Capo di Ponte (BS) [Italy]: Three Day Against The Techno-Sciences
26-27-28 July 2019

Today more than ever, we feel the necessity to organize a meeting involving comrades from different countries already engaged in a critique and in opposition to developments of techno-sciences. An important moment to exchange and share analyses, reflections and experiences, to reinforce criticism and refine one’s thinking even more in confrontation with other groups and individualities that have been pursuing for a long time paths of opposition to the developments of techno-sciences.
In the face of the aridity and degeneration of contemporary thought and the lack of awareness of the pervasive, totalizing and above all irreversible nature of techno-sciences, a lucid analysis of the present is needed on the reality that transforms itself and transforms us.
In today’s society, control takes on new forms through computerization and digitalization of the planet and of our lives. If GM plants contaminate the surrounding environment, if nanotubes and fullerenes infiltrate cells; smart dust, RFID and sensors are preparing to cover every place and our own body, in the “intelligent planet” of IBM, a world strewn and infiltrated by invisible harmfulness, we will become communicating machines and harmfulness will become ecological, social systemic and global.
A profound and radical transformation of the human and of the whole living is taking place. In the biotech paradigm it has been a long time since the experiment has no longer just inside the walls of the laboratories, but the laboratory is the whole world and the bodies themselves become living laboratories. But the phase we are facing now is even more insidious: the same biotechnologies are changing from how we have known them until now. The real work of the biotech industry, a complex of multinationals, universities, research institutions, foundations, trade associations, no longer has the aim to demonstrate that genetic engineering is without consequences, but their aim is to totally change its face: the new face of biotechnology is called genetic editing. The news of the girls edited in China is another of the thresholds that have been exceeded, from which no one can think of going back.
In artificial reproduction, eugenics take place in test tubes and soon the new progressive left and the new cyborg-neoliberal feminism will invoke the public eugenics, from the GPA “ethics” (Surrogate Gestation) and the PMA (Medically Assisted Procreation) for everyone, they will ask for editing for everyone. All of this is in perfect conformity with the direction that has already been undertaken to make an act of selection of the human and the transhumanist world, protagonist of the CRISPR revolution, which does not want to let the possible applications on the man of this new technology of genetic engineering escape.
The production of exploitable and engineerable bodies and the dream of freeing themselves from the body of limited and deadly flesh meet in transhumanist ideology. Techno-sciences are not neutral, not only in what they aim at, whether or not they arrive at the result, but already upstream, in their idea of redesigning the world that makes bodies all available, unimaginable, modifiable, engineerable in an infinite availability of bodies.
We live in a context in which the same very foundations are being undermined in order to hear something else, to imagine something else and therefore to deny the existent and to act against it. If everything is relative and interpretable, the reality against which we can rebel no longer exists. The actual subject no longer exists, deconstructed and disintegrated by the post-modern to be recreated for use and consumption of markets and the techno-scientific system: a perfectly compliant, neutral, fluid, malleable, spongy, protean individual. The post-modern re-signifies and erases the reality itself, in a reversed world in which nature does not exist, commodification becomes freedom, in which there must not be limits anymore. But if there is no limit, everything is possible.
Too many things fade and become undefined. Instead, we would like to keep these lines of demarcation between organic / inorganic, flesh / metal, electronic circuits / nervous systems, life / death, nature / artificial, totally clear. We also have to have clearly understood what we will not let be destroyed and also what we will not allow to be deconstructed neither from the techno-scientific system nor from post-modernism with its false critics and opponents. Nature, bodies, the living cannot be deconstructed. By deconstructing them, the road to the transformation of the whole world into a living laboratory is being smoothed.
Resistance is undermined not only by the power system, but also by these contemporary trends. The reflux of the seasons of struggle has seen many protesters land in happy islands which are more virtual than real, helping themselves with those new ideologies built by academics who, from the comfort of their desks, are committed to complicating things or confusing them, where on the contrary everything is extremely clear.
The state and its apparatuses, abandoning and partly exceeding their historical role, have become functional to the technological process. A process that is embodied in research centers, in giants like Google, IBM, Microsoft, agroindustrial multinationals, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
How to imagine building another community if the foundations for survival will be undermined? If daughters and sons will be conceived in test tubes? If the individual will be more and more atomized, homologated and infinitely modifiable? If the biodiversity of the planet will be irreparably compromised?
Aware of what is at stake, it emerges that it is essential and urgent to join forces, to weave analyses and paths of struggle into an international network.
Resistenze al Nanomondo Collective
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