English English
Italy: April-July , 2018 reports on the “Scripta Manent” trial [en]
After the hearing of winter 2018, mainly reports on specific alleged facts against the accused and the outline of the accusatory scheme on the crime of association according to the Digos of Turin, from 8th April to 16th May some ROS officers from Perugia – Rossi, Mencarelli, Simeon, Mariucci, Passeri – paraded themselves, some of whom are still in service there, others transferred to similar offices elsewhere in the country, to relate on the ‘Ardire’ investigation, later included in Scripta Manent, with digressions and providential amnesia on other investigations and files connected to anti-anarchist monitoring activity starting from so called operation Brushwood to operation Shadow, mainly through telematic, telephone, environmental interceptions and control of letters.
4 ott 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Czech Republic: “Kronika odporu” – new anarchist counter-information project [en]
Chronicle of Resistance
For a long time, we hesitated how we would take the word. First of all, we have led discussions that have allowed us to understand what we have. Then we set up this site kronika.noblogs.org about global anarchist practice. That’s what we missed here, and that makes sense to us.
There are many important topics and we do not have the capacity to do it with everyone. We will try to bring at least some information about attacks, campaigns, projects, communiqués ... about living anarchist practices.
1 ott 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: “Vetriolo” — Anarchist paper, issue 2, autumn 2018 [in Italian] [en]
It’s been a long while. After a year we are publishing another issue of Vetriolo, issue number 2. We haven’t brought out the paper more frequently up to now, nor have we wanted to. Not that we didn’t have anything to say during this time, on the contrary. However we have never strenuously followed the possibility of giving a strict periodicity to the publication, which because of its form (with fairly concise texts of agitation, analysis and topicality as well as more extensive and complicated theoretical articles) is not suited to it. At the same time we’d like the paper to come out without long delays. In any case we think that this paper is an important instrument for the anarchist movement regardless of the frequency with which it comes out. The pages of Vetriolo have always been and will continue to be a means aimed at discussion, dialogue and confrontation among anarchists. The paper will continue to give time and space to dialogue and debate among revolutionaries, including those who find themselves imprisoned. In this issue there are writings and articles by Marco, Anna and Alfredo, imprisoned following the arrests of the repressive operation ‘scripta manent’ of 6th September 2016.
27 set 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Kiev [Ukraine]: Anarchists attack Interior Ministry training center (19/09/2018) [en]
Anarchy Today Note: Ukrainian Media are unwilling to report the fire at the training center, yet the news and the photo are published in the Internet. We received the information by mail on September 20 2018. Тranslated by Anarchy Today.
Repressions and prisons have become part of our lives, as well as of lives of all those recalcitrant comrades who prefer to conduct an offensive struggle against the state and capital, attacking all manifestations of power and destroy the oppressive order. More and more often in the course of this struggle, we hear calls from all corners of the world for solidarity with repressed and imprisoned like-minded people, we hear stories how yet another one of us was put behind bars, beaten, tortured or even killed , and also hear how this or that infrastructure of anarchists was destroyed, plundered, how this or that initiative suffered from raids from punitive groups of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD).
24 set 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Poster for the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23-30/08) [en]

If the “innocent” ones deserve our solidarity once, then the “guilty” ones deserve it a thousand times… — Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, FAI-IRF / Imprisoned Members Cell
Solidarity will always be practiced as an indispensable feature of an anarchist way of life and action. The war continues, never give up, never give in. Long live FAI-FRI. Long live CCF. Long live the black international — Alfredo Cospito
23 ago 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
“Fifth Estate” Mirror Site [en]
The mirror site fifthestate.anarchistlibraries.net is a backup for the main site at www.fifthestate.org and provides an alternate interface to the archive of articles and resources.
About “Fifth Estate”
The Fifth Estate, founded in 1965, is an anarchist, anti-capitalist, and anti-authoritarian, anti-profit project published cooperatively by a volunteer collective of friends and comrades. We are committed to non-dogmatic, action-oriented writing and activity to bring about a new world. We are a decentralized collective of individuals from across North America. We come from a diverse array of backgrounds and personal experiences, but share a common passion: to see anarchist ideas and messages brought to print and shared with people the world over. Although the editorial collective makes all decisions involving the content we print, the Fifth Estate would not exist without the time and talent of dozens of people who contribute to the writing, editing, proofreading, art, graphic design, distribution, and day-to-day business of keeping this project going issue after issue.
21 ago 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
On Sexual Poverty [en]
A society based upon concentrated power and economic exchange impoverishes every area of life, even those that are most intimate. We hear a great deal of talk about women’s liberation, gay liberation and even sexual liberation within anarchist circles. And analyses of male domination, patriarchy and hetero-sexism are not so hard to find, but the reality of sexual impoverishment seems to be largely ignored, questions of sexual expression being largely limited to those surrounding monogamy, non-monogamy, poly-amory and other such issues of the mechanics of loving relationships. This limitation is itself, in my opinion, a reflection of our sexual impoverishment — let’s limit ourselves to speaking of such relational mechanics so that we can avoid the question of the quality of these relationships.
7 ago 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Biocentrism: Ideology Against Nature [en]
That humanity is somehow ‘out of balance’ with nature is hardly a topic of controversy nowadays. There is little question that humans are fouling the world to the point of suicide for us and mass extinction for all other life. To claim otherwise is ludicrous. In a variety of ways, people have attempted to grasp the problem, define it, and seek solutions. Of the many new and more faddish results, few have been as popular as Deep Ecology — also known as Biocentrism — the view that humans are acting out of excessive human-centredness (anthropocentrism) and thus destroying the planet and the rest of the species which have just as much ‘intrinsic right’ to live out their biological destiny as we do. Accordingly, Biocentrism (life/earth/nature centredness) calls for a new way of acting. Specifically, it calls for ‘earth-centred’ activity and thinking — putting the ‘earth first’ (instead of putting ourselves first) as a way out of the global dilemma.
27 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Brasil: Call for an Independent Materials Fair — Activity of the Sixth International Week For Anarchists Prisoners [en]
In response to the call for a Sixth International Week in Solidarity For Anarchist Prisoners, which will take place all over the world from the 23rd to the 30th of August, there will be a first winter fair of independent materials on August 25th.
This is an open call for anyone who wants to send us proposals with an anti-authoritarian focus to add to the activity. In addition, it is mainly an invitation to participate in this initiative that will happen in the “Tia Estela Space”, a squat of homeless people located underneath the so-called “Alcântara Machado Bridge” in São Paulo. Any contribution to self-management of this space is welcome.
18 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Misanthropic Wild Tendencies Other expressions of authoritarianism and sacred thought [en]
Given the recent proliferation of eco-extremism and some opinions expressed in the broadcast media related to this tendency, the need arises for this text. Without pretending to engage in a dialogue, we will clarify a few things that seem essential to us.
For several years now, various individuals from different parts of the American continent (especially from the territory dominated by the Mexican State) close to the positions and struggles against civilization, gave shape to a trend that they called “eco-extremism”.
18 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Against Eco-Extremism: Mirror image of Civilisation & Religion (PDF) [en]
DOWNLOAD PDF: Against Eco-Extremism: Mirror image of Civilisation & Religion
Small booklet compiling the recent texts critical to the so-called ‘Eco-Extremist’ trend written by nihilist-anarchists and anarchist-insurrectionalists from around the world.
Produced in collaboration with Verde Press.
18 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
[USA] Of Indiscriminate Attacks and Wild Reactions An Anti-Civ Anarchist Engages with ITS and Atassa, their Defenders and Their false Critics [en]
The following is the introduction to a short book critiquing so-called “eco-extremism” in Mexico, and those in support of it in the United States. To read two essays on the subject already published on IGD, go here.
Read and Download HERE
Author’s Note to IGD readers: This essay was written a year ago, in haste. It was prompted by the escalation in 2017 of conflict between insurrectionary anarchists and proponents of a new school of purportedly anti-civilization ideology known as “Eco-Extremism”, both in Mexico and the US. This conflict was signaled in part by the appearance of a US journal called Atassa: readings in Eco-Extremism, which presented ideas and writings associated with the armed struggle group known as Individualidades tendiendo a lo Salvaje, abbreviated ITS but most often translated from the Spanish as Individualists Tending toward the Wild (a group with a history stretching back to around 2011).
10 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
The Local Kids — Issue 1 — Summer 2018 [en]
“The Local Kids” — A compilation of texts, a contribution to a correspondence between those who desire anarchy and subversion.
The year is 2018. Our living environment is increasingly interconnected and transparent. This is obvious for the digital reality but is also true for the physical – if the distinction between the two hasn’t already become too artificial. These tendencies have reinforced the validation of the self through affiliation to a group and subjugation to its norms. Before our eyes identities are being constructed, clashes erupt in the scramble for a space to carve out and claim. A bonus for its members is that the enforcing of the norms now is horizontally distributed. As society becomes more totalitarian, the main feeling becomes anxiety. Will for one more day our imperfections pass unnoticed, or maybe just tolerated? And while we invest everything in this socially acceptable image of ourselves we have created, we become the role we were only playing. Is this life?
4 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
325 is back [en]
3 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
UK: Online release of Return Fire vol.5 [en]
Welcome to the fifth installment of Return Fire, now available in PDF. Dated autumn 2017. Part international translation platform, part space for theoretical deliberation, part clearing house for action and repression, part archive for articles of interest, part literary collage of anarchist propaganda, art, poetry and subversion. An alternative version of the covers is also included for printing runs for distribution outside of the U.K. who prefer greyscale.
26 giu 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
AnarchistLibraries.Net [en]
Behind every project there is one or more individuals. Fairly large projects don’t grow by themselves. They need love and passion. When there is no more love, it’s time to move on and build something else.
This project, AnarchistLibraries.net, forks off from The Anarchist Library project, and serves as an international platform for anarchist sites focusing on publishing and archiving texts.
I’ve been involved with The Anarchist Library since the very beginning, formatting texts, building the libraries’ software and assisting in the creation of new ones in languages other than English.
22 giu 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Copenhagen [Denmark]: “Orkanen” — Anarchist newspaper English edition [en]
English edition – Spring 2018
Translations of a few texts from previous issues.
In this issue:
- Down with the state, down with authorities
- Space travel
- Against the IT-giants and their world
- The place for love in the rebellious life
- The price for gratitude
- Considerations in regards to the capricious nature of the state
- Justice
Read on the screen: English edition – Spring 2018
Print: English edition – Spring 2018
19 giu 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Declaration of “Scripta Manent” accused at the hearing of May 31st [en]
In view of the presence in solidarity at the court on 31 March, we are writing these few lines to reaffirm a few fundamental concepts regarding this trial and the court carrying it out. First of all, we reaffirm our closeness to the arrested comrades: for us they are brothers and the pride with which they are confronting this little theatre makes us proud.
We also reaffirm our attachment, stronger than ever, to the anarchist ideal and our hatred of this society that thrives on death and exploitation. We are anarchists, it is normal for the State to attack us, we do not expect anything else from you and this is why your repression does not surprise us except for its clumsiness and scares us even less. In fact, after a year and a half you find us with the same positions of attack on this system. We are accused of terrorism, but we continue to point the finger at the State and its laws that you administer which legitimize the exploitation, exclusion and death of millions of people throughout the world every day, to protect the interests of those who profit from all this. It is you who are under accusation: the dead in the wars in the Middle East and Africa, those who drown while fleeing poverty, the increasingly fierce exploitation of labour, the plundering of resources and the destruction of ecosystems, living conditions more and more like survival and the ever deeper interference in our lives by the State. The law would like to treat the dissent that all this generates with jail, branding it as a crime, but it takes a lot more to shut us up.
25 mag 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Op.Scripta Manent – Solidarity Presence in the Court (31/05/2018) [en]
Anyone who forgets prisoners of social war, has forgotten the war itself! (Paris, 2016)
The state strikes and will continue to strike anarchists and revolutionaries as long as these are worthy of their name.
The Scripta Manent trial, begun in June 2017, concerns 40 years of the history of the anarchist movement, of which we are a part, and is continuing at a fast pace.
The cornerstone of the accusatory theorem of this inquest is based on the differentiation between “good” and “bad” anarchists and an instrumental interpretation, by the repressive apparatus, of the debate within in the anarchist movement.
25 mag 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Updates on Scripta Manent No. 2 – March 2018 [en]
Text written by Anna and Marco about the progress of the trial in which they are defendants for the Scripta Manent operation.
At the hearings of January and February the witnesses for the accusation (originally the PM Sparagna mentioned there would be about seventy) have continued to be heard, mainly Turin Digos [political police], police, carabinieri, bomb disposal experts, witnesses, the forensic departments of Rome and of the Ris [carabinieri forensic unit] of Parma, all in relation to the specific crimes alleged. Also some editors or former editors of Radio Blackout of Turin have been called to testify on the receiving of some claims, and an occupant of the Asilo [squat in Turin] in relation to knowing and corresponding with the defendants.
3 mag 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Czech Republic: High court in Prague confirmed acquittance of all defendants on March 27th [en]
High court in Prague confirmed acquittance of all 5 anarchist defendants as result of appeal hearing on the 27th of March.
These are good news for sure and it also means that we overcame some part of “Fénix”, which meant something different to all of us: long months in prison, deprivation of anonymity or exhausting solidarity campaign, to put it shortly. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t make illusions about winning against repressions legally in courts, ever. Also High court’s decision doesn’t bring any kind of certainty for future, and already now we can see the top of other pile of police shit coming over horizon or even closer, a.k.a. Fénix 2, which literally is desperate attempt for revanche, an effort to get something against our comrades and restore a bit stinking idea of legitimacy of police and prisons, in czech context at least.
16 apr 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Update Scripta Manent [en]
The anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino (arrested in September 2016 in the framework of operation Scripta Manent, currently detained in Rebibbia prison, Rome) has informed us (2 April 2018) that “the inevitable loudly comments”, made during the ongoing trial for the aforementioned operation, “earned” her and Marco Bisesti (detained since 09/2016, too, currently in Alessandria prison) a couple of disciplinary reports, commuted to a few days of solitary confinement.
Both comrades are laughing at “punishment”.
12 apr 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Rebibbia prison — Rome [Italy]: “Right you are… if you think you are” — Text by anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino (01/2018) [en]
There’s not much to be said about an episode of repression, after all it’s the simple cyclical occurrence of action and reaction – or even on how repression plays dirty – another well-known fact. At most these are just a few notes on the development of techniques and strategies.
This I’ll try to do. More than a year after the arrests, with the trial already underway, a crack has opened in the censuring bell jar and the court papers been disclosed in all their misery after the short report on the last issue of “Croce Nera” and the latest developments on the closure of investigations and the preliminary hearing.
20 mar 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Righi telecommunications repeater up in flames (13/03/2018) [en]
We live in a world where being connected is essential if we want to keep up with the times and keep pace with the neurotic rhythm that modern society is offering us.
Human relationships have broken up behind displays, Apps.
Without WhatsApp you risk being excluded from your group of friends… seriously.
At work, in the family, as a couple, we all need to be constantly available: “send your precise position”, “send a selfie “, “listen to this voice message”.
Although we realize that “perhaps” we’re spending a lot of time at home, links are becoming more and more virtual and our first thought as soon as we get in after a day’s work is to turn on the pc, we don’t want to figure out for ourselves that something’s wrong, we’re lying to ourselves.
It’s a well-known fact that technology and its damsels have full control over our lives today, what needs to be analysed is why we’ve accepted it.
15 mar 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Update on “Scripta Manent” prisoners (03/2018) [en]
All the defendants who are able to attend the hearings have expressed a desire to see a possible solidarity presence in the courtroom.
Marco has attended some of the last hearings, but he doesn’t know whether he will attend or not the next ones, since lately he is attending alone.
Anna obtained the permit to attend the hearings of 7th and 8th, therefore we CALL FOR A SOLIDARITY PRESENCE IN COURTROOM to give them a sign of closeness and support.
For all we know, Danilo, Alfredo and Anna get their mail regularly. They are fine and in high spirit.
7 mar 2018 Leggi il testo completo...