Alfredo Cospito
Dalle carceri greche all'AS2 di Ferrara: Quattro parole in "libertà"
Intervista delle CCF a me medesimo [it]
Qella che segue è l’intervista che i compagni anarchici della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco, detenuti nelle carceri greche, hanno fatto al compagno anarchico Alfredo Cospito del “Nucleo – Olga – Fai/Fri”. Ricordo che Alfredo insieme all’altro compagno anarchico Nicola Gai, entrambi detenuti nella sezione di massima sicurezza AS2 del carcere di Ferrara, hanno rivendicato il 30 ottobre 2013 il ferimento del Amministratore Delegato di Ansaldo Nucleare Roberto Adinolfi. Il processo con rito abbreviato si è concluso con le seguenti condanne: 10 anni e 8 mesi per Alfredo, e 9 anni e 4 mesi per Nicola. La corte d’appello, nel giugno 2014, ha riconfermato le condanne. L’attacco, avvenuto il 7 maggio 2012, fu rivendicato attraverso un documento da parte del “Nucleo Olga – Federazione Anarchica Informale/ Fronte Rivoluzionario Internazionale”. I due compagni hanno sempre dichiarato di essere gli unici appartenenti al “Nucleo Olga”. Scelgo di rendere in formato opuscolo l’intervista perché penso che sia il momento che un po’ di “roba vecchia” vada in soffitta per far largo a nuove riflessioni. Poi ci sarà chi le condividerà e chi meno, ma di sicuro si discuterà su idee del nuovo millennio e non più su quelle di un secolo fa. L’opuscolo verrà messo a disposizione gratuitamente per chiunque voglia scaricarlo e fotocopiarlo perché, secondo me, le idee non devono avere un prezzo. RadioAzione Agosto 2014.
31 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
A.D. Bourzoukos
Dichiarazione politica al processo per il caso della doppia rapina a Velvedo (Grecia)
[...] All’inizio voglio chiarire il motivo per cui oggi mi trovo qui, approfittando della procedura delle dichiarazioni. Quello che seguirà, dunque, non avrà in nessun modo un carattere apologetico, dato che i miei atti e le mie scelte fanno parte di una lotta anarchica più ampia, la lotta per la vita e per la libertà. Di conseguenza, sono atti che io sostengo con tutto il mio essere e continuerò a farlo finché questo mondo rimarrà così com’è. [...] Per chiarire le cose, io mi trovo in un’aula speciale, all’interno di un tribunale speciale, processato con delle leggi speciali e il futuro prevede condizioni speciali di detenzione per me, per i miei compagni e per ogni ribelle che disturba lo scorrevole funzionamento dell’intero sistema. Speciali categorie di persone in mezzo ad una massa di cittadini identici, docili e sottomessi, questo è il modo più semplice per interpretare tutta questa differenziazione intenzionale. Dall’altra parte, per poter pienamente interpretare i motivi di questa intenzione basta guardare il ruolo e l’utilizzo delle leggi e della giustizia. La giustizia è per definizione una forma di controllo sociale, un modo per conservare l’obbedienza e il rispetto nella società attraverso un sistema di regole che definiscono cosa può accadere e cosa no, che cosa rimane nella cornice di acceabile al sistema e cosa è fuori da questa norma. Lo Stato di giustizia, che voi sostenete, rafforza le condizioni di sottomissione in un sistema di sfruttamento e di miseria. La “giustizia” è perciò giusta perché viene rispettata, ma cosa succede a coloro che rifiutano di obbedirle, a coloro che deviano ed evadono dai comportamenti sociali predefiniti? [...]
31 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Gianluca Iacovacci
Facciamo finta che tutto va bene...
Che tutto va bene... [it]
[..] So che probabilmente le mie parole verranno trasformate in semplici provocazioni o in torto assoluto dalla più professionale e intellettuale dialettica riformista di movimento, che si attiene al “pensiero unico” delle comuni ragionevolezze politiche di struttura collettiva. Ma questo non importa, perchè le mie parole rappresentano prima di tutto me stesso e sapranno farsi valere di fronte alle chiacchiere e rispetto alla mia integrità individuale. Le mie parole non sono indirizzate ai giudici né ai tribunali visto che ho rifiutato il processo, ho rifiutato avvocati e ogni funzionalità inquisitoria, istanze di difesa comprese, non accontenterò attese dichiarazioni romantiche che vanno per la maggiore. Metto in chiaro che non ho alcuna “causa” o dovere impellente di smuovere o di svegliare un movimento che poco si muove se non a gregge, dove gli amplificatori e riflettori mediatici si accendono su “quello che passa la lotta”. Non è questione di “fazioni” o “compartimenti stagni” come si usa dire ora e che a creare è proprio chi ha un’incomprensibile bisogno di etichettarsi anarchico-NOTAV/NOTAV-anarchico (?), ma di affinità e coerenza di pensiero e prassi (indivisibili) anarchiche e le mie sono certamente incompatibili e inconciliabili con linguaggi e politiche riformiste dei “movimenti nei movimenti”. Perciò mi risparmierò i professionismi da dibattito romantico amorevole da “grande famiglia” visto che rispetto alle grandi famiglie sociali io sono orfano, da riformatorio e un figlio di nessuno che però si confronta e che condivide con chi non perde la bussola diretta alla liberazione totale, al sovvertimento totale del presente in maniera anarchica e con le idee anarchiche rivoluzionarie in tutte le sfumature ma non quelle riformiste. Non mi sento quindi di contribuire, se lo faccio, al confronto in maniera a-critica e conciliante “per il bene collettivo” con un Movimento anarchico, o presunto tale, che francamente faccio fatica a distinguere da quello NOTAV (un movimento istituzionale cittadino) o da uno dei Diritti civili democratici, pieno di inerzie della politica di “sinistra anarchica”, vecchia e marcia sotto la bandiera del riformismo radicale e della lamentela sociale. [...]
31 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco
La nuova guerriglia urbana anarchica
Non è nostro obiettivo stancare i/le lettori/trici con un discorso politico arido e pomposo, perché crediamo che il linguaggio di unx guerriglierx urbanx anarchicx possa essere semplice e conciso, e rispondere alle questioni che ci preoccupano quotidianamente. Siamo sicurx che le cose più importanti si dicano sempre nella maniera più semplice. Quello che scriviamo in questo testo è il risultato dei dibattiti e delle esperienze che abbiamo accumulato prendendo parte all’insurrezione permanente anarchica. In nessun caso si tratta di una qualche formula infallibile di pensiero e nemmeno di un manuale d’uso della violenza anarchica. Riteniamo che l’edizione dell’opuscolo “La nuova guerriglia urbana anarchica” costituisca un frammento di una discussione più ampia che non termina con la sua lettura ma che, al contrario, comincia con essa... Edizioni Sole Nero, settembre 2013
31 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Una conversazione tra anarchici tra i membri incarcerati della Cospirazione delle Cellule di Fuoco e alcuni anarchici in Messico [it]
Una discussione di tattica, teoria e pratica tra i membri incarcerati della COSPIR AZIONE DELLE CELLULE DI FUOCO e alcunx anarchicx in Messico [...] Come anarco-nichilisti odiamo sia la mano che sostiene la frusta come la schiena che la sopporta e accetta passivamente la flagellazione senza reagire. Smontiamo e abbattiamo tutti i valori della civilizzazione, annulliamo la dittatura dell’economia rendendola nulla, facciamo crollare le città delle masse e il suo urbanesimo autoritario, attacchiamo il saccheggio della natura e lo sfruttamento degli animali, ostacoliamo le posizioni dogmatiche e rifiutiamo la religione degli scienziati. Solo la continua e spietata distruzione e creazione rende la vita affascinante. Il permanente interrogarsi nichilista, attraverso testi, pallottole ed esplosivi, attacca la noia organizzata figlia della cultura dominante dell’ “identità”. Così, attraverso l’Anarchia, creiamo un mondo in perenne cambiamento, un mondo completamente differente. Lì dove – dopo esplosioni intellettuali ed emozionali – la tensione trova la sua durata. Lì dove si stanno tracciando nuove relazioni facendo sparire vecchie tradizioni e freni. Ma anche i nuovi valori che sorgono dall’anarco-nichilismo, in un momento critico, quando saranno considerati una realtà concreta, dovranno puntare a sé stessi e autodistruggersi, esplodendo al loro interno, creando così nuovi turbamenti, nuove prospettive. [...]
31 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Il Branscolo. Storie di lupi sull'orlo di una crisi di nervi
Una favola anarchica sulle divisioni e sulle illusioni presenti tra gli anarchici
31 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
"Croce Nera" n.2 rivista della Croce Nera Anarchica [it]
Cogliamo invece questo pretesto per ribadire con forza che non ci limitiamo ad essere un misero bocconcino, vorremmo piuttosto essere quell’osso che gli si conficca nella strozza. Non solo uno strumento semplicemente volto a creare un circuito solidale nei confronti di alcuni compagni caduti nelle maglie della represssione, ma uno strumento in grado di offrire una panoramica su pratiche e prospettive dl movimento anti-autoritario ed anarchico, con la registrazione continua e puntuale di quanto accade su questi ed ignoti lidi - dai ragionamenti alle note pratiche conseguenti - nell’agire e nelle tempeste repressive, spazio aperto alla discussione alle differenti (e litigiose) componenti dell’opposizione allo status quo, insomma uno specchio della bellezza e della forza che il pensiero e l’azione dei refrattari contribuiscono a costruire e che le schegge e le vampate della sovversione continuano ad offrire.
31 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
A bank robbery, some anarchists and the choice to revolt [en]
Letters and texts of the comrades arrested for the expropriation in Kozani (Greece)
On February 1st 2013, 4 anarchists are arrested after a car chase. Two of them were wanted for participation in the anarchist armed group Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. Earlier there was an armed robbery in a bank and a branch of the Greek postal offices by 8 people. During the robbers escape a manhunt begins by the cops. At some point four of the robbers go into the car of a doctor, afer they immobilize his vehicle. Four of them manage to leave and are still wanted to this day (for two of them there are arrest warrants and their photos have been published, while the other two are unknown to the authorities). The rest take the doctor with them as a hostage and continue with their escape in the stolen van they used for the robbery. Cop cars and motorbikes manage to trap the van and arrest the anarchists.
On February 1st 2013, 4 anarchists are arrested after a car chase. Two of them were wanted for participation in the anarchist armed group Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. Earlier there was an armed robbery in a bank and a branch of the Greek postal offices by 8 people. During the robbers escape a manhunt begins by the cops. At some point four of the robbers go into the car of a doctor, afer they immobilize his vehicle. Four of them manage to leave and are still wanted to this day (for two of them there are arrest warrants and their photos have been published, while the other two are unknown to the authorities). The rest take the doctor with them as a hostage and continue with their escape in the stolen van they used for the robbery. Cop cars and motorbikes manage to trap the van and arrest the anarchists.
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
A Conversation Between Anarchists A discussion between the imprisoned members of the CCF and a few anarchists in Mexico [en]
A discussion about tactics, theory and practice between the imprisoned members of the CONSPIRACY OF THE CELLS OF FIRE and a few anarchists in Mexico.
What was provocation and irreverence against Power yesterday, sometimes turns out to be obsolete today and even contrary to what it was at that time. Comrades, everything is at hand, we have to become destroyers and creators of a new language that talks of war on Power and spreads Anarchy. As nihilist anarchists we hate both the hand that holds the whip and the back that endures it and passively accepts flagellation without reacting. We dismantle and destroy all the values of civilization, annihilate the dictatorship of economy by making it void, make the cities of the masses and their authoritarian urbanism crumble, attack the plunder of nature and animal exploitation, hamper dogmatic positions and refuse the religion of scientists.
What was provocation and irreverence against Power yesterday, sometimes turns out to be obsolete today and even contrary to what it was at that time. Comrades, everything is at hand, we have to become destroyers and creators of a new language that talks of war on Power and spreads Anarchy. As nihilist anarchists we hate both the hand that holds the whip and the back that endures it and passively accepts flagellation without reacting. We dismantle and destroy all the values of civilization, annihilate the dictatorship of economy by making it void, make the cities of the masses and their authoritarian urbanism crumble, attack the plunder of nature and animal exploitation, hamper dogmatic positions and refuse the religion of scientists.
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Anarchy - Civil or Subversive? [en]
In fact the essence of what I’m referring to as “civil anarchism” is what we could call a horizontal citizenism which speaks the language of democracy (rights, laws, social inclusion, consensus, protest). Civil society is the non-governmental organisations of democracy and a key part of the spectacle of popular sovereignty. Apart from maintaining democracy’s image of dialogue and permitted dissent, civil society also is a recuperating mediator and handily picks up services for the state and business, curbing some of their excesses to allow the smoother functioning of the system. Many “anarchist” (or rather libertarian) activists work for NGOs, trade unions and the parasitic den of academia. There’s a direct feedback loop through academia, activists and the social bureaucracy about the bizarre language codes and identity politics of political correctness. – Darko Matthers, DMP
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
A small contribution about Solidarity Conspiracy Cells of Fire [en]
A small contribution of the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire about Solidarity.
Until the day comes we will remain with the head held high....
Solidarity is our weapon. Many things have been written and said about solidarity. Usually when there have been so many discussions and so many texts have circulated on a matter, it ends up trite, predictable and without any particular interest. It seems as if its content has run out and it’s constantly being repeated. We believe there are no trite practices, but trite ways of thinking. Particularly today, in the suspicious days we are living in, with the dozens of imprisoned urban guerrillas and anarchists, we should sharpen the blade of solidarity and remove it from its repeated stereotypes that confine us within the nefarious cycle of “freedom to whichever comrade”. Because this way, names change, more are added while others are forgotten, and solidarity remains stagnant and often a privilege of friendly, personal and “public” relations. However, the moment that the names of imprisoned fighters and their cases are browsed through incuriously like pages of an advertising brochure, authority will have won an important bet, the moral extermination of its political opponents. It will have achieved the installation of prison in us as a natural acceptance. [...]
Until the day comes we will remain with the head held high....
Solidarity is our weapon. Many things have been written and said about solidarity. Usually when there have been so many discussions and so many texts have circulated on a matter, it ends up trite, predictable and without any particular interest. It seems as if its content has run out and it’s constantly being repeated. We believe there are no trite practices, but trite ways of thinking. Particularly today, in the suspicious days we are living in, with the dozens of imprisoned urban guerrillas and anarchists, we should sharpen the blade of solidarity and remove it from its repeated stereotypes that confine us within the nefarious cycle of “freedom to whichever comrade”. Because this way, names change, more are added while others are forgotten, and solidarity remains stagnant and often a privilege of friendly, personal and “public” relations. However, the moment that the names of imprisoned fighters and their cases are browsed through incuriously like pages of an advertising brochure, authority will have won an important bet, the moral extermination of its political opponents. It will have achieved the installation of prison in us as a natural acceptance. [...]
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Escalation Some texts concerning the Informal Anarchist Federation and the Insurrectionist Project [en]
A new era of militancy as insurrectionary ideas spread and grow. As more and more people realise the sheer futility od any attempt at dialogue with a global system which exploits, consumes and kills all that which gets in its way, levels of social insurgence grow correspondingly. If we really believe that freedom is worth fighting for, then we must each of us take action as we see fit. This will inevitably lead some sort of violence, which in turns leads to the inevitable debate about violence - its role, its meaning, its usefulness, its validity. This debate is as old as one can remember, and can often end up muddying the waters - acting as distraction at a time when clarity of thought and action are required more than ever. To this end we present these papers...
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Fire and Gunpowder
A proposition for FAI / IRF [en]
We hear the song of fire that comes from far away. The words smell of gunpowder. From the other side of the world rebellious comrades burn the nights and liberate places and moments. we can hear them... They conspire, plan, attack... We do not have to say anything else, we leave our brothers and sisters to speak for us. “We are all Conspiracy Cells of Fire. C.C.F. is not an organization or just a group. On the contrary it is a antagonistic expression of rage and contempt towards authority and its structures. To spread the C.C.F. all you need is gasoline, matches and the desire to fight for absolute freedom. We have begun the war against the existing order. Mexican C.C.F./FAI” The following text is dedicated to the Mexican C.C.F. and to our brothers and sisters of F.A.I. all around the world.
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Asturian Institute of Comparative Vandalism
On Sabotage as One of the Fine Arts
A contribution to the topic of the theory of the practice of Sabotage
The quantitative growth of this practice does not come to us from the hands of propagandists of the spectacle, but rather by taking a walk through the scenario of capitalism, and finding in this drift the burned ATM, the ETTs with shattered windows, the smiths changing the locks of a supermarket. These visions make our complicit smiles blossom and move us to go out that very night to play with fire with the aim of making the same smiles rise on the faces of unknown accomplices through the fellowship of destruction. The number doesn’t matter, but rather the quality of the acts: sabotage, expropriation, self-reduction... they return part of the life that is denied us back to us, but we want it all.
The quantitative growth of this practice does not come to us from the hands of propagandists of the spectacle, but rather by taking a walk through the scenario of capitalism, and finding in this drift the burned ATM, the ETTs with shattered windows, the smiths changing the locks of a supermarket. These visions make our complicit smiles blossom and move us to go out that very night to play with fire with the aim of making the same smiles rise on the faces of unknown accomplices through the fellowship of destruction. The number doesn’t matter, but rather the quality of the acts: sabotage, expropriation, self-reduction... they return part of the life that is denied us back to us, but we want it all.
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Our lives of burning vision About the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and more [en]
In the chaos of our own existence we are a part of the imponderable element which organizes subversion, plans mutinies, that leave even ourselves dazed. The translation of texts, letters, communiqués, etc. so that comrades in other countries around the world can read about the desires and ideas and projectuality of the comrades in Greece, is one more weapon at our disposal. What began as a simple desire and a challenge, has brought us into a new field of experiences, acquaintances and responsibilities. Now that we’re here, they will not get rid of us easily. We have become another aspect of the asymmetric threat. The war to the end, has already begun. A fundamental element in this war is solidarity. [...] This is why, as individuals with our actions and solidarity, we will continue with all means possible as anarchist revolutionary insurrectionalists, to express our thoughts and desires, whether it’s through the letters-texts of our fighting comrades who are hostages in the hell-holes of Greek democracy or through the actions of the comrades outside in the streets day and night with all means until social liberation for Anarchy. Actforfreedomnow - Boubouras, March 2011
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Jean Weir
Passion for Freedom
The following is an interview with Jean Weir that originally appeared in issue #8 of the UK anarchist magazine 325. Weir is best known for publishing Insurrection magazine, the Elephant Editions publishing project, translating many germinal Italian insurrectionary anarchist texts, and a lifetime of anarchist struggle. We have chosen to reprint this interview for a few reasons. First, and most importantly, Weir’s lucidity is a trait unfortunately lacking in many of today’s anarchist texts. Rather than create sensationalized portrayals of struggle or romanticized images of the past, Weir opts for modesty and frankness. Secondly, Weir’s analyses of prison, insurrection, clandestinity, and anarchist publishing offer important lessons to anarchists currently setting out on the path of active revolt.
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Prison: Abolish or Destroy? [en]
The plan is to empty the prisons of the great majority of prisoners and throw them back into the prison-society using the technology of isolation and control; and for the minority of irreducible rebels, keep them inside for ever. What is being presented as ‘progress’ is nothing other than the advance and spread of repression. This is what the abolitionists are really subscribing to: ‘change everything so that everything remains the same’.
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Prison Was Created For The Poor [en]
Mothers and Sons: From FIES To Aachen. Pastora and Xose Tarrio Gonzalez - Julia amd Gabriel Pombo Da Silva
Prison Was Created For The Poor focuses on two tireless militants of the Spanish prison struggle, Xose Tarrio Gonzalez and Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, who fought against the brutal F.I.E.S. isolation units. Xose was killed by a life behind bars, and Gabriel spent the half of his life in various prisons. The main part of this book though, is written by neither Xose nor Gabriel, instead it is the text of an interview with their mothers, Pastora and Julia. Through this medium, they tell a powerful and emotional story, which not only takes us inside the world of Spanish high security prisons, but reflects on jails throughout the world.
Prison Was Created For The Poor focuses on two tireless militants of the Spanish prison struggle, Xose Tarrio Gonzalez and Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, who fought against the brutal F.I.E.S. isolation units. Xose was killed by a life behind bars, and Gabriel spent the half of his life in various prisons. The main part of this book though, is written by neither Xose nor Gabriel, instead it is the text of an interview with their mothers, Pastora and Julia. Through this medium, they tell a powerful and emotional story, which not only takes us inside the world of Spanish high security prisons, but reflects on jails throughout the world.
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
"Negation" #1 [en]
Nihilist-anarchist solidarity freesheet 1st issue with articles highlighting an animal testing congress in Scotland in March 2015; against fracking; against anthropocentric values; about Glasgow Anarchist Black Cross.
On Negation…. This periodical bulletin exists to widen the current of a nihilist-anarchist critique in Scotland and whatever that may bring. It is your sole responsibility to steal back your life. However, if you are content with shitty food, mundane shopping, police surveillance, civility, boredom and a slow death from cancer and pollution, then perhaps this publication is not for you… We do not care for “recruits” nor do we seek to seem reasonable in the eyes of anyone. – Until next time (A)
On Negation…. This periodical bulletin exists to widen the current of a nihilist-anarchist critique in Scotland and whatever that may bring. It is your sole responsibility to steal back your life. However, if you are content with shitty food, mundane shopping, police surveillance, civility, boredom and a slow death from cancer and pollution, then perhaps this publication is not for you… We do not care for “recruits” nor do we seek to seem reasonable in the eyes of anyone. – Until next time (A)
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
The Sun Still Rises
"The guerrilla has finally escaped the pages of books dealing with decades past and taken to the streets with ferocity. Because the urban guerrilla doesn’t offer utopian freedom. She allows access to immediate freedom. Accordingly, each person begins to define herself and liberate herself from society’s passivity." Much appreciation to the comrades of Boubouras / Act For Freedom Now! for their translation efforts and to all the others who translate the words of our comrades in other parts of the globe.
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Gabriel Pombo da Silva
Until We Are All Free
“And in 22 years and six (seven) months that I have been jailed (and for that reason tortured until unimaginable limits by "oppressed" "others"). I have said that to be oppressed in fact does not bring even a radical desire to finish yet what oppresses us...One needs to have "pride", dignity, conscience, hatred and intelligence to wish to face the enemy and all the consequences...”
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Why we set your nights on fire Communiques of greek nihilists [en]
In these modern societies of hyperactive inertia, in which every idea of history, which also means any idea of the human capacity to organize the affairs of human beings according to their own wishes and intentions, has diminished nearly to zero, it very rarely happens that at least some people bring themselves into a position of assessing these societies in a fundamental and total way - which is the only adequate way because we are dealing with fundamental and total societies leaving practically no niches of potentially creative disorder. However, in Greece such people exist (or should we better say existed - since most of them ended up in prison and their organizations have become all in all dysfunctional?). One of these associations of people called themselves the Revolutionary Cells of Fire. They came into being several years ago as one phenomenon of developments that epitomized in the Greek unrests of December 2008. Laudably, their fundamental approach to society, as is documented in the texts collected here, is characterized by a strong individualism directing permanently towards collective collaboration - and directed not only against the ‚system‘, the ‚structures‘, the ‚relations of production‘, the ‚power‘, but against the every-day life of every-day people, who, as we all know from our own lives, are in every detail entangled and compromised in this still inhuman society.
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Word from Insurrectionalist Anarchist Nikos Romanos [en]
We stand next to any comrade who defends their choices in the struggle, independently of the attitude they choose to keep in the courtroom, since we are raging a common struggle that knows no borders nor walls, even if they are prison walls. Solidarity with captive comrades cannot be a sterile automated process. On the contrary it is a crucial point of the anarchist struggle, aiming at the liberation of all comrades, the destruction of the prisons and the complete attack on State and capital, through constant struggle. Until we level their prisons, until we bring the imprisoned anarchists back to the streets where they belong, constant struggle for freedom and anarchy. - Comrades of ActForFreedomNow!
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Mapping the Fire International Words of Solidarity with the CCF [en]
"This pamphlet is a meeting point of comrades from all over the world. An imaginary meeting since the walls and bars of the prisons where we are temporaly keepo our bodies hostage." CCF
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Actualising Collapse #1 [en]
Actualising Collapse is a collection of iconoclastic texts, rebellious thoughts and proposals on the borderless war against the techno-industrial system, with writings by imprisoned urban guerrillas, uncivilised saboteurs and communiques from the frontlines of the black international of anarchists of praxis. As this publication has taken much longer than originally thought to complete, some of the communiques within in its pages have surely been well read by now, however we believe it is important to run printed copies of said texts to avoid their inevitable disappearance into the void of the internet. Physical copies can be read anywhere, given to friends and best of all they wont give you a fucking headache like attempting to read zines on some glowing screen. So keep an eye out for printed copies around the UK and feel free to print and distribute it without hesitation. Articles concerning illegalism, individualism, tactical analysis with some rants and poems.
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Prigionieri anarchici/Anarchist prisoners
Act for freedom now
Ad Nihilo
Anarchist Black Cross - Greece
Anarchist Libraries
Anarchist Worldwide
Anarhistička Biblioteka Makedonija
Černorudá Příručka [Czech]
Congegno Individualista – L'incendiario
Contra Toda Nocividad
Croce Nera Anarchica
Dark Matter Publlications
Des oreilles et des yeux
Edizioni Anarchismo - Archivio digitale
Edizioni Monte Bove
Elephant Editions
Inferno Urbano
Informazione Anarchica
Insuscettibile di Ravvedimento
Kairos - Journal anarchiste
Kronika odporu [Czech]
La Rebelión de las Palabras
Lukáš Borl // archiv
Network of Revolucionary Cells (SRB)
Parole al vento
Person(s) Unknown Publications
Propagación Anárquica
Publicación Refractario
Sans Attendre Demain
Tormentas de Fogo
Traces of Fire
Untorelli Press
Warzone Distro