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UK: ‘Trying to Fix a Broken Spirit’ – Anarcho-nihilist zine from Bristol [en]
PDF: ‘Trying to Fix a Broken Spirit’ Zine
“I’d rather scratch cars than gamble on scratch cards, at least I know I’m under no illusion of winning!”
Hooligan poetry from the streets of the scum-town of Bristol, leafy city of disease rotting in the West.
The theme’s grimy and you can combat the down-trodden feeling. Laughing that you have nothing, but nothing holds you back.
That’s what this zine is about.
If you like this zine, read these others:
‘Step into the Unknown’
‘Tool 4 Crowd-control – Class War-Horse’
21 mar 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
The Local Kids — Issue 3 — Winter 2019 [en]
A compilation of texts, a contribution to a correspondence between those who desire anarchy and subversion.
Life is separated into different phases; as you pass through the years, you are supposed to move on, to progress. One part of life is dedicated to education and exploration, inspired by the naivety and idealism of the inexperienced. Another is about application and comfort, framed by the maturity and pragmatism of the learned. Eventually you arrive at accomplishment and can reap the rewards of a fulfilled life. Only maybe temporarily upset by some (un)desired reskilling and the uncertainty that the future holds. At least that’s how it should be. Or should it?
25 feb 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
“Des oreilles et des yeux” — Call to contributions [en]
Call for contributions: surveillance devices hidden by cops in the spaces we live in
The States, according to their role of repression of individuals and groups doing subversive actions, put in place ways of keeping those individuals and groups under surveillance. It seems that some of this surveillance is done through the hiding of surveillance devices in the spaces we live in.
These devices take different forms : microphones, cameras, geolocation devices. Targeted spaces can be all the spaces we go through : buildings, vehicles, public space. These practices are sometimes legal, authorized by a judge for example, and sometimes not, done illegally by intelligence agencies.
28 nov 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
UK: “Dark Nights” #48 [en]
DOWNLOAD: Dark Nights #48
International newsletter of social war keeping the black flag flying with a nihilist, anarchist and anti-social revolutionary cover feature written by two comrades in Italy. Usual resistance and repression round ups included. It’s an 8-page hand out for your local squat, social centre, mate’s house or given out at a demo. Help ignite the next wave of the black international – Download, copy and distribute!
1. ‘Without Delay’ by Michela Ortu and Pierleone Porcu.
2. Direct Action Chronology.
3. Repression News.
4. More Than Words.
27 nov 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
‘Animals Thirsting for Freedom’ – Anti-Speciesism from an Anarchist Point of View (PDF) [en]
This is a text about antispeciesism from an anarchist point of view.
This text was written mostly because of the reactions from reformist organizations following a series of acts of sabotage.
DOWNLOAD: Animals Thirsting for Freedom – Booklet
27 nov 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
The Local Kids — Issue 2 — Autumn 2018 [en]
— A compilation of texts, a contribution to a correspondence between those who desire anarchy and subversion.
It occurs, sometimes, this feeling of being in the right spot. Then someone says or does something that upsets the perceived balance of things, and the moment evaporates. For only a moment it was. And it begs the question; can belonging in a place be part of an anarchist life? Resisting to go with the flow of this society, contradicting hierarchical relationships, refusing to take part in cliches. Not exactly characteristics that go well with the seemingly effortless fitting in that this age of selfies advertises. Feeling estranged, sensing a distance with your surroundings is recurrent. And at times so chronic that leaving becomes a first, necessary step to being present again somewhere (else). But mostly one holds on to a place because besides all that repulses there is still more that attracts. Then the art is to not smother its contradictions in indifference or to smooth them out in illusions of unity, but to turn them in open confrontation based on the proposal for a different, liberated life. And maybe it is in these subversive relationships, that one can find a place.
13 nov 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
UK: ‘Step into the Unknown’ – Zine [en]
PDF: ‘Step into the Unknown’ zine
PDF: ‘Step into the Unknown’ posters
From the author/artist/anarchist who brought you ‘Tool 4 Crowd-control – Class War-Horse‘, here we present: ‘Step into the unknown’ with more thoughts, poems, provocations and critique.
It can be printed in a zine format or as individual posters.
14 ott 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Dark Nights #47 : ‘Against Surveillance State UK / Contra la Vigilancia del Estado de Reino Unido’ – EN/ES (ACN) [en]
PDF: Dark Nights #47 – EN
PDF: Dark Nights #47 – ES
‘Against Surveillance State UK – Against Facial Recognition CCTV’
‘Contra la Vigilancia del Estado de Reino Unido – Contra el CCTV de Reconocimiento Facial’
International anarchist newsletter in English and Spanish versions. Latest issue of Dark Nights returns after more than two years.
Download, copy and distribute.
Boletín anarquista internacional en versiones en inglés y español. El último número de Dark Nights regresa después de más de dos años. Descargar, copiar y distribuir.
8 ott 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Against Eco-Extremism: Mirror image of Civilisation & Religion (PDF) [en]
DOWNLOAD PDF: Against Eco-Extremism: Mirror image of Civilisation & Religion
Small booklet compiling the recent texts critical to the so-called ‘Eco-Extremist’ trend written by nihilist-anarchists and anarchist-insurrectionalists from around the world.
Produced in collaboration with Verde Press.
18 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
[USA] Of Indiscriminate Attacks and Wild Reactions An Anti-Civ Anarchist Engages with ITS and Atassa, their Defenders and Their false Critics [en]
The following is the introduction to a short book critiquing so-called “eco-extremism” in Mexico, and those in support of it in the United States. To read two essays on the subject already published on IGD, go here.
Read and Download HERE
Author’s Note to IGD readers: This essay was written a year ago, in haste. It was prompted by the escalation in 2017 of conflict between insurrectionary anarchists and proponents of a new school of purportedly anti-civilization ideology known as “Eco-Extremism”, both in Mexico and the US. This conflict was signaled in part by the appearance of a US journal called Atassa: readings in Eco-Extremism, which presented ideas and writings associated with the armed struggle group known as Individualidades tendiendo a lo Salvaje, abbreviated ITS but most often translated from the Spanish as Individualists Tending toward the Wild (a group with a history stretching back to around 2011).
10 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
The Local Kids — Issue 1 — Summer 2018 [en]
“The Local Kids” — A compilation of texts, a contribution to a correspondence between those who desire anarchy and subversion.
The year is 2018. Our living environment is increasingly interconnected and transparent. This is obvious for the digital reality but is also true for the physical – if the distinction between the two hasn’t already become too artificial. These tendencies have reinforced the validation of the self through affiliation to a group and subjugation to its norms. Before our eyes identities are being constructed, clashes erupt in the scramble for a space to carve out and claim. A bonus for its members is that the enforcing of the norms now is horizontally distributed. As society becomes more totalitarian, the main feeling becomes anxiety. Will for one more day our imperfections pass unnoticed, or maybe just tolerated? And while we invest everything in this socially acceptable image of ourselves we have created, we become the role we were only playing. Is this life?
4 lug 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
UK: Online release of Return Fire vol.5 [en]
Welcome to the fifth installment of Return Fire, now available in PDF. Dated autumn 2017. Part international translation platform, part space for theoretical deliberation, part clearing house for action and repression, part archive for articles of interest, part literary collage of anarchist propaganda, art, poetry and subversion. An alternative version of the covers is also included for printing runs for distribution outside of the U.K. who prefer greyscale.
26 giu 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Copenhagen [Denmark]: “Orkanen” — Anarchist newspaper English edition [en]
English edition – Spring 2018
Translations of a few texts from previous issues.
In this issue:
- Down with the state, down with authorities
- Space travel
- Against the IT-giants and their world
- The place for love in the rebellious life
- The price for gratitude
- Considerations in regards to the capricious nature of the state
- Justice
Read on the screen: English edition – Spring 2018
Print: English edition – Spring 2018
19 giu 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Bra$il: Meeting in solidarity, against operation “Érebo” (04/03/2018) [en]
On Sunday (04/03), at 4:00 p.m., there will be a talk in solidarity with the anarchists persecuted in the southern region of the territory dominated by the Brazilian state.
The meeting will take place in the “center of social culture”, in São Paulo downtown.
During our conversation, there will be reading of counter-informatives and exchange of similar ideas.
For this, we prepared a booklet with some of the texts written on this subject. The material is available in Portuguese, Spanish, English and Italian for free distribution.
28 feb 2018 Leggi il testo completo...
Repressions in so-called Czech republic. Timeline A2 poster [en]
Police repressions and surveilance targeting against anti-authoritarian and subversive movements had always been present. In past years we experienced them of an unprecedented scale of Czech context and history, including entrapment, terrorist charges, large media demonization, attempts of dividing the movement, spreading paranoia, imprisonment and long exhausting court hearings. „Operation Fénix“, as police name for the entrapment operation that had taken place, is relavant to other similar crackdowns in European and north American context. Especially because of divide-and-rule tactic that status quo has in the very heart of its meanings and goals. We hope to have this to understand our experience better to know what to expect in the place where you live and organize.
5 dic 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
UK: Online version of Return Fire vol.4 [en]
Return Fire #4 — cover colour
Return Fire #4 — cover B&W
Return Fire #4 — contents
Caught in the Net — Return Fire #4 supplement
To give you an idea, a few of the featured pieces are the Institute for the Study of Insurgent Warfare’s essay Panopticons Then & Now, arguing for a more sophisticated understanding of the surveillance State; On the Catastrophe of the Salmon Farms and Martime Devastation in the Patagonian Sea as recounted by members of Colectivo Critica y Accion following the events of 2016; words on avoiding needlessly repetitious deeds and indeed aiming to ‘hit where it hurts’ as highlighted in Dissonanz #34 by Taking Apart Authority; and Sold Out to the Industry tells of U.K. unionism cosying up to the fracking prospectors, from The Acorn.
Other articles we have condensed or synthesised are those such as the ‘Antagonistic Margins’ of seduction, contagion and queering the ‘terrortory’, by The Experimentation Committee; the presentation of “Another Figure of the Migrant” as theorised by Thomas Nail in conversation with the Hostis journal; or Ed Lord’s discussion of modernity and questions of psychological ‘disorders’, ‘A Profound Dis-ease’.
Plenty of direct attacks on structures of our enemies found their way into
24 lug 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
UK: Three new publications on the anarchist armed struggle against power by Untorelli Press (04/2017) [en]
- A Few Words of “Freedom”: An Interview with Alfredo Cospito by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell
— Beyond Right & Wrong by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
— Let’s Become Dangerous: For the Diffusion of the Black International by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
These publications are a continuation of our Anarchist Guerrilla Series, dedicated to Darko Mathers, nihilist-anarchist of Dark Matter Publications, who passed away in 2014. For more texts against civil anarchism and for combative anarchy, visit
10 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
UK: “Tool 4 Crowd-Control – Class War-Horse” – Anarcho-nihilist zine from Dark Matter Publ. (04/2017) [en]
A short anarcho-nihilist zine from Bristol about personal approaches to class warfare, living on the margins and kicking it till it breaks. You know the score.
This zine asks the question – If you are one of the ‘comrades’ who are always going on about the class-struggle, why don’t you get off your ass and do something instead of standing there criticizing at the squat/gig/bar etc?
Dark Matter Publications
10 mag 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: The latest paper issue of the a-periodical “Croce Nera Anarchica” no.3 [en]
For info and copies write to: croceneranarchica (at)
(You can download the PDF in the download section or directly from this link )
The post address has changed as follows:
C.P. 104
We want to point out that the anarchist prisoners’ fund needs money. The fund is for all anarchist prisoners, so the money raised is used in this way:
- Sent to the comrades in prison every 15 days
- Used for legal expenses and experts’ reports
- If visiting relatives or comrades need it, their journeys are paid for, given that visits are essential.
- The money is also used for info material (news, updates, destructive actions, communiques, etc.), which is sent to the prisoners every 15 days so that they can keep up to date on what is happening outside.
- It is also used also for telegrams in case of urgent communication such as transfers, reports, disciplinary sanctions, etc.
Anyone who wants to know details about the destination of the money sent to the fund can write to us and specify it.
Account name OMAR NIOI
Postepay card number 4023600919342891
Croce Nera Anarchica
(translated by act for freedom now!)
29 mar 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Poland: “Free The Warsaw Three” — January 2017 [en]
Recently we updated english version of a fanzine ¨Free the Warsaw Three¨, inside you can find new articles about polish law and more info about another political prisoners. Right now we are working on translations, soon the fanzine will be available in spanish, french, german and italian.
24 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Elephant Ed. : Juan José Garfia — Adiós Prisión. The story of the most spectacular escapes [en]
Original title: ADIÓS PRISIÓN. El relato de las fugas mas espectaculares, First Spanish edition: Txalaparta ed., Tafalla, October 1995
Italian Edition: ADIÓS PRISIÓN. Il racconto delle fughe più spettacolari Biblioteca Dell’Evasione, August 2008
Translated by Barbara Stefanelli and Jean Weir in collaboration with Antonia and other accomplices
Introduction to the English edition
As soon as I finished reading Adiós Prisión in the Italian edition published in August 2008 I felt the urge to translate it. It is one of those books that you do not want to finish. You cannot get it out of your head, you want to delve deeper and deeper into it.
This book talks about freedom, the urgent need for freedom and the impossibility of living without it. This book says that freedom must be taken back at all costs and that is exactly what the protagonists of Adiós Prisión, Spanish prisoners under the infamous FIES regime, did: they took back their freedom using all means necessary, challenging the impossible, ready to kill for it if necessary. There is no room for political correctness or abstract morals concerning human life here: if the screws keep you locked up and your life, even in its most banal and insignificant aspects, is at the mercy of their caprice, violence and stupidity, your only choice is to eliminate them if they put themselves between you and your freedom.
The protagonists of this book are not passive subjects of the prison system, on the contrary they are well aware of the fact that prison is the absolute negation of human dignity. As FIES prisoners they are experiencing directly how human beings will never adapt to life in prison, and their most impelling need is to escape in order to put an end to a situation that is unendurable.
The FIES, Ficheros de Internos de Especial Seguimento (record of prisoners under special observation) was inaugurated by the Spanish prison system in 1991 in order to further punish and control prisoners who had been carrying out revolts in the Spanish jails over the previous decades. Two amnesties were granted following the dictator Franco’s death, one in 1976 and one in 1977, but they were systematically denied to a large number of prisoners, the ‘social’ prisoners, whereas many of those declared or considered ‘political’ were released. It was then that revolts started breaking out continuously, not only for the amnesty to be extended to all prisoners but also against the unbearable conditions inside the jails (torture, beatings, overcrowding, rotten food, no medical attention for prisoners affected by medical conditions, and so on). Prison infrastructures were smashed and destroyed as a result of the frequent riots that occurred in most Spanish prisons in the years following Franco’s death. The FIES was created with the precise aim of keeping a record of the most rebellious prisoners of those years. However, it was not just an archive for gathering information about hot-headed prisoners: along with its inauguration special wings were being built inside prisons all over Spain to hold those considered particularly dangerous by the prison system. In the special wings the cells were tiny, the walls were completely bare, the toilet was a hole in the floor, the bed was made of iron, and it was impossible to see out through the barred window. Prisoners spent days, months, years locked up in these dungeons and were allowed to keep nothing with them as their personal possessions were seized on entry to the wing. The screws were always ready to provoke, search and beat prisoners, knowing that they could count on total impunity and the
22 feb 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
How to Burn Cars [en]
Using simple, easy to reproduce methods we cause chaos, in an act of social war against the capitalist system and consumer culture.
Class insurrection against the prison society.

14 nov 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
“Hands Off!” — Solidarity-zine for anarchists accused of bank robberies in Aachen-Germany (11/2016) [en]
These pages shine a light on three anarchists presently sequestered in the dungeons of the neo dark ages as a result of the collusion between money lenders, science laboratories, judges and their henchmen.
It all began a few years ago. Two branches of dedicated speculators in genocide, worldwide slavery and domestic misery – Aachener Bank and Pax Bank, bank of the Vatican, – were relieved of a fraction of their spoils when employees obeyed the requests of some clients arms in hand. No shots fired, a couple of news items, examples of one of the few ways for the excluded to deal with banks: put one’s life on the line and take back some of what has been stolen from us all, in anticipation of destroying the bank itself and the exploitation that goes with it. If this elementary activity has changed little over the centuries, the retaliatory instruments available to such institutions through their eager defenders have extended to the laboratories of high technology (which they finance), opening up a new repressive era for those who do not accept the logic of misery and waiting.
If once the bosses’ hounds would sniff around for ‘clues’, they now claim to extract them from inside our very bodies, to which end they have invented a whole series of tricks, some of which are denounced in the pages that follow, after turning to their cyber colleagues and the now ubiquitous practice of DNA matching. As a result, three anarchists from various European countries have been targeted, accused, imprisoned and
14 nov 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
Poland: “Free the Warsaw Three” — Fanzine about the anarchists arrested in Warsaw [en]
The accusations are: possession of explosives and the intention to use them by setting police car on fire. They are called terrorists by police and media, despite the fact that the arson didn’t actually take place. This accusations are quite serious — they face from 6 months to 8 years of jail. First hearings of the accused took place at District Prosecutor’s Office on 24th may. Marks of tortures were visible on their bodies. On 25th may, during prosecution session at district court, prosecution decided to hold them in custody for three months (on 18 th august that was prolonged to 6 months).
Since the beggining, each of the three is detained in isolation, they had denied the right to communicate with relatives and during the first week of detention none of them had access to a lawyer.
Mass media in the service of the state reproduce authorities propaganda. Witch-hunt begun, creating mass hysteria and the image of the country threaten by terrorism. By doing this, the authorities and their collaborators are trying to justify the implementation of the new so called anti-terrorism law. Significantly, just before the entry into force of the Act on 10th june, on 23rd may and 30th may in several Polish cities a series of false bomb alarms took place, leading to evacuation of sites such as the editorial office of the press and television, shopping mall and banks.
The wave of repression against the anarchist movement is
13 ott 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
Bristol [UK]: “Pub Quiz” #5 — Anarcho-nihilist flyposter zine by Dark Matter Publ. (10/2016) [en]
As part of Dark Matter Publications and in line with the nihilist ethos of the project we present this latest zine by some anti-social hooligans in Bristol. It’s made up of cut-n-paste flyposters that have been spread around the city and the originals are collected here for the first time. These are not professional posters of the official movement, but dirty DIY amateur efforts about topics as diverse as police repression, eco-action, surveillance and consumerism. This is what happens when fevered twisted minds get hold of stationary and scissors. Being mainly flyposters, the zine contains pretty much no prolonged verbal diarrhea, long-winded sectarian tripe or boring pontifications posing as critical theory or whatever.
Anti-social hooligans
13 ott 2016 Leggi il testo completo...