Firenze English
Italy: Sentencing requests at the trial for the “Panico” operation [en]
On July 16, 2019, the prosecutors Focardi and Giunti exposed requests for conviction against 39 defendants in the trial for the “Panico” operation against the Florentine anarchists. The trial is the result of the union of several proceedings, including the one linked to the “Panico” repressive operation of January 31st, 2017 (which involved three house arrest, some restrictions and searches with the main accusation of “criminal association”) and the repressive operation of August 3rd, 2017, which involved eight arrests, searches and the eviction of La Riottosa occupation, in Florence, with accusations (for the eight anarchists arrested) of having carried out an explosive attack against “Il Bargello” bookstore (Florence, January 1st, 2017), a space linked to fascists and the fascist party “Casapound”, an action during which a policeman was seriously injured and lost part of a hand and an eye, and an arson attack on a police station in the neighborhood of Rovezzano (Florence, April 21st, 2016).
18 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Operation “Panico” Call for international active solidarity, supporting prisoners and legal expenses [en]
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16 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Florence [Italy]: Last hearings of the trial for the “Panico” operation [en]
The hearings from 15 to 18 July, 2019, are confirmed, but due to the absence of one of the judges the sentence (scheduled for July 22nd) could slip, by a maximum of one week, apparently.
For Giova, Paska and Ghespe under house arrest, was asked the transport by their own means for the hearings, therefore without an escort. For Paska has also been asked to temporarily move house arrest to a house near Florence.
As regards presences in the courtroom, Paska should therefore be present at all hearings. Giova and Ghespe will certainly not come to the hearing on the 15th, but for the following ones they still haven’t decided.
11 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Rome [Italy]: 6 cars of ENI-energy company torched (01/12/2017) [en]
Rome, December 1st.
6 “enjoy” cars of car-sharing Eni-Trenitalia [developed by gas&oil company in partnership with Fiat and Trenitalia, primary train operator owned by the Italian government] for its involvement in Libya.
Let’s attack ENI everywhere.
Solidarity to the detainees and the accused for Scripta Manent, for Florence, to comrades hit by repression for the cop cars torched in France and Poland, to accused from Brenner Pass and to all those who do not bend to this rotten existent. A greeting to Krem in solitary confinement.
20 dic 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Rome [Italy]: Diplomatic vehicle torched (08/2017) [en]
in august, rome empty and it’s hot, smoking and drinking beer on the square gets boring quickly. to break with the repeated everyday life and feeling angry about too many prisoners of social war, one night we decided go around doing some damage. soon we ran into a vehicle of the diplomatic corps, and we torched it joyfully. it’s easy, all it takes is a pack of firecrackers!
with this action we wanted to send a solidarity greetings to all anarchist prisoners in jail.
especially, to paska e ghespe
29 nov 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Anarchist comrade Pierloreto Fallanca is finally out of prison (23/11/2017) [en]
Paska is finally out of jail
Our comrade Paska is finally out of the cage; he has an order to reside in Martinsicuro, to report to the police station and be indoors at night.
We await and demand his total liberation.
Solidarity with all the comrades involved in the Florence investigation.
(translated by act for freedom now!)
27 nov 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Florence [Italy]: Verdict of the court of review concerning the events of 1st January 2017 [en]
From the local press we learn that the court of review pronounced a verdict concerning the prosecutor’s appeal against the orders of release concerning the comrades arrested following an attack on a Casapound bookshop on 1st January 2017.
The court rejected the prosecutor’s appeal for all the comrades except:
– Paska, currently being held in Lecce on charges of organized crimes, against whom serious evidence against him was apparently identified concerning the fabrication of the device on 1st January. His situation has therefore worsened as he’s being held not only for ‘organized crime’ but also for charges related to the attack.
13 nov 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Incendiary attack (10/2017) [en]
Genoa, by night: A car of Italian Post Office torched in solidarity with the prisoners of Scripta Manent, with Ghespe and Paska. We are with you! For all migrants who died on borders.
27 ott 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Milan [Italy]: ATM attacked (03/10/2017) [en]
On Tuesday night, October 3rd, we decided to smash an ATM of Italian Post Office in the neighbourhood of Bruzzano in Milan, because of its involvement in deportation business of migrants.
Solidarity with Ghespe and with Paska (who carried out a hunger strike against the prison conditions).
26 ott 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: News from Florence (10/2017) [en]
On the 1st of January 2017, following the explosion of home-made bomb in front of the fascist bookshop in which a policeman from the bomb disposal unit lost a hand and an eye, several homes of comrades were searched. The police were hoping to find firearms and/or explosives. The searches didn’t lead to nothing except for the seizure of pamphlets, computers, clothing and other generic objects (or can say materials). An investigation against persons unknown was launched with intention to charge with the offences “manufacturing, possession, and transportation of an explosive or incendiary device to a public place” and “attempted murder”.
16 ott 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Updates on anarchist comrade Pierloreto Fallanca — Pasca (10/2017) [en]
From a letter dated 1st October received from the prison in Lecce, we learned of Paska’s intention to begin a hunger strike next day, and to stage several protests against his prison conditions throughout the month of October, until he’s moved to another unit or prison.
He was arrested on 3rd August and held in the prison of Lecce. Initially Paska was kept in solitary confinement, then he was transferred to the ‘arrivals’ unit where he is still being held. In the ‘arrivals’ unit, unlike the others, the (single) cells remain locked all day: the only times of sociality are 2 hours in the exercise yard in the morning and in the afternoon and in the recreation hall. Requests for special visits have always been rejected on the pretext of formalities. As concerns telephone calls the procedure continues to be troubled, whereas censorship of letters was revoked recently.
11 ott 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Updates on the arrests in Florence (25/08/2017) [en]
As far as anarchist comrade Pierloreto Fallanca is concerned, we learn that he’s subjected to censorship, and that the investigating judge issued another order of remand in custody for criminal association, thus withdrawing the charge of participation in the 1st January attack in Florence for which he had been originally arrested.
(translated by Act For Freedom Now! )
28 ago 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Genoa [Italy]: Sabotage in solidarity with imprisoned comrades (08/2017) [en]
15 ago 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Update on Florence case (08/08/2017) [en]
(we correct in particular the address of comrade arrested in Lecce)
SALVATORE VESPERTINO - c.c. Sollicciano via Minervini 2r — 50142 Firenze — Italy
PIERLORETO FALLANCA (PASCA) - Borgo San Nicola 4 — 73100 Lecce — Italy
CNA [Anarchist Black Cross]
9 ago 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Calabria [Italy]: Communiqué about the arrests made in Florence (07/08/2017) [en]
We do not need to know who realized these actions. We do not want to flatten our solidarity on the recoverable fields of anti-fascism and repression, we are aware that the struggle for destruction of power and all authority also implies an attack against its closest collaborators.
The topics and the timing of legality are not our concern. Therefore, we express our unconditional support to Nicola, Sandro, Marina, Roberto, Micol, Giovanni, Paska and Ghespe.
Some anarchists from Calabria
8 ago 2017 Leggi il testo completo...
Riottosa Squat — Florence [Italy]: Eviction and arrests (03/08/2017) [en]
This Thursday morning, 3th of August, started the eviction operation of squat Riottosa del Galluzzo [neighbourhood of Florence]; it seems that 8 comrades have been arrested, and the accuse is supposed to be very serious: attempted murder concerning the molotov threw by persons unknown against a barracks of Carabinieri. At the moment we don’t know anything more.
I feel to express, for what is worth, all the possible solidarity to evicted comrades and those held captive in police station, a hug and long live Anarchy!
As soon as I have news I will update...
3 ago 2017 Leggi il testo completo...