UK: “Tool 4 Crowd-Control – Class War-Horse” – Anarcho-nihilist zine from Dark Matter Publ. (04/2017) [en]
PDF: Tool 4 Crowd-Control – Class War-Horse‘
A short anarcho-nihilist zine from Bristol about personal approaches to class warfare, living on the margins and kicking it till it breaks. You know the score.
This zine asks the question – If you are one of the ‘comrades’ who are always going on about the class-struggle, why don’t you get off your ass and do something instead of standing there criticizing at the squat/gig/bar etc?
Dark Matter Publications
A short anarcho-nihilist zine from Bristol about personal approaches to class warfare, living on the margins and kicking it till it breaks. You know the score.
This zine asks the question – If you are one of the ‘comrades’ who are always going on about the class-struggle, why don’t you get off your ass and do something instead of standing there criticizing at the squat/gig/bar etc?
Dark Matter Publications
10 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: “For a Dangerous June” (05/05/2017) [en]
A text that sums up the ideas expressed during the meetings ‘With our heads held high’
State repression is the most important part of the system of dominion and one of its most disgraceful expressions; it doesn’t surprise us that those who are struck most are historically those who don’t let themselves be recuperated by the system of power, i.e. anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities.
The latter respond to the physical, psychological, moral, social and economic repression unleashed by all the components of democratic power and to the brutal indiscriminate violence of its armed hands and the judiciary. This they do with direct action aimed at those responsible for repression, with the creative and liberating destruction of the places of dominion and the sabotage of its infrastructures, so as to put an end, or at least hamper, the causes of exploitation and oppression by human beings on other human beings, the earth and animals.
In the view of total liberation, to passively watch the reproduction of dominion means to be accomplices, so there are those who continue to hold their heads high and rebel.
As a consequence power puts all its strategies into action, and the trials and proceedings against comrades for actions, episodes of conflictuality and writings still continue. Next month there will be the cassation trial concerning so-called operation Shadow, where a number of comrades are accused, among other things, of instigation to commit a crime following the publication of the paper KNO3.
These judicial proceedings are an expression of the war that the authorities are waging on the bond between thought and action, which is the foundation of anarchism’s dangerousness. Beyond individual and specific struggles, this police operation aims at striking the cardinal concepts of antiauthoritarian ideas and methods such as direct action, refusal of delegating and solidarity.
Starting from these reflexions, during the meetings that developed after the arrests of operation Scripta Manent, rather than dwell on the strategies of repression, we felt it necessary to not reduce solidarity to the technical support of those who are in prison, but to widen the spectrum of our analysis.
In this respect, we discussed how solidarity is
State repression is the most important part of the system of dominion and one of its most disgraceful expressions; it doesn’t surprise us that those who are struck most are historically those who don’t let themselves be recuperated by the system of power, i.e. anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities.
The latter respond to the physical, psychological, moral, social and economic repression unleashed by all the components of democratic power and to the brutal indiscriminate violence of its armed hands and the judiciary. This they do with direct action aimed at those responsible for repression, with the creative and liberating destruction of the places of dominion and the sabotage of its infrastructures, so as to put an end, or at least hamper, the causes of exploitation and oppression by human beings on other human beings, the earth and animals.
In the view of total liberation, to passively watch the reproduction of dominion means to be accomplices, so there are those who continue to hold their heads high and rebel.
As a consequence power puts all its strategies into action, and the trials and proceedings against comrades for actions, episodes of conflictuality and writings still continue. Next month there will be the cassation trial concerning so-called operation Shadow, where a number of comrades are accused, among other things, of instigation to commit a crime following the publication of the paper KNO3.
These judicial proceedings are an expression of the war that the authorities are waging on the bond between thought and action, which is the foundation of anarchism’s dangerousness. Beyond individual and specific struggles, this police operation aims at striking the cardinal concepts of antiauthoritarian ideas and methods such as direct action, refusal of delegating and solidarity.
Starting from these reflexions, during the meetings that developed after the arrests of operation Scripta Manent, rather than dwell on the strategies of repression, we felt it necessary to not reduce solidarity to the technical support of those who are in prison, but to widen the spectrum of our analysis.
In this respect, we discussed how solidarity is
8 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Prison of Ferrara [Italy]: Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on 3rd day of hunger strike — “Break The Isolation!” (05/05/2017) [en]
From a letter received yesterday, May 4th 2017, we learn that the hunger strike carried on from May 3rd, which will go on for 10 days, following the heavy censorship, is a result of an extended period and of continual block of most incoming and outgoing letters, books, news etc. sent him by so many comrades.
Especially, he writes, the letters sent him from one of us, editors of C.N.A. [Anarchist Black Cross], have all been blocked, 7 out of 7, in the last month.
In this letter of just few lines it is highlighted that the censorship has already been extended for another three months more than a month ago, but it started to hammering heavier than usual after the investigation has been closed.
From what he says, also in this letter, in Rebibbia [prison in Rome] is even worse.
He concludes the letter with a shout: “BREAK THE ISOLATION!”
Especially, he writes, the letters sent him from one of us, editors of C.N.A. [Anarchist Black Cross], have all been blocked, 7 out of 7, in the last month.
In this letter of just few lines it is highlighted that the censorship has already been extended for another three months more than a month ago, but it started to hammering heavier than usual after the investigation has been closed.
From what he says, also in this letter, in Rebibbia [prison in Rome] is even worse.
He concludes the letter with a shout: “BREAK THE ISOLATION!”
8 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Prison of Ferrara [Italy]: Anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike (03/05/2017) [en]
Today anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito begins a ten-days hunger strike against the censorship imposed to him by prosecutor Sparagna [in charge of op. “Scripta Manent”], which blocks almost the whole incoming and outgoing correspondence.
Alfredo asks all comrades outside to send books, magazines, letters and printed materials in general, in protest and in support of his strike.
Alfredo asks all comrades outside to send books, magazines, letters and printed materials in general, in protest and in support of his strike.
3 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Update on Operation “Scripta Manent” [en]
A couple of week ago the investigations concerning the op. Scripta Manent were closed, so now the preliminary hearing is awaited, when the judge will decide whether to put on trial the suspected comrades.
3 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Prison of Latina [Italy] – A letter from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino [en]
The prosecution in Turin have decided to put an entire anarchist tendency on trial: anti-organisation Anarchism. This isn’t a sensationalist and defensive overstatement, it’s what Turin’s investigating judge, Anna Ricci, enacted with the arrest warrants issued in July 2016, and enforced in September, probably to avoid disrupting the summer holidays of some pubic official.
The inquisitors’ choice is clear from the ridiculous framework that appeared in the arrest warrant papers, a product of the deleterious encounter between the mind of some cop and the rushed reading of a wikipedia summary. The framework gives shape to a repressive-Manichean vision of a ‘social anarchy’, a good and harmless one, and an (anti-social and anti-classist) ‘individual anarchy’, violent and palatable to repression, whose method is the ‘anti-organization model’.
By making the necessary distinctions, this framework aims to define a specific camp, to create a cage, so that from a generic ‘insurrectionism’, (a sub-product of the anti-organization model), always violent and liable to punishment to varying degrees, sub-species can be pulled out to form different strands of the investigation[1] for Italian cops: ‘classic insurrectionism’, ‘social insurrectionism’, ‘eco insurrectionism’ and the ‘informal anarchist federation’.
That different tensions and tendencies exist within Anarchism is a fact, but it’s also true that this type of rigid categorisation is an inherent feature of the mindset and requirements of the inquisitors, who are set on delineating a specific area in order to make their manoeuvres as best they can: it is within this space that the following operation lies.
Historically, solidarity with revolutionary prisoners has been a focal point of interest for anarchists and a way to come together and build a rebellious sensibility: revolutionary solidarity not solidarity with revolutionaries.
Devised by Turin’s Digos and prosecutors back in 2012, in the wake of 20 years of recurring and failed repressive attempts, operation Scripta Manent led to the arrest of
The prosecution in Turin have decided to put an entire anarchist tendency on trial: anti-organisation Anarchism. This isn’t a sensationalist and defensive overstatement, it’s what Turin’s investigating judge, Anna Ricci, enacted with the arrest warrants issued in July 2016, and enforced in September, probably to avoid disrupting the summer holidays of some pubic official.
The inquisitors’ choice is clear from the ridiculous framework that appeared in the arrest warrant papers, a product of the deleterious encounter between the mind of some cop and the rushed reading of a wikipedia summary. The framework gives shape to a repressive-Manichean vision of a ‘social anarchy’, a good and harmless one, and an (anti-social and anti-classist) ‘individual anarchy’, violent and palatable to repression, whose method is the ‘anti-organization model’.
By making the necessary distinctions, this framework aims to define a specific camp, to create a cage, so that from a generic ‘insurrectionism’, (a sub-product of the anti-organization model), always violent and liable to punishment to varying degrees, sub-species can be pulled out to form different strands of the investigation[1] for Italian cops: ‘classic insurrectionism’, ‘social insurrectionism’, ‘eco insurrectionism’ and the ‘informal anarchist federation’.
That different tensions and tendencies exist within Anarchism is a fact, but it’s also true that this type of rigid categorisation is an inherent feature of the mindset and requirements of the inquisitors, who are set on delineating a specific area in order to make their manoeuvres as best they can: it is within this space that the following operation lies.
Historically, solidarity with revolutionary prisoners has been a focal point of interest for anarchists and a way to come together and build a rebellious sensibility: revolutionary solidarity not solidarity with revolutionaries.
Devised by Turin’s Digos and prosecutors back in 2012, in the wake of 20 years of recurring and failed repressive attempts, operation Scripta Manent led to the arrest of
3 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Ferrara Prison [Italy]: Update on censorship / Anarchist comrade Nicola Gai in isolation (31/03/2017) [en]
We learn from the correspondence with anarchist comrades in the AS2 [high security] of Ferrara prison, that with the renewal of censorship [March 6th] for another three months, the grip on their correspondence started again, and many letters are seized.
In addition, they tell us that comrade Nicola Gai could be in isolation. We are waiting to get all the facts, as soon as the prison visits will be done.
In addition, they tell us that comrade Nicola Gai could be in isolation. We are waiting to get all the facts, as soon as the prison visits will be done.
4 apr 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Updates on operation ”Scripta Manent” (03/2017) [en]
From the comrades imprisoned for operation Scripta Manent we learn that on March 6 censorship of their correspondence has been extended for another 3 months.
As concerns news, magazines, pamphlets, etc., these are not delivered to the comrades, who are not even notified that they have been blocked.
Paper material from “Croce Nera Anarchica” has also been permanently seized by the magistrate.
Croce Nera Anarchica
(translated by act for freedom now! )
As concerns news, magazines, pamphlets, etc., these are not delivered to the comrades, who are not even notified that they have been blocked.
Paper material from “Croce Nera Anarchica” has also been permanently seized by the magistrate.
Croce Nera Anarchica
(translated by act for freedom now! )
29 mar 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: The latest paper issue of the a-periodical “Croce Nera Anarchica” no.3 [en]
To anyone who wants copies for themselves, archives or distribution, the latest paper issue of the a-periodical “Croce Nera Anarchica” no.3 is still available.
For info and copies write to: croceneranarchica (at) autistici.org
(You can download the PDF in the download section or directly from this link )
The post address has changed as follows:
C.P. 104
We want to point out that the anarchist prisoners’ fund needs money. The fund is for all anarchist prisoners, so the money raised is used in this way:
- Sent to the comrades in prison every 15 days
- Used for legal expenses and experts’ reports
- If visiting relatives or comrades need it, their journeys are paid for, given that visits are essential.
- The money is also used for info material (news, updates, destructive actions, communiques, etc.), which is sent to the prisoners every 15 days so that they can keep up to date on what is happening outside.
- It is also used also for telegrams in case of urgent communication such as transfers, reports, disciplinary sanctions, etc.
Anyone who wants to know details about the destination of the money sent to the fund can write to us and specify it.
Account name OMAR NIOI
Postepay card number 4023600919342891
Croce Nera Anarchica
(translated by act for freedom now!)
For info and copies write to: croceneranarchica (at) autistici.org
(You can download the PDF in the download section or directly from this link )
The post address has changed as follows:
C.P. 104
We want to point out that the anarchist prisoners’ fund needs money. The fund is for all anarchist prisoners, so the money raised is used in this way:
- Sent to the comrades in prison every 15 days
- Used for legal expenses and experts’ reports
- If visiting relatives or comrades need it, their journeys are paid for, given that visits are essential.
- The money is also used for info material (news, updates, destructive actions, communiques, etc.), which is sent to the prisoners every 15 days so that they can keep up to date on what is happening outside.
- It is also used also for telegrams in case of urgent communication such as transfers, reports, disciplinary sanctions, etc.
Anyone who wants to know details about the destination of the money sent to the fund can write to us and specify it.
Account name OMAR NIOI
Postepay card number 4023600919342891
Croce Nera Anarchica
(translated by act for freedom now!)
29 mar 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Swiss: Marco Camenisch free! (10/03/2017) [en]
March 10th, 2017 — We learn from the Red Aid that — finally — Marco Camenisch has completed the process of “gradual release”.
The comrade Marco Camenisch is free!
10. mart 2017. — Doznajemo od Crvene Pomoći da je — napokon — Marco Camenisch okončao proces “postupnog oslobođenja”.
Drug Marco Camenisch je slobodan!
The comrade Marco Camenisch is free!
10. mart 2017. — Doznajemo od Crvene Pomoći da je — napokon — Marco Camenisch okončao proces “postupnog oslobođenja”.
Drug Marco Camenisch je slobodan!
14 mar 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Anarchist comrades Anna Beniamino and Valentina Speziale transferred to another prison (09/03/2017) [en]
Anna and Valentina [arrested in op. “Scripta Manent”] have been transferred today to Rebibbia prison, along with all other comrades of the section.
The new address:
Anna Beniamino
Valentina Speziale
Via Bartolo Longo, 92
00156 Rome — Italy
Anna i Valentina [uhapšene u op. “Scripta Manent”]su danas premještene u zatvor Rebibbia, zajedno sa svim ostalim drugaricama s odjela.
The new address:
Anna Beniamino
Valentina Speziale
Via Bartolo Longo, 92
00156 Rome — Italy
Anna i Valentina [uhapšene u op. “Scripta Manent”]su danas premještene u zatvor Rebibbia, zajedno sa svim ostalim drugaricama s odjela.
10 mar 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Genova [Italy]: Sabotaged mobile phone mast (02/2017) [en]
“GENOVA: Mobile phone mast sabotaged in Staglieno area. Against this existing which kills, physically and psychologically, our lives, the only way to stop it is violent action, direct action. SOLIDARITY TO ANARCHIST PRISONERS IN THE WORLD. ANARCHY MEANS ATTACK.”
Genova [Italija]: Sabotirana antena mobilne telefonije (02.2017.)
“GENOVA: Sabotirana antena mobilne telefonije na području Stagliena. Protiv ovog postojećeg koje ubija, fizički i pshičiki, naše živote, jedini način da se to okonča je nasilno djelo, direktna akcija. SOLIDARNOST ANARHISTIČKIM ZATVORENICIMA U SVIJETU. ANARHIJA ZNAČI NAPAD.”
Genova [Italija]: Sabotirana antena mobilne telefonije (02.2017.)
“GENOVA: Sabotirana antena mobilne telefonije na području Stagliena. Protiv ovog postojećeg koje ubija, fizički i pshičiki, naše živote, jedini način da se to okonča je nasilno djelo, direktna akcija. SOLIDARNOST ANARHISTIČKIM ZATVORENICIMA U SVIJETU. ANARHIJA ZNAČI NAPAD.”
24 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Poland: “Free The Warsaw Three” — January 2017 [en]
Download: PDF
Recently we updated english version of a fanzine ¨Free the Warsaw Three¨, inside you can find new articles about polish law and more info about another political prisoners. Right now we are working on translations, soon the fanzine will be available in spanish, french, german and italian.
Recently we updated english version of a fanzine ¨Free the Warsaw Three¨, inside you can find new articles about polish law and more info about another political prisoners. Right now we are working on translations, soon the fanzine will be available in spanish, french, german and italian.
24 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Elephant Ed. : Juan José Garfia — Adiós Prisión. The story of the most spectacular escapes [en]
Download: PDF
Original title: ADIÓS PRISIÓN. El relato de las fugas mas espectaculares, First Spanish edition: Txalaparta ed., Tafalla, October 1995
Italian Edition: ADIÓS PRISIÓN. Il racconto delle fughe più spettacolari Biblioteca Dell’Evasione, August 2008
Translated by Barbara Stefanelli and Jean Weir in collaboration with Antonia and other accomplices
Introduction to the English edition
As soon as I finished reading Adiós Prisión in the Italian edition published in August 2008 I felt the urge to translate it. It is one of those books that you do not want to finish. You cannot get it out of your head, you want to delve deeper and deeper into it.
This book talks about freedom, the urgent need for freedom and the impossibility of living without it. This book says that freedom must be taken back at all costs and that is exactly what the protagonists of Adiós Prisión, Spanish prisoners under the infamous FIES regime, did: they took back their freedom using all means necessary, challenging the impossible, ready to kill for it if necessary. There is no room for political correctness or abstract morals concerning human life here: if the screws keep you locked up and your life, even in its most banal and insignificant aspects, is at the mercy of their caprice, violence and stupidity, your only choice is to eliminate them if they put themselves between you and your freedom.
The protagonists of this book are not passive subjects of the prison system, on the contrary they are well aware of the fact that prison is the absolute negation of human dignity. As FIES prisoners they are experiencing directly how human beings will never adapt to life in prison, and their most impelling need is to escape in order to put an end to a situation that is unendurable.
The FIES, Ficheros de Internos de Especial Seguimento (record of prisoners under special observation) was inaugurated by the Spanish prison system in 1991 in order to further punish and control prisoners who had been carrying out revolts in the Spanish jails over the previous decades. Two amnesties were granted following the dictator Franco’s death, one in 1976 and one in 1977, but they were systematically denied to a large number of prisoners, the ‘social’ prisoners, whereas many of those declared or considered ‘political’ were released. It was then that revolts started breaking out continuously, not only for the amnesty to be extended to all prisoners but also against the unbearable conditions inside the jails (torture, beatings, overcrowding, rotten food, no medical attention for prisoners affected by medical conditions, and so on). Prison infrastructures were smashed and destroyed as a result of the frequent riots that occurred in most Spanish prisons in the years following Franco’s death. The FIES was created with the precise aim of keeping a record of the most rebellious prisoners of those years. However, it was not just an archive for gathering information about hot-headed prisoners: along with its inauguration special wings were being built inside prisons all over Spain to hold those considered particularly dangerous by the prison system. In the special wings the cells were tiny, the walls were completely bare, the toilet was a hole in the floor, the bed was made of iron, and it was impossible to see out through the barred window. Prisoners spent days, months, years locked up in these dungeons and were allowed to keep nothing with them as their personal possessions were seized on entry to the wing. The screws were always ready to provoke, search and beat prisoners, knowing that they could count on total impunity and the
Original title: ADIÓS PRISIÓN. El relato de las fugas mas espectaculares, First Spanish edition: Txalaparta ed., Tafalla, October 1995
Italian Edition: ADIÓS PRISIÓN. Il racconto delle fughe più spettacolari Biblioteca Dell’Evasione, August 2008
Translated by Barbara Stefanelli and Jean Weir in collaboration with Antonia and other accomplices
Introduction to the English edition
As soon as I finished reading Adiós Prisión in the Italian edition published in August 2008 I felt the urge to translate it. It is one of those books that you do not want to finish. You cannot get it out of your head, you want to delve deeper and deeper into it.
This book talks about freedom, the urgent need for freedom and the impossibility of living without it. This book says that freedom must be taken back at all costs and that is exactly what the protagonists of Adiós Prisión, Spanish prisoners under the infamous FIES regime, did: they took back their freedom using all means necessary, challenging the impossible, ready to kill for it if necessary. There is no room for political correctness or abstract morals concerning human life here: if the screws keep you locked up and your life, even in its most banal and insignificant aspects, is at the mercy of their caprice, violence and stupidity, your only choice is to eliminate them if they put themselves between you and your freedom.
The protagonists of this book are not passive subjects of the prison system, on the contrary they are well aware of the fact that prison is the absolute negation of human dignity. As FIES prisoners they are experiencing directly how human beings will never adapt to life in prison, and their most impelling need is to escape in order to put an end to a situation that is unendurable.
The FIES, Ficheros de Internos de Especial Seguimento (record of prisoners under special observation) was inaugurated by the Spanish prison system in 1991 in order to further punish and control prisoners who had been carrying out revolts in the Spanish jails over the previous decades. Two amnesties were granted following the dictator Franco’s death, one in 1976 and one in 1977, but they were systematically denied to a large number of prisoners, the ‘social’ prisoners, whereas many of those declared or considered ‘political’ were released. It was then that revolts started breaking out continuously, not only for the amnesty to be extended to all prisoners but also against the unbearable conditions inside the jails (torture, beatings, overcrowding, rotten food, no medical attention for prisoners affected by medical conditions, and so on). Prison infrastructures were smashed and destroyed as a result of the frequent riots that occurred in most Spanish prisons in the years following Franco’s death. The FIES was created with the precise aim of keeping a record of the most rebellious prisoners of those years. However, it was not just an archive for gathering information about hot-headed prisoners: along with its inauguration special wings were being built inside prisons all over Spain to hold those considered particularly dangerous by the prison system. In the special wings the cells were tiny, the walls were completely bare, the toilet was a hole in the floor, the bed was made of iron, and it was impossible to see out through the barred window. Prisoners spent days, months, years locked up in these dungeons and were allowed to keep nothing with them as their personal possessions were seized on entry to the wing. The screws were always ready to provoke, search and beat prisoners, knowing that they could count on total impunity and the
22 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Anarchist Black Cross — Document read out during the meeting in Turin (21/01/2017) [en]
As happens any time that power tries to block the path of the revolt that creeps like weeds, opening up cracks and disconnecting the straight secure roads of exploitation and oppression, it is necessary for those who still care about the life pulsating in those weeds to look each other in the eye.
Following the operation denominated ‘Scripta Manent’ we, some anarchists, decided to do a number of meetings. Those held in Pisa and Rome have produced various problematics. But obviously, happening in a context of ‘emergency’, i.e. in response to the arrest of eight anarchist comrades, it was difficult to find the space to go into them. Not for that should we lose the opportunity to find this space and create moments for deeper analysis.
The last phrase of the text calling for this series of meetings that started from Pisa read: ‘We believe that those who see the responsibility to claim the anarchist idea, its tensions and practices as their own need to meet up and discuss.’ Let’s ask ourselves a question: why do we consider this responsibility ours at the present time?
Our answer is clear. These past years in particular have been strongly characterised by a progressive shallowness that in time has led to victimization, dissociation, silence in regard to the latter, specific divisions between good boys and bad anarchists, etc. etc.
So, today more than ever, we think it is fundamental to firmly take our responsibilities as individuals who do not submit to resignation, expressing our will to re-establish what the anarchist struggle is.
Among the many things, remaining shoulder to shoulder with our comrades also means collectively taking on everything that they are charged with as part of our own struggle/life.
That’s why we are convinced that occasions such as this encounter and the previous ones, where, as anarchists, we talk to prepare an event but also look beyond the cycle of repressive operations, should be supported and promoted.
The trajectory that the State wants to put on trial by holding Marco, Danilo, Anna, Valentina, Sandro, Alfredo, Daniele and Nicola hostages is our own. We therefore call for a proud presence at the trial, always knowing that the struggle, the real one, the living one, is carried out at other levels.
We think that solidarity is a word that has been abused and now even causes confusion; what we have at heart is to continue to do what we’ve done in the past and create the occasion to carry on in the future. Free from any sense of devotion, let’s get rid of the logic of having to do solidarity; we don’t think that there is anything particular about staying close to comrades who are temporarily held in a phase that one consciously risks by living anarchy, and we are sure that any well-delivered blow creates a crack in the walls that dominion erects to keep us down inside and outside its cages.
Croce Nera Anarchica
(translated by Act For Freedom Now!
Following the operation denominated ‘Scripta Manent’ we, some anarchists, decided to do a number of meetings. Those held in Pisa and Rome have produced various problematics. But obviously, happening in a context of ‘emergency’, i.e. in response to the arrest of eight anarchist comrades, it was difficult to find the space to go into them. Not for that should we lose the opportunity to find this space and create moments for deeper analysis.
The last phrase of the text calling for this series of meetings that started from Pisa read: ‘We believe that those who see the responsibility to claim the anarchist idea, its tensions and practices as their own need to meet up and discuss.’ Let’s ask ourselves a question: why do we consider this responsibility ours at the present time?
Our answer is clear. These past years in particular have been strongly characterised by a progressive shallowness that in time has led to victimization, dissociation, silence in regard to the latter, specific divisions between good boys and bad anarchists, etc. etc.
So, today more than ever, we think it is fundamental to firmly take our responsibilities as individuals who do not submit to resignation, expressing our will to re-establish what the anarchist struggle is.
Among the many things, remaining shoulder to shoulder with our comrades also means collectively taking on everything that they are charged with as part of our own struggle/life.
That’s why we are convinced that occasions such as this encounter and the previous ones, where, as anarchists, we talk to prepare an event but also look beyond the cycle of repressive operations, should be supported and promoted.
The trajectory that the State wants to put on trial by holding Marco, Danilo, Anna, Valentina, Sandro, Alfredo, Daniele and Nicola hostages is our own. We therefore call for a proud presence at the trial, always knowing that the struggle, the real one, the living one, is carried out at other levels.
We think that solidarity is a word that has been abused and now even causes confusion; what we have at heart is to continue to do what we’ve done in the past and create the occasion to carry on in the future. Free from any sense of devotion, let’s get rid of the logic of having to do solidarity; we don’t think that there is anything particular about staying close to comrades who are temporarily held in a phase that one consciously risks by living anarchy, and we are sure that any well-delivered blow creates a crack in the walls that dominion erects to keep us down inside and outside its cages.
Croce Nera Anarchica
(translated by Act For Freedom Now!
9 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Spain: Operation Buyo – Update from Gabriel and Elisa on the role of a collaborator of justice (06/02/2017) [en]
“Operación Buyo” is not as dark as you think
After being informed today of the closing of “Reporting Restrictions”, we are notifying anyone interested that Maria Otero, the woman mistakenly considered to be an anarchist comrade and who has given the name of Gabriel Pombo da Silva, accusing him of possessing a cache of weapons, did not “limit” herself to lying… she is currently an official collaborator of Justice. A role that she has assumed given the impossibility of finding any glimmer of freedom by other means.
As anarchists as we are not interested in the investigative details in our possession until now (which of course we will not spread); precisely these details, however, give us confirmation of how this informer, in all the many and heavy cases of repression that have involved her personally, has always struck deals with “justice”, not doing even one day in prison (she lied when she told us that she had been inside for a few months).
The well known strategy of leaving her free movement has allowed the repression to open investigations and / or incarcerate other people in recent years. In the present case, she was fully aware of being under investigation but was moving freely even in some “places of struggle”: which allows the usual “competent authorities” to consider her, as well as linked to the two of us, “close to anarchist circles”. In our view, although she is imprisoned, she continues to be a dangerous loose cannon.
Investigations are still open and Gabriel, although free, is accused of being the “leader of an anarchist cell preparing to attack.”
All this does nothing but give us the sad dimension of how it is always easier to be surrounded by people like Maria in question: neither the first nor the last of those who have sold out in this not at all new liberticidal world.
6 Febuary 2017
Gabriel and Elisa
(translated by Act For Freedom Now!)
Španjolska: Operacija Buyo - Gabriel i Elisa o ulozi doušnice pravosuđa (06.02.2017.)
"Operacija Buyo" nije tako mračna kao što izgleda
Nakon što su nas baš danas informirali o zatvaranju "Secreto del Sumario", želimo obavijestiti, tko želi čuti, da se Maria Otero, greškom smatrana anarhističkom drugaricom, žena koja je odala ime Gabriela Pomba da Silve, nije "ograničila" samo na laganje... trenutno je suradnica službene pravde. Ulogu koju je preuzela kada je uvidjela da ne može pronaći izlaz na slobodu drugim metodama.
Kao anarhiste ne zanimaju nas detalji istrage, koje do sada
After being informed today of the closing of “Reporting Restrictions”, we are notifying anyone interested that Maria Otero, the woman mistakenly considered to be an anarchist comrade and who has given the name of Gabriel Pombo da Silva, accusing him of possessing a cache of weapons, did not “limit” herself to lying… she is currently an official collaborator of Justice. A role that she has assumed given the impossibility of finding any glimmer of freedom by other means.
As anarchists as we are not interested in the investigative details in our possession until now (which of course we will not spread); precisely these details, however, give us confirmation of how this informer, in all the many and heavy cases of repression that have involved her personally, has always struck deals with “justice”, not doing even one day in prison (she lied when she told us that she had been inside for a few months).
The well known strategy of leaving her free movement has allowed the repression to open investigations and / or incarcerate other people in recent years. In the present case, she was fully aware of being under investigation but was moving freely even in some “places of struggle”: which allows the usual “competent authorities” to consider her, as well as linked to the two of us, “close to anarchist circles”. In our view, although she is imprisoned, she continues to be a dangerous loose cannon.
Investigations are still open and Gabriel, although free, is accused of being the “leader of an anarchist cell preparing to attack.”
All this does nothing but give us the sad dimension of how it is always easier to be surrounded by people like Maria in question: neither the first nor the last of those who have sold out in this not at all new liberticidal world.
6 Febuary 2017
Gabriel and Elisa
(translated by Act For Freedom Now!)
Španjolska: Operacija Buyo - Gabriel i Elisa o ulozi doušnice pravosuđa (06.02.2017.)
"Operacija Buyo" nije tako mračna kao što izgleda
Nakon što su nas baš danas informirali o zatvaranju "Secreto del Sumario", želimo obavijestiti, tko želi čuti, da se Maria Otero, greškom smatrana anarhističkom drugaricom, žena koja je odala ime Gabriela Pomba da Silve, nije "ograničila" samo na laganje... trenutno je suradnica službene pravde. Ulogu koju je preuzela kada je uvidjela da ne može pronaći izlaz na slobodu drugim metodama.
Kao anarhiste ne zanimaju nas detalji istrage, koje do sada
9 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Prison of Alessandria [Italy]: One week of isolation for anarchist comrade Marco Bisesti (26/01/2017) [en]
We learn from a letter of January 26th that the anarchist comrade has been subjected to a week of isolation, as punishment for having destroyed some opacifying panels and the windowpanes in prison guard office of the unit.
Zatvor u Alessandriji [Italija]: Tjedan dana izolacije za anrhističkog druga Marca Bisestija (26.01.2017.)
Doznajemo iz pisma od 26. januara, da je anarhistički drug podvrgnut sedam dana izolacije, kao kazne za uništavanje nekoliko neprovidnog stakla i prozorskih stakala u uredu stražara odjela.
Zatvor u Alessandriji [Italija]: Tjedan dana izolacije za anrhističkog druga Marca Bisestija (26.01.2017.)
Doznajemo iz pisma od 26. januara, da je anarhistički drug podvrgnut sedam dana izolacije, kao kazne za uništavanje nekoliko neprovidnog stakla i prozorskih stakala u uredu stražara odjela.
8 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Update on Op. Scripta Manent - Anarchist comrade Daniele released from prison (07/02/2017) [en]
Today, February 7th, the anarchist comrade Daniele has been released from prison of Terni.
Danas, 7. februara, anarhistički drug Daniele otpušten je iz zatvora u Terniju.

Danas, 7. februara, anarhistički drug Daniele otpušten je iz zatvora u Terniju.
7 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Milano [Italy]: Phone masts burned in solidarity with anarchist comrades arrested for Op. Scripta Manent (26/01/2017) [en]
“January 26th. Milano hinterland. Two phone masts burned, one in Paderno Dugnano and the other one in Bollate. Attack the Power now, and its increasingly widespread technological and telecommunicational control. Active solidarity with the anarchists in slammer for op. Scripta Manent.”
Milano [Italija]: Zapaljene antene mobilne telefonije u znak solidarnosti s anarhističkim drugovima uhapšenima u Op. Scripta Manent (26.01.2017.)
“26. januar. Periferija Milana. Spaljene dvije antene mobilne telefonije, jedna u naselju Paderno Dugnano i druga u naselju Bollate. Napasti Moć sada, i njenu sve kapilarniju tehnološku i telekomunikacijsku kontrolu. Aktivna solidarnost s anarhistima u ćuzi zbog op. Scripta Manent.”
Milano [Italija]: Zapaljene antene mobilne telefonije u znak solidarnosti s anarhističkim drugovima uhapšenima u Op. Scripta Manent (26.01.2017.)
“26. januar. Periferija Milana. Spaljene dvije antene mobilne telefonije, jedna u naselju Paderno Dugnano i druga u naselju Bollate. Napasti Moć sada, i njenu sve kapilarniju tehnološku i telekomunikacijsku kontrolu. Aktivna solidarnost s anarhistima u ćuzi zbog op. Scripta Manent.”
6 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
From Ferrara Prison to Alessandria Prison [Italy]: Communique of comrade Alfredo Cospito in solidarity with the comrade Marco Bisesti (05/02/2017) [en]
I have received fragmentary information that in prison of Alessandria Marco has opposed the installation of bocche di lupo [special windows that let air and light in the cell but prevent prisoners from seeing outside] destroying some furniture in cops’ offices.
The inquisitor Sparagna [the prosecutor in charge of op. Scripta Manent] get us already used to his trolling the sludge, it’s been 5 months now, under the pretext that Marco is now the life partner of my ex-partner, in the attempt to divide us, that he keeps in fact Marco in “isolation” from me and his other comrades, because of absurd and spurious fear of my hypothetical retaliation.
Aware that shoot in the legs of a powerful is not enough to become an anarchist in the true sense of the word, a person free from sexism and machismo of any sort. Unfortunately, I am still a long way from become this thing.
I reaffirm my friendship for Marco, who was and remains my comrade.
To him all my revolutionary solidarity in the hope I be able to hug him as soon as possible.
Strength, comrade!
Always for Anarchy!
Alfredo Cospito
Iz zatvora Ferrara zatvoru Alessandria [Italija]: Izjava solidarnosti druga Alfreda Cospita s drugom Marcom Bisestijem (05.02.2017.)
Dobio sam djelomične informacije da se u alessandrijskom zatvoru Marco usprotivio instalaciji bocche di lupo [posebni prozori/rešetke koji dozvoljavaju ulaz zraka i svjetlosti u ćeliju, ali onemogućavaju zatvoreniku da gleda vani] uništavajući nešto od namještaja u uredima pandura.
Inkvizitor Sparagna [tužitelj na čelu op. Scripta Manent] nas je već naviknuo na svoje pecanje u blatu, već je prošlo pet mjeseci, pod izlikom da je Marco danas životni partner moje bivše partnerice, u pokušaju da nas razdvoji, otkad drži de facto Marca u "izolaciji" od mene i njegovih drugih drugova, zbog apsurdnog i patvorenog straha od
The inquisitor Sparagna [the prosecutor in charge of op. Scripta Manent] get us already used to his trolling the sludge, it’s been 5 months now, under the pretext that Marco is now the life partner of my ex-partner, in the attempt to divide us, that he keeps in fact Marco in “isolation” from me and his other comrades, because of absurd and spurious fear of my hypothetical retaliation.
Aware that shoot in the legs of a powerful is not enough to become an anarchist in the true sense of the word, a person free from sexism and machismo of any sort. Unfortunately, I am still a long way from become this thing.
I reaffirm my friendship for Marco, who was and remains my comrade.
To him all my revolutionary solidarity in the hope I be able to hug him as soon as possible.
Strength, comrade!
Always for Anarchy!
Alfredo Cospito
Iz zatvora Ferrara zatvoru Alessandria [Italija]: Izjava solidarnosti druga Alfreda Cospita s drugom Marcom Bisestijem (05.02.2017.)
Dobio sam djelomične informacije da se u alessandrijskom zatvoru Marco usprotivio instalaciji bocche di lupo [posebni prozori/rešetke koji dozvoljavaju ulaz zraka i svjetlosti u ćeliju, ali onemogućavaju zatvoreniku da gleda vani] uništavajući nešto od namještaja u uredima pandura.
Inkvizitor Sparagna [tužitelj na čelu op. Scripta Manent] nas je već naviknuo na svoje pecanje u blatu, već je prošlo pet mjeseci, pod izlikom da je Marco danas životni partner moje bivše partnerice, u pokušaju da nas razdvoji, otkad drži de facto Marca u "izolaciji" od mene i njegovih drugih drugova, zbog apsurdnog i patvorenog straha od
6 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Prison of Alessandria [Italy]: Text of anarchist comrade Marco Bisesti (01/01/2017) [en]
Note of Croce Nera Anarchica: We receive and publish this text of anarchist comrade Marco Bisesti, even though a considerable delay (the letter was written on January 1st) due to the censorship imposed to comrade
Irremediably on the unexplored and iconoclastic path of a free life, on Friday December 30th I put together joy and rage, which I will continue to treasure, and I threw them at the windows of prison guards office of the unit.
Never satisfy, once I was inside the cell I destroyed the gelosie [opacified panels placed over windows bars to prevent the view at the outside] installed a month ago, regaining a piece of sky.
No underlying cause, no straw that broke the camel’s back full of frustration. Pure conscience.
Act of resistance if it is read trough a restrictive dynamic guard/prisoner, but in reality yet another contribution of panorama of anarchist attack which continues to appear outside and inside the prisons.
Nothing to ask.
Everything to take.
Zatvor Alessandria [Italija]: Tekst anarhističkog druga Marca Bisestija (01.01.2017.)
Napomena Croce Nera Anarchica: Dobili smo i objavljujemo ovaj tekst anarhističkog druga Marca Bisestija, mada uz značajno kašnjenje (pismo je napisano 1. januara) zbog cenzure nametnute drugu.
Nepopravljivo na neistraženim i ikonoklastičnim putem jednog slobodnog života, u petak 30. decembra, sakupio sam radost i bijes, koje ću nastaviti čuvati kao blago, i bacio ih u prozor ureda zatvorskih stražara odjela.
Nikad zadovoljen, jednom kad sam se našao u ćeliji uništio sam gelosie [zamagljeni paneli stavljeni na rešetke prozora kako bi spriječili gledanje vani] ugrađene prije
Irremediably on the unexplored and iconoclastic path of a free life, on Friday December 30th I put together joy and rage, which I will continue to treasure, and I threw them at the windows of prison guards office of the unit.
Never satisfy, once I was inside the cell I destroyed the gelosie [opacified panels placed over windows bars to prevent the view at the outside] installed a month ago, regaining a piece of sky.
No underlying cause, no straw that broke the camel’s back full of frustration. Pure conscience.
Act of resistance if it is read trough a restrictive dynamic guard/prisoner, but in reality yet another contribution of panorama of anarchist attack which continues to appear outside and inside the prisons.
Nothing to ask.
Everything to take.
Zatvor Alessandria [Italija]: Tekst anarhističkog druga Marca Bisestija (01.01.2017.)
Napomena Croce Nera Anarchica: Dobili smo i objavljujemo ovaj tekst anarhističkog druga Marca Bisestija, mada uz značajno kašnjenje (pismo je napisano 1. januara) zbog cenzure nametnute drugu.
Nepopravljivo na neistraženim i ikonoklastičnim putem jednog slobodnog života, u petak 30. decembra, sakupio sam radost i bijes, koje ću nastaviti čuvati kao blago, i bacio ih u prozor ureda zatvorskih stražara odjela.
Nikad zadovoljen, jednom kad sam se našao u ćeliji uništio sam gelosie [zamagljeni paneli stavljeni na rešetke prozora kako bi spriječili gledanje vani] ugrađene prije
6 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Updates for imprisoned anarchist comrade Daniele (01/02/2017) [en]
On January 31 the preliminary hearing for Daniele was postponed.
The next will be held in the morning of February 7, also in Rome.
(translated by Act For Freedom Now)
Italija: Vijesti o zatvorenom anarhističkom drugu Danieleu (01.02.2017.)
31. januara odgođeno je pripremno ročište za Danielea.
Iduće će biti održano ujutro 7. februara, također u Rimu.
The next will be held in the morning of February 7, also in Rome.
(translated by Act For Freedom Now)
Italija: Vijesti o zatvorenom anarhističkom drugu Danieleu (01.02.2017.)
31. januara odgođeno je pripremno ročište za Danielea.
Iduće će biti održano ujutro 7. februara, također u Rimu.
6 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Nuovo archivio delle edizioni in lingua inglese “Elephant Editions” (Lavori in corso) [it]
Quando le parole si mescolano con la passione di approfondire la nostra comprensione della realtà, diventano armi indispensabili per l’auto-organizzazione della lotta contro tutto quello che ci opprime. Non rimangono solo sulla carta – o sullo schermo – ma penetrano nei cuori e spiriti ribelli, donando coraggio e risolutezza – se molti di noi non reagiscono contro ciò che viola la nostra dignità spesso non è per mancanza di coraggio, ma perché semplicemente non sappiamo da dove iniziare.
Dobbiamo liberare la realtà dalla dimensione fittizia creata dai media, per renderla tangibile ed esposta all’attacco. Per poter raggiungere questo abbiamo bisogno di conoscere il nemico in tutte le sue forme, incluse quelle che giacciono nascoste dentro di noi, accovacciate, aspettando di balzare per spingerci indietro nell’ovile del consenso o dissenso governabile. Leggere certi testi diventa un incontro, le tensioni che sentiamo bruciare dentro diventano più chiare, e diviene più facile assimilarle per passare all’attacco.
Abbiamo bisogno anche di analisi – dell’economia, delle “nuove” tecnologie. Senza le nostre, proprie idee, analisi e progettualità non siamo nulla, mere astrazioni che costruiscono castelli in aria.
Attacco e teoria dell’attacco, che è la stessa cosa per gli anarchici, rappresentano gli elementi essenziali di lotta, senza i quali esisterebbe solo di nome. Perciò, abbiamo bisogno anche della critica dei metodi anarchici: delle fisse organizzazioni anarchiche di sintesi, del sindacalismo o delle federazioni che poggiano sui numeri, dato che sono limitative e anacronistiche in termini di attacco. Nello stesso tempo, abbiamo bisogno di una critica delle organizzazioni clandestine fisse e dell’“attacco al cuore dello Stato”, prevalenti negli anni Settanta, e di valorizzare i piccoli gruppi basati sull’affinità, sull’agire diretto, per trasformare la realtà senza nessun senso di sacrificio, ma per la propria gioia e libertà immediata, nel contesto della libertà per tutti.
L’anarchismo non è un concetto storico o una teoria politica, è un modo di concepire la vita, “una scommessa che dobbiamo giocare giorno dopo giorno”, e non consideriamo la storia come fondamento – o “fare la storia” l’obiettivo – della nostra azione. Tuttavia, gli anarchici possiedono un ricco e passionale passato, o meglio lascito, che diventa nostro solo quando lo incontriamo attraverso il proprio confronto con l’autorità e il dominio. Lontano dai tediosi tomi scolastici, le vite dei compagni del passato, le loro idee, i loro metodi e le loro azioni, le loro lotte e le conseguenze (spesso il carcere o addirittura la morte) vivono e possiedono per noi un significato oggi, mentre cerchiamo di lottare contro le condizioni del capitale post-industriale. Per questo motivo abbiamo pubblicato, e continueremo, anche testi dei o sugli anarchici e ribelli del passato, che hanno ancora oggi molto da dire quando si incontrano attraverso una dimensione di scambio di idee ed esperienze tra chi legge e chi scrive.
Quindi, Elephant Editions è semplicemente una collezione di testi, un contributo nel grande calderone di sogni, idee e sperimentazioni per coloro che hanno deciso di trasformare i loro desideri in realtà, adesso, senza rimandare.
Novi arhiv izdanja na engleskom jeziku “Elephant Editions” (Radovi u toku)
Kada se riječi pomiješaju sa strašću za produbljivanjem našeg shvaćanja realnosti, one postaju neophodno oružje za samo-organizaciju borbe protiv svega što nas ugnjetava. Ne ostaju na papiru – ili na ekranu – već prodru u pobunjenička srca i duhove, pružajući hrabrost i odlučnost – jer ako mnogi od nas ne djeluju protiv onoga što vrijeđa naše dostojanstvo često nije zato što im nedostaje hrabrosti, nego jednostavno jer ne znamo odakle početi.
Trebamo osloboditi realnost od fiktivne dimenzije koju su stvorili mediji, kako bi postala opipljiva i izložena napadu. Da bi to postigli trebamo upoznati neprijatelja u svim njegovim oblicima, uključujući i one koji leže sakriveni unutar nas, šćućureni, čekajući da iskoče i povuku nas nazad u tor suglasja ili podatnog otpora. Čitanje određenih tekstova postaje susret, tenzije koje osjećamo da gore u nama postaju jasnije, čime ih lakše asimiliramo kako bi prešli u napad.
Trebamo i analize – ekonomije, “novih” tehnologija. Bez naših vlastitih ideja, analiza i projekata mi smo ništa, puke
Quando le parole si mescolano con la passione di approfondire la nostra comprensione della realtà, diventano armi indispensabili per l’auto-organizzazione della lotta contro tutto quello che ci opprime. Non rimangono solo sulla carta – o sullo schermo – ma penetrano nei cuori e spiriti ribelli, donando coraggio e risolutezza – se molti di noi non reagiscono contro ciò che viola la nostra dignità spesso non è per mancanza di coraggio, ma perché semplicemente non sappiamo da dove iniziare.
Dobbiamo liberare la realtà dalla dimensione fittizia creata dai media, per renderla tangibile ed esposta all’attacco. Per poter raggiungere questo abbiamo bisogno di conoscere il nemico in tutte le sue forme, incluse quelle che giacciono nascoste dentro di noi, accovacciate, aspettando di balzare per spingerci indietro nell’ovile del consenso o dissenso governabile. Leggere certi testi diventa un incontro, le tensioni che sentiamo bruciare dentro diventano più chiare, e diviene più facile assimilarle per passare all’attacco.
Abbiamo bisogno anche di analisi – dell’economia, delle “nuove” tecnologie. Senza le nostre, proprie idee, analisi e progettualità non siamo nulla, mere astrazioni che costruiscono castelli in aria.
Attacco e teoria dell’attacco, che è la stessa cosa per gli anarchici, rappresentano gli elementi essenziali di lotta, senza i quali esisterebbe solo di nome. Perciò, abbiamo bisogno anche della critica dei metodi anarchici: delle fisse organizzazioni anarchiche di sintesi, del sindacalismo o delle federazioni che poggiano sui numeri, dato che sono limitative e anacronistiche in termini di attacco. Nello stesso tempo, abbiamo bisogno di una critica delle organizzazioni clandestine fisse e dell’“attacco al cuore dello Stato”, prevalenti negli anni Settanta, e di valorizzare i piccoli gruppi basati sull’affinità, sull’agire diretto, per trasformare la realtà senza nessun senso di sacrificio, ma per la propria gioia e libertà immediata, nel contesto della libertà per tutti.
L’anarchismo non è un concetto storico o una teoria politica, è un modo di concepire la vita, “una scommessa che dobbiamo giocare giorno dopo giorno”, e non consideriamo la storia come fondamento – o “fare la storia” l’obiettivo – della nostra azione. Tuttavia, gli anarchici possiedono un ricco e passionale passato, o meglio lascito, che diventa nostro solo quando lo incontriamo attraverso il proprio confronto con l’autorità e il dominio. Lontano dai tediosi tomi scolastici, le vite dei compagni del passato, le loro idee, i loro metodi e le loro azioni, le loro lotte e le conseguenze (spesso il carcere o addirittura la morte) vivono e possiedono per noi un significato oggi, mentre cerchiamo di lottare contro le condizioni del capitale post-industriale. Per questo motivo abbiamo pubblicato, e continueremo, anche testi dei o sugli anarchici e ribelli del passato, che hanno ancora oggi molto da dire quando si incontrano attraverso una dimensione di scambio di idee ed esperienze tra chi legge e chi scrive.
Quindi, Elephant Editions è semplicemente una collezione di testi, un contributo nel grande calderone di sogni, idee e sperimentazioni per coloro che hanno deciso di trasformare i loro desideri in realtà, adesso, senza rimandare.
Novi arhiv izdanja na engleskom jeziku “Elephant Editions” (Radovi u toku)
Kada se riječi pomiješaju sa strašću za produbljivanjem našeg shvaćanja realnosti, one postaju neophodno oružje za samo-organizaciju borbe protiv svega što nas ugnjetava. Ne ostaju na papiru – ili na ekranu – već prodru u pobunjenička srca i duhove, pružajući hrabrost i odlučnost – jer ako mnogi od nas ne djeluju protiv onoga što vrijeđa naše dostojanstvo često nije zato što im nedostaje hrabrosti, nego jednostavno jer ne znamo odakle početi.
Trebamo osloboditi realnost od fiktivne dimenzije koju su stvorili mediji, kako bi postala opipljiva i izložena napadu. Da bi to postigli trebamo upoznati neprijatelja u svim njegovim oblicima, uključujući i one koji leže sakriveni unutar nas, šćućureni, čekajući da iskoče i povuku nas nazad u tor suglasja ili podatnog otpora. Čitanje određenih tekstova postaje susret, tenzije koje osjećamo da gore u nama postaju jasnije, čime ih lakše asimiliramo kako bi prešli u napad.
Trebamo i analize – ekonomije, “novih” tehnologija. Bez naših vlastitih ideja, analiza i projekata mi smo ništa, puke
1 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Galicia [Spain]: New operation against Gabriel Pombo da Silva and Elisa di Bernardo (24/01/2017) [en]
Careful who you call comrade!
Tuesday, 24 January, on the outskirts of Vigo (Mos), a deployment of about 60 armed men between the Guardia Civil and secret agents, searched (and almost destroyed) the house where Gabriel Pombo da Silva had lived for a few months with his partner Elisa Bernardo. At dawn the two were violently awakened, handcuffed and separated… aim: to find firearms and explosives! The search lasted about eight hours and in spite of the means employed (dogs and high technology radar tools), gave no results… among the things seized there is the usual “interesting” anarchist material, cameras, maps of various cities, some cable and old malfunctioning cell phones. While Elisa, despite the repeated threat of being placed under arrest unless she revealed the much desired hiding place, remained free, Gabriel was arrested on charges of “illegal possession and trafficking of weapons and explosives and armed group”. During the 24 hours’ detention (the release of the comrade happened, in fact, the next day) the facts were bitterly reconstructed.
About three months ago the couple got to know a self-proclaimed anarchist comrade who, during the few opportunities to meet, “confesses” her problems with drugs and a conditional sentence she is doing because of an arrest suffered in 2013 on charges of being the author of an attack with Molotov cocktails on an institution in Vigo. Heart in hand, Gabriel and Elisa, respond to the request for help from the “comrade”, accepting her for a week (at the beginning of the year) in the aforementioned house to accompany her in the worst phase of a path of detoxification. After this brief period, the girl returns to her own home… reappearing as informer (of false information) the day prior to the present named “Operación Buyo”. If we had not received certain news that during her previous arrest she had defamed other people, we would have limited ourselves to considering her a “victim of the system”, but that is not so. Maria, this is her name, is currently in jail on the same charges as Gabriel, probably hoping that being the daughter of a military leader can help her to avoid the worst since an arsenal of firearms was found at her home. In 2013, in fact, despite the charges of terrorism, one saw the sentence being reduced significantly (from 11 to 2 years !!!), then converted to parole, with her remaining imprisoned not more than a few months. With all the hatred toward the repressive system, prison and the judicial system, it is inevitable to wonder since when do those who claim themselves as anarchists receive such treatment. Each to their own conclusions.
Gabriel, for now on bail and under investigation… comments on this latest repressive operation thus:
“Inside as outside” one palpates this reactionary arrogance against who never resign themselves. You see that the pigs of every race and condition need “additives and dyes” to sweeten the whole “reality” that is inconvenient to them. “Journalists” more concerned to sell their printed shit than verifying the veracity of what they publish. “Police” more interested in organizing speculations to prove their hypotheses. What is really “surprising” (or who knows not), is that since they let me go (not to mention all that this tremendous affair contains) there was more “protection” in “Judicial Power” than within the so-called “libertarian movement”. Since 2012 there are already 3 “Operations” (Ardire, Scripta Manent and “our local” Operation Buyo) against me. In Italian ” buio ” means” dark… and yes… ”dark” is this whole operation in which a “girl” (with a dark past) approached with the question of being a “comrade” to then want me stoned alive. Those requesting information on this “girl” can read the following links and answer for themselves. I am neither a judge nor a prosecutor. In relation to the shit about the “training ground”, the “terrorist cell”, the “possession of weapons” and trafficking of the same… well… I think the facts belie all. However I understand that in this alienated society and this corrupt system it is preferred to speak / to lie about the underlying causes of poverty than watch one’s own navel. I’m still standing. I continue with my anarchist path despite all and everything. They will never be able to stop the Agustin Rueda University, that I am going to inaugurate in my parents’ house in the country there in Mos, with this kind of maneuver. In my house were seized: 5 winter cabbages, anarchist books and magazines. It is obvious that if they had found even one nail clipper in my possession, Gabriel Pombo would be writing “communiques” from a cell and not in freedom.
To those who continue to support me and show me their unconditional love: I’m here!
To those who continue to want to assassinate: I’m here!
Never Defeated!
Never repentant!!
For Anarchy and the end of domination!
Gabriel Pombo da Silva
29 January 2017
Galicija [Španjolska]: Nova represivna operacija protiv anarhista Gabriela Pombo da Silve i Elise di Bernardo (24.01.2017.)
Pazite koga nazivate drugom!
U utorak 24. januara, na periferiji naselja Vigo (Mos), masa od oko 60 naoružanih osoba iz Guardia Civil i tajnih agenata pretresla je (i skoro uništila) kuću u kojoj živi već nekoliko mjeseci Gabriel Pombo da Silva sa svojom partnericom Elisom di Bernardo. U zoru su nasilno probuđeni, stavljeni u lisice i odvojeni... cilj: pronaći vatreno oružje i eksploziv! Potraga je trajala oko 8 sati i unatoč korištenim sredstvima (psi i radari najnovije tehnologije) nije dala nikakav rezultat... između zaplijenjenim stvarima nalazi se uobičajeni “zanimljivi” anarhistički materijal, fotografski aparati, planovi raznih gradova, par kablova i stari pokvareni mobiteli. Dok je Elisa, unatoč ponovljenim prijetnjama zatvorom ako ne otkrije toliko traženo skrovište, ostala na slobodi, Gabriel je uhapšen pod optužbom za “nelegalno posjedovanje i šverc oružja i eksploziva, te za oružanu bandu”. Tokom 24 sata pritvora (drug je otpušten dan kasnije) gorko su spojene činjenice.
Prije oko tri mjeseca par je upoznao jednu navodnu anarhističku drugaricu koja,
Tuesday, 24 January, on the outskirts of Vigo (Mos), a deployment of about 60 armed men between the Guardia Civil and secret agents, searched (and almost destroyed) the house where Gabriel Pombo da Silva had lived for a few months with his partner Elisa Bernardo. At dawn the two were violently awakened, handcuffed and separated… aim: to find firearms and explosives! The search lasted about eight hours and in spite of the means employed (dogs and high technology radar tools), gave no results… among the things seized there is the usual “interesting” anarchist material, cameras, maps of various cities, some cable and old malfunctioning cell phones. While Elisa, despite the repeated threat of being placed under arrest unless she revealed the much desired hiding place, remained free, Gabriel was arrested on charges of “illegal possession and trafficking of weapons and explosives and armed group”. During the 24 hours’ detention (the release of the comrade happened, in fact, the next day) the facts were bitterly reconstructed.
About three months ago the couple got to know a self-proclaimed anarchist comrade who, during the few opportunities to meet, “confesses” her problems with drugs and a conditional sentence she is doing because of an arrest suffered in 2013 on charges of being the author of an attack with Molotov cocktails on an institution in Vigo. Heart in hand, Gabriel and Elisa, respond to the request for help from the “comrade”, accepting her for a week (at the beginning of the year) in the aforementioned house to accompany her in the worst phase of a path of detoxification. After this brief period, the girl returns to her own home… reappearing as informer (of false information) the day prior to the present named “Operación Buyo”. If we had not received certain news that during her previous arrest she had defamed other people, we would have limited ourselves to considering her a “victim of the system”, but that is not so. Maria, this is her name, is currently in jail on the same charges as Gabriel, probably hoping that being the daughter of a military leader can help her to avoid the worst since an arsenal of firearms was found at her home. In 2013, in fact, despite the charges of terrorism, one saw the sentence being reduced significantly (from 11 to 2 years !!!), then converted to parole, with her remaining imprisoned not more than a few months. With all the hatred toward the repressive system, prison and the judicial system, it is inevitable to wonder since when do those who claim themselves as anarchists receive such treatment. Each to their own conclusions.
Gabriel, for now on bail and under investigation… comments on this latest repressive operation thus:
“Inside as outside” one palpates this reactionary arrogance against who never resign themselves. You see that the pigs of every race and condition need “additives and dyes” to sweeten the whole “reality” that is inconvenient to them. “Journalists” more concerned to sell their printed shit than verifying the veracity of what they publish. “Police” more interested in organizing speculations to prove their hypotheses. What is really “surprising” (or who knows not), is that since they let me go (not to mention all that this tremendous affair contains) there was more “protection” in “Judicial Power” than within the so-called “libertarian movement”. Since 2012 there are already 3 “Operations” (Ardire, Scripta Manent and “our local” Operation Buyo) against me. In Italian ” buio ” means” dark… and yes… ”dark” is this whole operation in which a “girl” (with a dark past) approached with the question of being a “comrade” to then want me stoned alive. Those requesting information on this “girl” can read the following links and answer for themselves. I am neither a judge nor a prosecutor. In relation to the shit about the “training ground”, the “terrorist cell”, the “possession of weapons” and trafficking of the same… well… I think the facts belie all. However I understand that in this alienated society and this corrupt system it is preferred to speak / to lie about the underlying causes of poverty than watch one’s own navel. I’m still standing. I continue with my anarchist path despite all and everything. They will never be able to stop the Agustin Rueda University, that I am going to inaugurate in my parents’ house in the country there in Mos, with this kind of maneuver. In my house were seized: 5 winter cabbages, anarchist books and magazines. It is obvious that if they had found even one nail clipper in my possession, Gabriel Pombo would be writing “communiques” from a cell and not in freedom.
To those who continue to support me and show me their unconditional love: I’m here!
To those who continue to want to assassinate: I’m here!
Never Defeated!
Never repentant!!
For Anarchy and the end of domination!
Gabriel Pombo da Silva
29 January 2017
Galicija [Španjolska]: Nova represivna operacija protiv anarhista Gabriela Pombo da Silve i Elise di Bernardo (24.01.2017.)
Pazite koga nazivate drugom!
U utorak 24. januara, na periferiji naselja Vigo (Mos), masa od oko 60 naoružanih osoba iz Guardia Civil i tajnih agenata pretresla je (i skoro uništila) kuću u kojoj živi već nekoliko mjeseci Gabriel Pombo da Silva sa svojom partnericom Elisom di Bernardo. U zoru su nasilno probuđeni, stavljeni u lisice i odvojeni... cilj: pronaći vatreno oružje i eksploziv! Potraga je trajala oko 8 sati i unatoč korištenim sredstvima (psi i radari najnovije tehnologije) nije dala nikakav rezultat... između zaplijenjenim stvarima nalazi se uobičajeni “zanimljivi” anarhistički materijal, fotografski aparati, planovi raznih gradova, par kablova i stari pokvareni mobiteli. Dok je Elisa, unatoč ponovljenim prijetnjama zatvorom ako ne otkrije toliko traženo skrovište, ostala na slobodi, Gabriel je uhapšen pod optužbom za “nelegalno posjedovanje i šverc oružja i eksploziva, te za oružanu bandu”. Tokom 24 sata pritvora (drug je otpušten dan kasnije) gorko su spojene činjenice.
Prije oko tri mjeseca par je upoznao jednu navodnu anarhističku drugaricu koja,
1 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Florence/Brescia [Italy]: Update on repression against the anarchists (01/2017) [en]
FLORENCE: Raids carried out following the explosion of a device at “Il Bargello” [neo-nazi] bookshop. 1st January 2017 at around midday the Digos of Florence turned up at three flats in the city and a house in the province of Prato. They searched the homes and cars of those who were there, looking for weapons and explosives. They found nothing apart from one instance, where they seized electrical material (cables, switches, bulbs) and various items (computers, ‘bormioli’ glass jar lids, beeswax…).
Five people were taken to the forensic unit in Florence where they were photographed and fingerprinted; after several hours in the police station they were requested to do a swab test on their hands to detect traces of explosive material. Four people agreed to it, whereas one of them refused so the police decided to seize the jacket they were wearing. At 8pm all five were released with investigation reports showing negative results.
The search of the house in the province of Prato also went on for a long time, followed by a clumsy attempt by the forensic police (who went there after the Digos of Prato and Florence) to do swab tests to look for traces of gunpowder on the hands of those being investigated. The cops wanted to do the test in the middle of a wood using cotton wool from an envelope that had already been opened. At their refusal to submit to the test, the four people were taken to Prato police station where – besides the material already seized – their coats were also taken. Charges being considered by the investigators are attempted murder, serious bodily harm and fabrication and transport of an explosive device. So far no one is known to have been declared under investigation.
BRESCIA: From the media of the regime we learn that after a year of investigation prosecutors from Brescia have put two anarchist comrades under investigation. They have been charged with attack with intents of terrorism and possession and fabrication of explosives, article 280, following an attack on the Polgai police training centre in Brescia, which took place in the night between 17th and 18th December 2015 with a bomb made with eight kilograms of gunpowder. The device caused damage to the door of the building. The attack was claimed by the anarchist comrades of Cellula anarchica acca (C.A.A) in affinity with the black international, and was in response to
Five people were taken to the forensic unit in Florence where they were photographed and fingerprinted; after several hours in the police station they were requested to do a swab test on their hands to detect traces of explosive material. Four people agreed to it, whereas one of them refused so the police decided to seize the jacket they were wearing. At 8pm all five were released with investigation reports showing negative results.
The search of the house in the province of Prato also went on for a long time, followed by a clumsy attempt by the forensic police (who went there after the Digos of Prato and Florence) to do swab tests to look for traces of gunpowder on the hands of those being investigated. The cops wanted to do the test in the middle of a wood using cotton wool from an envelope that had already been opened. At their refusal to submit to the test, the four people were taken to Prato police station where – besides the material already seized – their coats were also taken. Charges being considered by the investigators are attempted murder, serious bodily harm and fabrication and transport of an explosive device. So far no one is known to have been declared under investigation.
BRESCIA: From the media of the regime we learn that after a year of investigation prosecutors from Brescia have put two anarchist comrades under investigation. They have been charged with attack with intents of terrorism and possession and fabrication of explosives, article 280, following an attack on the Polgai police training centre in Brescia, which took place in the night between 17th and 18th December 2015 with a bomb made with eight kilograms of gunpowder. The device caused damage to the door of the building. The attack was claimed by the anarchist comrades of Cellula anarchica acca (C.A.A) in affinity with the black international, and was in response to
18 gen 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Prigionieri anarchici/Anarchist prisoners
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