. Država zatvara, Mistral Air deportira, Unicredit financira Erdogana. Pošte i banke će i dalje biti napadane. Solidarnost s Alfredom, Nicolom, Sandrom, Marcom, Annom, Valentinom, Danilom, Danieleom i Divineom.”

Poland: Fanzine about the anarchists recently arrested in Warsaw [ENG] [en]

On the night of May 23rd, the police in Warsaw arrested three anarchists on charges of an alleged arson attempt of a police vehicle. The three were transferred to a remand prison where they are to be held in custody for three months, awaiting trial. They face up to 8 years in prison. Media frenzy broke out over the arrest in the past few days, with high-ranking politicians and experts on terrorism discussing the matter on TV. Photos and video reruns of the arrested walking with chains around their feet and hands are broadcast on public transportation. The text below is a translation of the statement that was sent out by various groups from the anarchist and wider social justice community in Poland, in response to