Rivendicazioni English
Kiev [Ukraine]: Anarchists attack Interior Ministry training center (19/09/2018) [en]
Anarchy Today Note: Ukrainian Media are unwilling to report the fire at the training center, yet the news and the photo are published in the Internet. We received the information by mail on September 20 2018. Тranslated by Anarchy Today.
Repressions and prisons have become part of our lives, as well as of lives of all those recalcitrant comrades who prefer to conduct an offensive struggle against the state and capital, attacking all manifestations of power and destroy the oppressive order. More and more often in the course of this struggle, we hear calls from all corners of the world for solidarity with repressed and imprisoned like-minded people, we hear stories how yet another one of us was put behind bars, beaten, tortured or even killed , and also hear how this or that infrastructure of anarchists was destroyed, plundered, how this or that initiative suffered from raids from punitive groups of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD).
24 set 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Righi telecommunications repeater up in flames (13/03/2018) [en]
We live in a world where being connected is essential if we want to keep up with the times and keep pace with the neurotic rhythm that modern society is offering us.
Human relationships have broken up behind displays, Apps.
Without WhatsApp you risk being excluded from your group of friends… seriously.
At work, in the family, as a couple, we all need to be constantly available: “send your precise position”, “send a selfie “, “listen to this voice message”.
Although we realize that “perhaps” we’re spending a lot of time at home, links are becoming more and more virtual and our first thought as soon as we get in after a day’s work is to turn on the pc, we don’t want to figure out for ourselves that something’s wrong, we’re lying to ourselves.
It’s a well-known fact that technology and its damsels have full control over our lives today, what needs to be analysed is why we’ve accepted it.
15 mar 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Rome [Italy]: Atennas and phone masts torched (12/02/2018) [en]
On the night of 12 February, in the vicinity of metro/bus station Ponte Mammolo in Rome, antennas and cell masts have been torched.
Against technological domination, let’s sabotage the alienation caused by smartphones, social networks e by everything that produces fictive social interactions and misery of human relations.
Solidarity to all anarchist prisoners locked up in jails.
A greeting to Cello, Greg and Ghespe
1 mar 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Rome [Italy]: 6 cars of ENI-energy company torched (01/12/2017) [en]
Rome, December 1st.
6 “enjoy” cars of car-sharing Eni-Trenitalia [developed by gas&oil company in partnership with Fiat and Trenitalia, primary train operator owned by the Italian government] for its involvement in Libya.
Let’s attack ENI everywhere.
Solidarity to the detainees and the accused for Scripta Manent, for Florence, to comrades hit by repression for the cop cars torched in France and Poland, to accused from Brenner Pass and to all those who do not bend to this rotten existent. A greeting to Krem in solitary confinement.
20 dic 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Rome [Italy]: Explosive Attack Against a Carabinieri Police Station by Santiago Maldonado Cell / FAI-FRI (07/12/2017) [en]
In times of social peace and compliance there is no better reply than action. A stimulus, a continuity and a jolt to wake up those who sleep.
Acting on one’s own initiative breaks the compliance and inaction and ignites those whose blood boils.
The anarchic praxis of attack must be the basic stimulus of anarchy, otherwise it is a walking dead. Action is necessary to make us alive in the ways we consider opportune, removed from every program, hierarchical and vertical structure. Many revolutionary practices are part of an anarchism in its bowels.
8 dic 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Rome [Italy]: Diplomatic vehicle torched (08/2017) [en]
in august, rome empty and it’s hot, smoking and drinking beer on the square gets boring quickly. to break with the repeated everyday life and feeling angry about too many prisoners of social war, one night we decided go around doing some damage. soon we ran into a vehicle of the diplomatic corps, and we torched it joyfully. it’s easy, all it takes is a pack of firecrackers!
with this action we wanted to send a solidarity greetings to all anarchist prisoners in jail.
especially, to paska e ghespe
29 nov 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Incendiary attack (18/11/2017) [en]
There is a lot of anger, and sometimes a little is enough for it to turn into fire.
Anger and fire go together and do not wait for field days to show themselves, they strike rich and poor alike as happened at the Genoa G8 or the Hamburg G20, showing their best face at such times.
Fire and anger just act, they don’t prepare the ground for revolution, they’re not looking for adepts among the masses, they look sadly at a society that has nothing left to ask of its very existence.
Fire and anger: the first an element, the second a feeling, it takes little to get them to wed, just a little courage, then they let out a scream that pierces the cloak of apathy which this dying society is now drenched in and addicted to.
19 nov 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Incendiary attack (10/2017) [en]
Genoa, by night: A car of Italian Post Office torched in solidarity with the prisoners of Scripta Manent, with Ghespe and Paska. We are with you! For all migrants who died on borders.
27 ott 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Milan [Italy]: Action against Benetton (02/10/2017) [en]
On Tuesday, October 2nd, we paid a visit to a Benetton store in Bresso, near Milan, to remind him that his business is covered in Mapuche blood and in response to the call for action for reappearance of the anarchist Santiago. The Benetton is directly responsible for the genocide carried out by Argentine and Chilean States against Mapuche people. Benetton is an example of a capitalist and colonialist company. We glued up the front door lock and dropped of flyers, and when we was about to do something more a security guard appeared and interrupted our action.
26 ott 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Milan [Italy]: ATM attacked (03/10/2017) [en]
On Tuesday night, October 3rd, we decided to smash an ATM of Italian Post Office in the neighbourhood of Bruzzano in Milan, because of its involvement in deportation business of migrants.
Solidarity with Ghespe and with Paska (who carried out a hunger strike against the prison conditions).
26 ott 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Sabotage in solidarity with imprisoned comrades (08/2017) [en]
15 ago 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Calabria [Italy]: Communiqué about the arrests made in Florence (07/08/2017) [en]
We do not need to know who realized these actions. We do not want to flatten our solidarity on the recoverable fields of anti-fascism and repression, we are aware that the struggle for destruction of power and all authority also implies an attack against its closest collaborators.
The topics and the timing of legality are not our concern. Therefore, we express our unconditional support to Nicola, Sandro, Marina, Roberto, Micol, Giovanni, Paska and Ghespe.
Some anarchists from Calabria
8 ago 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Trentino [Italy]: TV, radio and mobile phone masts sabotaged (07/06/2017) [en]
22 giu 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Genova — Valbisagno [Italy]: Mobile phone mast sabotaged in solidarity with imprisoned anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike (12/05/2017) [en]
13 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
UK: Three new publications on the anarchist armed struggle against power by Untorelli Press (04/2017) [en]
- A Few Words of “Freedom”: An Interview with Alfredo Cospito by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell
— Beyond Right & Wrong by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
— Let’s Become Dangerous: For the Diffusion of the Black International by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
These publications are a continuation of our Anarchist Guerrilla Series, dedicated to Darko Mathers, nihilist-anarchist of Dark Matter Publications, who passed away in 2014. For more texts against civil anarchism and for combative anarchy, visit darkmatter.noblogs.org
10 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: “For a Dangerous June” (05/05/2017) [en]
State repression is the most important part of the system of dominion and one of its most disgraceful expressions; it doesn’t surprise us that those who are struck most are historically those who don’t let themselves be recuperated by the system of power, i.e. anarchist, revolutionary and rebel individualities.
The latter respond to the physical, psychological, moral, social and economic repression unleashed by all the components of democratic power and to the brutal indiscriminate violence of its armed hands and the judiciary. This they do with direct action aimed at those responsible for repression, with the creative and liberating destruction of the places of dominion and the sabotage of its infrastructures, so as to put an end, or at least hamper, the causes of exploitation and oppression by human beings on other human beings, the earth and animals.
In the view of total liberation, to passively watch the reproduction of dominion means to be accomplices, so there are those who continue to hold their heads high and rebel.
As a consequence power puts all its strategies into action, and the trials and proceedings against comrades for actions, episodes of conflictuality and writings still continue. Next month there will be the cassation trial concerning so-called operation Shadow, where a number of comrades are accused, among other things, of instigation to commit a crime following the publication of the paper KNO3.
These judicial proceedings are an expression of the war that the authorities are waging on the bond between thought and action, which is the foundation of anarchism’s dangerousness. Beyond individual and specific struggles, this police operation aims at striking the cardinal concepts of antiauthoritarian ideas and methods such as direct action, refusal of delegating and solidarity.
Starting from these reflexions, during the meetings that developed after the arrests of operation Scripta Manent, rather than dwell on the strategies of repression, we felt it necessary to not reduce solidarity to the technical support of those who are in prison, but to widen the spectrum of our analysis.
In this respect, we discussed how solidarity is
8 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Genova [Italy]: Sabotaged mobile phone mast (02/2017) [en]
Genova [Italija]: Sabotirana antena mobilne telefonije (02.2017.)
“GENOVA: Sabotirana antena mobilne telefonije na području Stagliena. Protiv ovog postojećeg koje ubija, fizički i pshičiki, naše živote, jedini način da se to okonča je nasilno djelo, direktna akcija. SOLIDARNOST ANARHISTIČKIM ZATVORENICIMA U SVIJETU. ANARHIJA ZNAČI NAPAD.”
24 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Milano [Italy]: Phone masts burned in solidarity with anarchist comrades arrested for Op. Scripta Manent (26/01/2017) [en]
Milano [Italija]: Zapaljene antene mobilne telefonije u znak solidarnosti s anarhističkim drugovima uhapšenima u Op. Scripta Manent (26.01.2017.)
“26. januar. Periferija Milana. Spaljene dvije antene mobilne telefonije, jedna u naselju Paderno Dugnano i druga u naselju Bollate. Napasti Moć sada, i njenu sve kapilarniju tehnološku i telekomunikacijsku kontrolu. Aktivna solidarnost s anarhistima u ćuzi zbog op. Scripta Manent.”
6 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Florence/Brescia [Italy]: Update on repression against the anarchists (01/2017) [en]
Five people were taken to the forensic unit in Florence where they were photographed and fingerprinted; after several hours in the police station they were requested to do a swab test on their hands to detect traces of explosive material. Four people agreed to it, whereas one of them refused so the police decided to seize the jacket they were wearing. At 8pm all five were released with investigation reports showing negative results.
The search of the house in the province of Prato also went on for a long time, followed by a clumsy attempt by the forensic police (who went there after the Digos of Prato and Florence) to do swab tests to look for traces of gunpowder on the hands of those being investigated. The cops wanted to do the test in the middle of a wood using cotton wool from an envelope that had already been opened. At their refusal to submit to the test, the four people were taken to Prato police station where – besides the material already seized – their coats were also taken. Charges being considered by the investigators are attempted murder, serious bodily harm and fabrication and transport of an explosive device. So far no one is known to have been declared under investigation.
BRESCIA: From the media of the regime we learn that after a year of investigation prosecutors from Brescia have put two anarchist comrades under investigation. They have been charged with attack with intents of terrorism and possession and fabrication of explosives, article 280, following an attack on the Polgai police training centre in Brescia, which took place in the night between 17th and 18th December 2015 with a bomb made with eight kilograms of gunpowder. The device caused damage to the door of the building. The attack was claimed by the anarchist comrades of Cellula anarchica acca (C.A.A) in affinity with the black international, and was in response to
18 gen 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Cremona [Italy]: Sabotage of cell phone mast (11/2016) [en]
From city centre to suburbs, in solidarity to all anarchists hit by repression and imprisoned.
We like the Latin ‘Omnia sunt Communia’.”
Cremona [Italija]: Sabotaža antene mobilne telefonije (11.2016.)
“Jedne novembarske noći sabotirana je antena mobilne telefonije pokraj Cremone.
Iz središta grada do periferija, u znak solidarnosti sa svim anarhistima pogođenim represijom i u zatvorima.
Sviđa nam se latinska ‘Omnia sunt Communia’”.
21 dic 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Operation “Scripta Manent” — Solidarity poster (12/2016) [en]
And how many others have realized that they have lived
only for the monotonous tick-tock of the clocks.
It is a great joy
to see blow up
barracks, courthouses and
agents of Power.
The system and its structures are not abstract, they are clearly visible;
the perpetrators have names and surnames
and they can be easily identified.
To each his own choice.
Since 2003 various cells of Informal Anarchist Federation have carried out dozens of direct actions across Italy. On September 6th with operation “Scripta Manent” the State have imprisoned 8 anarchist comrades, accusing them of some of these actions. We don’t need to know who carried out these actions and if there are any connections with the arrested comrades. Our heart will continue to beat with everyone who choose a path of non submission and of attack on Power.
Solidarity with Valentina, Danilo, Anna, Marco, Sandro, Daniele, Nicola, Alfredo and with all anarchist imprisoned everywhere.

Italija: Operacija “Scripta Manent” — Solidarni plakat
Koliko je bića prošlo kroz život, a da se nikada nije probudilo!
I koliko drugih je shvatilo da su živjeli samo za monotoni tik-tak satova.
Velika je radost
gledati eksplozije
kasarni, sudova
i predstavnika moći.
Sistem i njegove strukture nisu apstraktni, sasvim su jasno vidljivi;
odgovnorni posjeduju imena i prezimena
i mogu se lako pronaći.
Svakome njegov izbor
Od 2003. razne ćelije Neformalne Anarhističke Federacije izvele su na desetine direktnih akcija diljem Italije. 6. Septembra operacijom “Scripta Manent” država je zatvorila 8 anarhističkih drugova i drugarica, optužujući ih za neka od tih djela. Ne zanima nas da znamo tko je izveo ta djela i da li postoje ikakve veze s uhapšenim drugovima. Naše srca nastavit će kucati uz svakoga tko odabere put ne pokoravanja i napada na Moć.
Solidarnost s Valentinom, Danilom, Annom, Marcom, Sandrom, Danieleom, Nicolom, Alfredom i sa svim zatvorenim anarhistima bilo gdje.
19 dic 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
Florence [Italy]: ATM torched in solidarity with anarchist comrades (21/11/2016) [en]
Firenca [Italija]: Zapaljen bankomat u znak solidarnosti s anarhističkim drugovima (21.11.2016.)
Pošto prethodna izjava nije stigla, ponavljamo: Firenca 21.11 zapaljen bankomat Talijanske pošte u ulici Cento Stelle. Protiv deportacija, kaveza, kontrole i cenzure. Soliarnost s uhapšenima i pod istragom Op Scritpa Manent, Rim, Torino, Divineu, Carlu, Cedricu i svima koji se, kako unutra tako i vani, bore protiv autoriteta.
14 dic 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Against biotech + No peace for those who live on war [en]
In connection of the International Week of Biotechnology, in October 2016, on the occasion of the Two Day Meeting of scientist and students some molecules, tired of lethal experiments in laboratory and of devastating projects, have aggregated in the courtyard of CNR in Segrate [Institute of bio-medical technologies near Milan], under the message AGAINST BIO-TECHNOLOGIES AND THE WORLD THAT PRODUCES THEM YOU WON’T STOP US.
For an animal and Earth liberation.
Solidarity with the prisoners around the world, animal and human.
Communique 2:
On a rainy night, (almost) at the same time of anti-militarist march in Sardinia, 23 November 2016, in the district of Milan the entries of Logic were hindered with glue and liquid steel.
This company is involved in aerospace and surveillance technologies, and its customers include national services, US army and NATO, to name but a few.
Message: No peace for those who live on war.
Solidarity to all imprisoned and exploited beings due to their ideas and/or their species identity.
For an animal and Earth liberation!
Italija: Protiv biotehnologije + Nema mira za ratne profitere
Izjava 1:
Uz Međunarodni tjedan biotehnologija u oktobru 2016., povodom Dvodnevnog susreta znanstvenika i studenata, nekoliko se molekula umornih od kobnih laboratorijskih eksperimenata i od razornih projekata, sakupilo u dvorištu CNR-a u Segrateu [Institut za biomedicinske tehnologije kraj Milana] pod porukom PROTIV BIOTEHNOLOGIJA I SVIJETA KOJI IH PROIZVODI NEĆETE NAS ZAUSTAVITI.
Za oslobođenje životinja i Zemlje.
Solidarnost sa zatvorenicima i zatvorenicama čitavog svijeta, životinjskim i ljudskim.
Izjava 2:
Jedne kišne noći, (gotovo) istovremeno s antimilitarističkim maršom na Sardiniji, 23. novembra 2016., u provinciji Milano spriječeni su ulazi u Logic ljepilom i tekućim čelikom.
Poduzeće se bavi zrakoplovnim i nadzornim tehnologijama, a među njegovim klijenitima su državne službe, vojska SAD-a i NATO, i mnoge druge.
Poruka: Nema mira za ratne profitere
Solidarnost svi zatvorenim i izrabljivanim bići zbog vlastitih ideja i/ili pripadanja vrsti.
Za oslobođenje životinja i Zemlje!
30 nov 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Incendiary attack in solidarity with anarchist comrades arrested in Op. “Scripta Manent” (17/11/2016) [en]
*oil and gas company
Genova [Italija]: Požar u znak solidarnosti s anarhistima uhapšenim u “Scripta Manent”
GENOVA: 17.11. ZAPALJENO VOZILO ENI — Solidarnost sa svim zatvorenicima/cama Op. Scripta Manent. ZA ANARHIJU
*naftno-plinska kompanija
28 nov 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Direct Actions in solidarity with anarchists arrested in Operation “Scripta Manent” (11/2016) [en]
Bologna: In a night of boredom in Bologna, a supermarket was sanctioned and its invasive eyes were blinded. Immediately after this act, the flames of a roadblock broke the city quietness, screaming our complicity whit those hit by repression. You can act everywhere and in every moment. No one has to give us the green light, or impose the how on us.
Tired of those who imprison us.
Tired of those who are watching and spying us.
As reply fire and action!
Solidarity for the arrested in scripta manent and for everyone behind bars.
Some skeevygenic timewasters
Italija: Direktne akcije solidarnosti s anarhistima uhapšenima u operaciji “Scripta Manent” (11.2016.)
Trento: U noći između 7. i 8., spaljeno je 9 vozila Talijanske pošte. Prekinimo deportacije. Za uhapšene u Scripta Manent. Ignis Ardens.
Bologona: U jednoj noći bolonjske dosade, jedan supermarket je kažnjen, a njegove invazivne oči osljepljene. Odmah nakon toga, plamen jedne blokovne točke prekinuo je gradski mir, urličući naše suučesništvo s onima koje je pogodila represija. Možeš djelovati svugdje i u svakom trenutku. Nitko nam ne treba dati zeleno svjetlo, ili nametnuti nam kako.
Umorni od onih koji nas zatvaraju.
Umorni od onih koji nas gledaju i nadgledaju.
Kao odgovor vatra i djelo!
Solidarnost za uhapšene u scripta manent i za svakoga u zatvoru.
Nekoliko odvratnogeničnih zgubidana
23 nov 2016 Leggi il testo completo...