Italy: Three days against the techno-sciences – 26-27-28 JULY 2019
“Capo di Ponte Theme Park” in Prada – Capo di Ponte (BS)

13.00 lunch
14.30 Presentation of the meeting
15.00 In the temple of Janus. About the relationship between technology, exploitation and racism
For the Italics Janus had two faces: a bearded one depicting the sun and a beardless one depicting the moon. For the Romans, the sun and the moon soon became peace and war. The temple of Janus, in the Roman Forum, was closed in time of peace and open in time of war. Today the door of that temple is always closed because of the war and the unnamed of the present time. Embodied in the technological apparatus and its silent injunctions, war is the planetary movement of digital democracy. Racism is its “moment of truth”, in that it explicitly affirms what its machines have never stopped doing to the colonial peoples. The algorithm command prepares the chief’s orders. The abstraction from the body, from the earth, from nature produces the comfortable bulwark of national belonging and the desire to lynch the different as a backlash. What was experienced in the colonies goes back.
Some of the editors of the anarchist magazine “I Giorni e le Notti” (Days and Nights) (Italy)
19.30 dinner
21.00 The non-neutrality of the technique/technology
The dominant thought treats techniques and technologies as simple tools at the service of human desires. To this idea, normally, it is usual to add the idea of an indefinite and continuous progress that makes the trajectory of technological development a universal and indisputable destiny of the human being. These notions reinforce the paradigm of technical neutrality. In this debate we will try to destroy these notions and build a broader proposal that will allow us to understand techniques as social creations, as non-neutral elements.
Adrián Almazán Gómez, member of the Cul de Sac Collective and the publishing house Ediciones El Salmón (Spain), Nicolas del groupo Écran total (France)
8.00 breakfast
9.00 The dangers of postmodernism, rethinking nature in the era of the artificial
It’s been several decades since the dominant paradigm of thought is what we know as “postmodernity”. One of the most dangerous effects of its hegemony was the way in which the concept of nature was attacked. With the excuse of putting an end to all essentialism protected by the idea of “natural”, postmodern thinkers have implemented a crusade against nature that claims to reduce everything to an artifact under our control. Today, all the critical thoughts have the obligation to criticize this delirious idea and return to give space to nature.
Adrián Almazán Gómez, member of the Cul de Sac Collective and the publishing house Ediciones El Salmón (Spain), Nicolas del groupo Écran total (France)
12.30 lunch
15.00 Can Machines Produce Communication?
Communication automatics in digital networks and electronic mediation of the social factory
Networks are a basic infrastructure of the western developed societies, for which major investments are needed, both material and ideological. The advance of artificial intelligence brings forward the question if machines can be smarter than humans. Modern digital communication, which establishes the machine as a node rather than humans, contributes to the transformation of social relations in a way that eludes us. Digital secretaries thus appear as the saviours who shall organize our everyday life through algorithms. In the end, within the game of automation, will we be players or pawns?
GameOver Collective (Greece)
19.30 dinner
21.00 It’s time to shut up the machine and get the bodies talking again
The news of the children edited in China is another of the thresholds that have been crossed from which no one can think to go back. Artificial reproduction is a central issue: it means putting the dimension of procreation in the hands of the techno-scientific system, at stake there is a profound and radical transformation of the human and the entire living. The body, the bodies are at the center and increasingly under attack, taken in a grip: on the one hand the techno-scientific system and the bio-market have more and more need of them and they hoard it up to their vital processes, on the other hand their ideologies deconstruct and fragment them. A fluid body, without boundaries, without limits, protein-shaped, porous, malleable and infinitely manipulatible. In times of transhumanist re-signification and the cancellation of reality itself, a reflection to understand and face the new challenges of the present and the non-sense that spreads with ardent and profound awareness of an urgency and a priority. In post-modern dissolution and indeterminacy there is no need for doubts about the road that power is increasingly shaping and the road to take to derail the machine.
Silvia Guerini, Resistenze al Nanomondo Collective (Italy)
8.00 breakfast
9.00 The necessity of resistance
Fighting against exploitation in these times of the new techno-totalitarianism first of all means realizing that the same premises that make us feel and desire a free world are corroded. The same conditions that make life on the planet possible are eroded and also remind us that we are animals among a multitude of other animals that in turn need an intact environment in which to live. The artificial world is changing relationships and emotions in virtual dreams and synthetic environments, and this can only produce GMO chimeras and worlds of Artificial Intelligence. The techno-world destroys and manipulates every freedom from the root, rewriting a history that comes from laboratories and uses the language of war to survive. The resistants in this process will not only risk to remain behind, lost in struggles without content, but also they will take much longer to understand the process, to decipher it in order to be able to explain it. In this generalized nonsense, a reaction that can no longer be expected is urgently needed; not being just accomplices is no longer sufficient. And who knows if the seed of freedom will be the hard one to die.
Costantino Ragusa, Resistenze al Nanomondo Collective (Italy)
12.30 lunch
How to get there
By Train:
Train from Brescia to Edolo, get off at Capo di Ponte (1 hour 35, nine stops) continue on foot for 1,2 Km
Proceed south on Via Nazionale towards Via S. Martino
At the roundabout take the 1st exit and take Via Sebastiano Briscioli
Turn left and take Via Santo Stefano
Turn left and left again, you will find the “Capo di Ponte Theme Park” in Prada.
By Car:
From SOUTH/WEST DIRECTION: At Bergamo take the SS42 towards Edolo, up to via Breda a Ceto. From Via Breda turn right onto Via Nazionale, at the roundabout take the second exit onto Via Sebastiano Briscioli, turn left onto Via Santo Stefano and then left again onto the Capo di Ponte Theme Park.
From SOUTH/EAST DIRECTION: In Brescia take the SP510 towards Edolo, until the junction with the SS42 towards Costa Volpino (signs for Darfo B.T./Lovere) and enter SS42 up to Via Brada a Ceto. From Via Breda turn right onto Via Nazionale, at the roundabout take the second exit onto Via Sebastiano Briscioli, turn left onto Via Santo Stefano and then left again onto the Capo di Ponte Theme Park.
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