Italy: Three days against the techno-sciences – 26-27-28 JULY 2019 “Capo di Ponte Theme Park” in Prada – Capo di Ponte (BS) [en]


13.00 lunch

14.30 Presentation of the meeting

15.00 In the temple of Janus. About the relationship between technology, exploitation and racism
For the Italics Janus had two faces: a bearded one depicting the sun and a beardless one depicting the moon. For the Romans, the sun and the moon soon became peace and war. The temple of Janus, in the Roman Forum, was closed in time of peace and open in time of war. Today the door of that temple is always closed because of the war and the unnamed of the present time. Embodied in the technological apparatus and its silent injunctions, war is the planetary movement of digital democracy. Racism is its “moment of truth”, in that it explicitly affirms what its machines have never stopped doing to the colonial peoples. The algorithm command prepares the chief’s orders. The abstraction from the body, from the earth, from nature produces the comfortable bulwark of national belonging and the desire to lynch the different as a backlash. What was experienced in the colonies goes back.
Some of the editors of the anarchist magazine “I Giorni e le Notti” (Days and Nights) (Italy)


Capo di Ponte (BS) [Italy]: Three Day Against The Techno-Sciences 26-27-28 July 2019 [en]

The program will come soon

Today more than ever, we feel the necessity to organize a meeting involving comrades from different countries already engaged in a critique and in opposition to developments of techno-sciences. An important moment to exchange and share analyses, reflections and experiences, to reinforce criticism and refine one’s thinking even more in confrontation with other groups and individualities that have been pursuing for a long time paths of opposition to the developments of techno-sciences.


“Des oreilles et des yeux” — Call to contributions [en]

Call for contributions: surveillance devices hidden by cops in the spaces we live in

The States, according to their role of repression of individuals and groups doing subversive actions, put in place ways of keeping those individuals and groups under surveillance. It seems that some of this surveillance is done through the hiding of surveillance devices in the spaces we live in.

These devices take different forms : microphones, cameras, geolocation devices. Targeted spaces can be all the spaces we go through : buildings, vehicles, public space. These practices are sometimes legal, authorized by a judge for example, and sometimes not, done illegally by intelligence agencies.


Italy : A few clarifications concerning a Key-logger installed in my computer [en]

Recently, as I was reading the report on the hearings of the trial that we are facing following the Turin investigation “Scripta Manent”, staged by prosecutor Roberto Sparagna, I noticed an explanation regarding the keylogger (or Agent Elena, as the miserable Naples ROS called it).

A text that appears in some sites says that a keylogger was allegedly used to intercept off-line comments during RadioAzione live recordings. That would be nice, but unfortunately the reality is different.

The keylogger was a proper bug, sent to my PC via internet through a virus, and it was capable of intercepting everything around my computer. It was sufficient for the computer to be connected to the internet and the miserable ones were able to hear all audio nearby (no video because the webcam has always been blocked out).
So, because I have my PC in my bedroom they listened not only to radio off-line comments but even more… everything in fact!
Moreover it was used to create screenshot sequences of my desktop while I was writing texts or translating those of other comrades, which were subsequently published in the RadioAzione website. All this for six years in a row, in spite of the fact that I formatted my PC on a number of occasions.


Genoa [Italy]: Righi telecommunications repeater up in flames (13/03/2018) [en]

We live in a world where being connected is essential if we want to keep up with the times and keep pace with the neurotic rhythm that modern society is offering us.
Human relationships have broken up behind displays, Apps.
Without WhatsApp you risk being excluded from your group of friends… seriously.
At work, in the family, as a couple, we all need to be constantly available: “send your precise position”, “send a selfie “, “listen to this voice message”.

Although we realize that “perhaps” we’re spending a lot of time at home, links are becoming more and more virtual and our first thought as soon as we get in after a day’s work is to turn on the pc, we don’t want to figure out for ourselves that something’s wrong, we’re lying to ourselves.
It’s a well-known fact that technology and its damsels have full control over our lives today, what needs to be analysed is why we’ve accepted it.


Rome [Italy]: Atennas and phone masts torched (12/02/2018) [en]

On the night of 12 February, in the vicinity of metro/bus station Ponte Mammolo in Rome, antennas and cell masts have been torched.

Against technological domination, let’s sabotage the alienation caused by smartphones, social networks e by everything that produces fictive social interactions and misery of human relations.

Solidarity to all anarchist prisoners locked up in jails.

A greeting to Cello, Greg and Ghespe

Genoa [Italy]: Sabotage in solidarity with imprisoned comrades (08/2017) [en]

Genoa: Two cell towers sabotaged with fire in solidarity with imprisoned comrades in Florence, Hamburg, Ferrara and across the globe.

Trentino [Italy]: TV, radio and mobile phone masts sabotaged (07/06/2017) [en]

Trentino — We learn from local media that on the night between 6th and 7th of June, several masts located on the mount Finonchio were set on fire. Radio and tv (Rai; national public broadcasting company) installation, mobile telephony providers (Telecom, Vodafone and Wind) and few transmitters used for the armed forces communications torched. The damage is considerable, they talk about more than one million euro, and the TV of State didn’t transmit in the entire area for several hours. On the site were found the tags “No more censorship against the comrades in AS2 [high security prison section]. With Fran and with the comrades of Aachen” and “Today we censure you (A)”.

Genova [Italy]: Sabotaged mobile phone mast (02/2017) [en]

“GENOVA: Mobile phone mast sabotaged in Staglieno area. Against this existing which kills, physically and psychologically, our lives, the only way to stop it is violent action, direct action. SOLIDARITY TO ANARCHIST PRISONERS IN THE WORLD. ANARCHY MEANS ATTACK.”

Genova [Italija]: Sabotirana antena mobilne telefonije (02.2017.)
“GENOVA: Sabotirana antena mobilne telefonije na području Stagliena. Protiv ovog postojećeg koje ubija, fizički i pshičiki, naše živote, jedini način da se to okonča je nasilno djelo, direktna akcija. SOLIDARNOST ANARHISTIČKIM ZATVORENICIMA U SVIJETU. ANARHIJA ZNAČI NAPAD.”

Milano [Italy]: Phone masts burned in solidarity with anarchist comrades arrested for Op. Scripta Manent (26/01/2017) [en]

“January 26th. Milano hinterland. Two phone masts burned, one in Paderno Dugnano and the other one in Bollate. Attack the Power now, and its increasingly widespread technological and telecommunicational control. Active solidarity with the anarchists in slammer for op. Scripta Manent.”

Milano [Italija]: Zapaljene antene mobilne telefonije u znak solidarnosti s anarhističkim drugovima uhapšenima u Op. Scripta Manent (26.01.2017.)
“26. januar. Periferija Milana. Spaljene dvije antene mobilne telefonije, jedna u naselju Paderno Dugnano i druga u naselju Bollate. Napasti Moć sada, i njenu sve kapilarniju tehnološku i telekomunikacijsku kontrolu. Aktivna solidarnost s anarhistima u ćuzi zbog op. Scripta Manent.”

Cremona [Italy]: Sabotage of cell phone mast (11/2016) [en]

“On a November night a cell phone mast was sabotaged near Cremona.
From city centre to suburbs, in solidarity to all anarchists hit by repression and imprisoned.
We like the Latin ‘Omnia sunt Communia’.”

Cremona [Italija]: Sabotaža antene mobilne telefonije (11.2016.)
“Jedne novembarske noći sabotirana je antena mobilne telefonije pokraj Cremone.
Iz središta grada do periferija, u znak solidarnosti sa svim anarhistima pogođenim represijom i u zatvorima.
Sviđa nam se latinska ‘Omnia sunt Communia’”.

Italy: Against biotech + No peace for those who live on war [en]

Communique 1:
In connection of the International Week of Biotechnology, in October 2016, on the occasion of the Two Day Meeting of scientist and students some molecules, tired of lethal experiments in laboratory and of devastating projects, have aggregated in the courtyard of CNR in Segrate [Institute of bio-medical technologies near Milan], under the message AGAINST BIO-TECHNOLOGIES AND THE WORLD THAT PRODUCES THEM YOU WON’T STOP US.
For an animal and Earth liberation.
Solidarity with the prisoners around the world, animal and human.

Communique 2:
On a rainy night, (almost) at the same time of anti-militarist march in Sardinia, 23 November 2016, in the district of Milan the entries of Logic were hindered with glue and liquid steel.
This company is involved in aerospace and surveillance technologies, and its customers include national services, US army and NATO, to name but a few.
Message: No peace for those who live on war.
Solidarity to all imprisoned and exploited beings due to their ideas and/or their species identity.
For an animal and Earth liberation!

Italija: Protiv biotehnologije + Nema mira za ratne profitere
Izjava 1:
Uz Međunarodni tjedan biotehnologija u oktobru 2016., povodom Dvodnevnog susreta znanstvenika i studenata, nekoliko se molekula umornih od kobnih laboratorijskih eksperimenata i od razornih projekata, sakupilo u dvorištu CNR-a u Segrateu [Institut za biomedicinske tehnologije kraj Milana] pod porukom PROTIV BIOTEHNOLOGIJA I SVIJETA KOJI IH PROIZVODI NEĆETE NAS ZAUSTAVITI.
Za oslobođenje životinja i Zemlje.
Solidarnost sa zatvorenicima i zatvorenicama čitavog svijeta, životinjskim i ljudskim.

Izjava 2:
Jedne kišne noći, (gotovo) istovremeno s antimilitarističkim maršom na Sardiniji, 23. novembra 2016., u provinciji Milano spriječeni su ulazi u Logic ljepilom i tekućim čelikom.
Poduzeće se bavi zrakoplovnim i nadzornim tehnologijama, a među njegovim klijenitima su državne službe, vojska SAD-a i NATO, i mnoge druge.
Poruka: Nema mira za ratne profitere
Solidarnost svi zatvorenim i izrabljivanim bići zbog vlastitih ideja i/ili pripadanja vrsti.
Za oslobođenje životinja i Zemlje!

Campania [Italy]: Three BTS burned in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners Op. Scripta Manent (10/2016) [en]

“Fire to the technological domination. Campania, three base transceiver stations burned in the course of October, in solidarity with the arrested in operation scripta manent and with all the anarchist prisoners around the world.”

Campania [Italija]: Zapaljena tri BTS-a u znak soldiarnosti s anarhističkim zatvorenicima Op. Scripta Manent (10.2016.)
“Požar tehnološkoj dominaciji. Campania, tokom mjeseca oktobra zapaljene tri bazne stanice u znak solidarnosti s uhapšenima u operaciji scripta manent i sa svim anarhističkim zatvorenicima diljem svijeta.”

Italy: Direct actions in solidarity with the imprisoned comrades (01/07-11-2016) [en]

Pisa: “November 7, 2016 — Cell tower torched near Pisa in solidarity with the arrested in op. scripta manent and with all prisoners.”

Genoa: “VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT, IGNIS ARDENS. Genoa 01/11. 2 postbank ATMs and 1 bank ATM torched. The State imprisons, Mistral Air deports, Unicredit finances Erdogan. The Post and the banks will continue to be attacked. Solidarity with Alfredo, Nicola, Sandro, Marco, Anna, Valentina, Danilo, Daniele and Divine.”

Italija: Djela solidarnosti s uhapšenim drugovima (01./07.112016.)
“7. novembar 2016. — Zapaljena antena mobilne telefonije pokraj Pise u znak solidarnosti s uhapšenim u op. scripta manent i sa svim zatvorenicima.”
Genova: “VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT, IGNIS ARDENS. Genova, 01.11. Zapaljena 2 postamata i 1 bankomat. Država zatvara, Mistral Air deportira, Unicredit financira Erdogana. Pošte i banke će i dalje biti napadane. Solidarnost s Alfredom, Nicolom, Sandrom, Marcom, Annom, Valentinom, Danilom, Danieleom i Divineom.”