Why we set your nights on fire Communiques of greek nihilists [en]

In these modern societies of hyperactive inertia, in which every idea of history, which also means any idea of the human capacity to organize the affairs of human beings according to their own wishes and intentions, has diminished nearly to zero, it very rarely happens that at least some people bring themselves into a position of assessing these societies in a fundamental and total way - which is the only adequate way because we are dealing with fundamental and total societies leaving practically no niches of potentially creative disorder. However, in Greece such people exist (or should we better say existed - since most of them ended up in prison and their organizations have become all in all dysfunctional?). One of these associations of people called themselves the Revolutionary Cells of Fire. They came into being several years ago as one phenomenon of developments that epitomized in the Greek unrests of December 2008. Laudably, their fundamental approach to society, as is documented in the texts collected here, is characterized by a strong individualism directing permanently towards collective collaboration - and directed not only against the ‚system‘, the ‚structures‘, the ‚relations of production‘, the ‚power‘, but against the every-day life of every-day people, who, as we all know from our own lives, are in every detail entangled and compromised in this still inhuman society.

Word from Insurrectionalist Anarchist Nikos Romanos [en]

We stand next to any comrade who defends their choices in the struggle, independently of the attitude they choose to keep in the courtroom, since we are raging a common struggle that knows no borders nor walls, even if they are prison walls. Solidarity with captive comrades cannot be a sterile automated process. On the contrary it is a crucial point of the anarchist struggle, aiming at the liberation of all comrades, the destruction of the prisons and the complete attack on State and capital, through constant struggle. Until we level their prisons, until we bring the imprisoned anarchists back to the streets where they belong, constant struggle for freedom and anarchy. - Comrades of ActForFreedomNow!

Mapping the Fire International Words of Solidarity with the CCF [en]

"This pamphlet is a meeting point of comrades from all over the world. An imaginary meeting since the walls and bars of the prisons where we are temporaly keepo our bodies hostage." CCF

Actualising Collapse #1 [en]

Actualising Collapse is a collection of iconoclastic texts, rebellious thoughts and proposals on the borderless war against the techno-industrial system, with writings by imprisoned urban guerrillas, uncivilised saboteurs and communiques from the frontlines of the black international of anarchists of praxis. As this publication has taken much longer than originally thought to complete, some of the communiques within in its pages have surely been well read by now, however we believe it is important to run printed copies of said texts to avoid their inevitable disappearance into the void of the internet. Physical copies can be read anywhere, given to friends and best of all they wont give you a fucking headache like attempting to read zines on some glowing screen. So keep an eye out for printed copies around the UK and feel free to print and distribute it without hesitation. Articles concerning illegalism, individualism, tactical analysis with some rants and poems.

Gross Misconduct and the Guerrila Massive Poems and Lunacy from Bristol [en]

This title refers to a guy who was sacked at Bristol flying school who smashed his ex-workplace up, smashing all the windows, computers and ripping all the phones out, causing £200,000 of damage, and writing in his own blood, “Gross Misconduct” on the wall. He escaped the scene but was arrested at a later date. It took the company a week to be back to normal. These types of events in UK are of a regular occurrence and show that many people just don’t give a fucking shit. They will fightback when they meltdown.

These are some of the observations I’ve put on paper that warm the spirit in my blood, not patiently waiting on bus stops or dole queues, or smiling at people I don’t give a shit about, but I do it all the same, because it helps the day run along that much smoother. I kick myself for the social compromises I make, politeness for an easy ride.

[...] The bigger problem, far larger than the cops, is the self-policing, self-regulating activist-anarchist badge-wearers. They’re two-a-penny in the pound-shop, jumped-up, in your face, waving the finger at anything slightly violent.
Beware you are being monitored.
Yeah, the cops might see us as lawless, reckless bastards, prepared to give them the runaround at any given moment, but they sure can’t write us off as bleating hot-air blowing wankers content with shuffling paper and networking for more numbers. As a comparison of our lives, it’s like being wolves; we travel large distances together sometimes over rough ground to hunt a selected target. Then after a short feast, we disperse. We never do the hang-out thing in public arenas together, open space where we could be shot down or captured. The time of celebration is short-lived. Maybe this is the nature, the price, of this beautiful struggle, not a back-slapping orgy of self-congratulation for taking the path most trodden.[...]

"325" #11 [hr]

"325" #11 features articles like : 3 texts about Flooding, Nuclear- Energy and Urban War- “Climate change, nuclear-energy and urban war in the new century”, “Road Ahead Closed” and “Electricity grid at risk as floods increase” by ‘Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis, – N.T.’, “2 poems by Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco (1882-1949)”, “Industrial Alienation”- the social impact of industrialisation (from Terra Selvagia), “Anarchist comrades contributions to the IX Meeting for Animal Liberation in Italy, 2013”, “Memories from the Future: The Coming Technological Singularity”, about the visions of techno-futurist Ray Kurzweil, “Information… and Slavery”, “Necrotechnologies & Synthetic Biology”, “War to the machines! by Gianluca Iacovacci”, “Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Human Behaviour”, “The Daleks are Coming!” about the advent of semi-autonomous security bots, “Empty House and Crowded Forest & Some Thoughts on FAI/IRF by Eat”, “Escape into Sanity: The Fall by V.Q”, direct action chronology and much much more…

Parcel Bombs – Chaotic Manuals of Sabotage Atlantis of Practical Theory [hr]

For all anarchists of praxis, nihilists, anarchists individualists, anticivilization comrades. We send you our love and blaze from the Atlantis of Practical Theory. A few months ago, CCF put a proposition on the table of the Black International. In the communique “Lone wolves are never alone…“, published in the brochure of the comrades of 325, it was written: “We do not share our choices only by speaking and writing texts against the state and its society but also when we offer each other possible practical ways, to make our theory practice”. This proposal has already been set in motion. Siblings unknown to us who share the mutiny of FAI/IRF, and comrades of praxis have published manuals for constructing explosive devices and similar chaotic arts of sabotage. Wanting to contribute as well in creating an international diffusive-chaotic anarchist urban guerrilla, we share with you some practical ideas and some diagrams longing to be detonated… We know well that this is just a first gesture from flame and gunpowder and that countless destructive desires are waiting for us to meet again… Chaos is our friend…

Militant Forces Against HLS (MFAH), Blackmail 3 & The SHAC Model [hr]

Dark Matter Publication: "Militant Forces Against HLS (MFAH), Blackmail 3 & The SHAC Model". "August 2011 Revolt", animal liberationist zine about the fight against Huntingdon Life Sciences.
I claim this opportunity to dedicate this zine to Darko Matthers. A friend & comrade I spent many hours with discussing anarchism, nihilism, and what he coined ‘civil anarchism’. The section on the MFAH [Militant Forces Against Huntingdon] is dedicated to him, for his contribution in publishing insurrectionist zines such as "August 2011 Revolt", as well as his strong conviction in critical analysis.
Person(s) unknown

“Return Fire” #2 [en]

Here’s the online version of Return Fire vol.2, dated Spring 2014. (See here for vol.1). Inside these pages, there’s a mix of news, analysis, artwork, plant profiles and more; some of which are editorial, some other comrades’ recent work as well as our own translations, and some the usual reprints. For example, ‘I Didn’t Want to be a Proud Worker’ is Gabriel Pombo Da Silva’s reminiscence on generous illegality, which appeared as an introduction to the French edition of Huye, Hombre, Huye by Xosé Tarrío González. ‘The Essence of Modern Schooling’ follows the development of the domesticating “education” principle in industrial society by Jan D. Matthews. Plan for Europe’s Biggest Children’s Prison is coverage from the U.K.’s latest counter-information page In The Belly of the Beast, while L’Amour Civilisé, exposing the impoverished social role of coupledom, is out of the journal La Mauvaise Herbe.

Since The Bristol Riots Communiques from the FAI, ELF and other attacks (April 2011 – October 2014) [en]

“Since the Bristol Riots”, is a collection of communiques from the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), Earth Liberation Front (ELF), and other anonymous attacks in the Bristol area since the riots in April 2011 until October 2014. The communiques include attacks targeted against police, banks, prisons, military, security services, courts, state, church, fascists, media, communications infrastructure, corporations and more. Totaling 96 pages, included is a selection of over a dozen articles related to this time frame and context, such as reports of the Stokes Croft riots and recent police repression against the broader anarchist movement as they investigate the attacks.
For antagonistic struggle, Person(s) unknown

Solidarity with anarchists arrested for a double bank robbery in Kozani [en]

Solidarity With Arrested For a Double Bank Robbery in Kozani, Greece, Nikos Romanos, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Dimitris Politis and Yannis Michailidis, Fivos Charisis, Argiris Ntalios.
This is why, as individuals with our actions and solidarity, we will continue with all means possible as anarchist revolutionaryi nsurrectionalists, to express our thoughts and desires, whether it’s through the letters-texts of our fighting comrades who are hostages in the hell-holes of Greek democracy or through the actions of the comrades outside in the streets day and night with all means untilsocial liberation for Anarchy. Actforfreedomnow – Boubouras

The Story of a bank robbery Giannis Dimitrakis, the "Robbers in Black" and another spectacle of anarchist terror [en]

On the afternoon of Monday 16th January 2006 Giannis Dimitrakis took part in an armed robbery at the National Bank of Greece in the centre of Athens. After an exchange of fire with 2 cops from aspecial unit, one of the participants Giannis Dimitrakis, was seriously injured when shot by the cops 3 times in different parts of his body. The other 4 participants managed to get away from the scene with about 50,000 euro, with one of them also slightly injured. Giannis, who openly admitted that he is an anarchist, stayed in different hospitals for a few months till he recovered, then he was sent to Korydallos prison of Athens. In another parody of the Greek justice system Giannis was charged with 7 robberies! Also he was charged with numerous counts of attempted murder, topped with the anti-terror law! Its not the first time that a fixed charge is given towards anarchists in Greece.

Christos Tsakalos (CCF)
Direktna neodgodivost napada [hr]

Doprinos člana grčke anarhističke grupe Zavjera Vatrenih Ćelija, Christosa Tsakalosa , časopisu „Nihilistic March” i blogu kontrainformacije Parabellum. Nastavak diskusije započete s talijanskim drugom Nicolom Gaiom, "Neodgodivost napada". " [...]
Ali, zašto u anarhističkim sredinama postoji potreba da se netko predstavi kao iscjelitelj društvenog sifilisa? Anarhija nije društveni analgetik, ona je otrov. Ona niti ublažava bol niti nas uljuljkuje budućim obećanjima o „pravednom” društvu. Naprotiv, ona truje misao i djelo, s ciljem da uništi postojeće i kreira neistražene strasti i tenzije, koje nemaju nikakve veze sa starim svijetom. [...] Svi melemi koji predlažu nebuloznu buduću revoluciju ne govore ništa o uništenju civilizacije Moći. U svojoj nešto više „anarhističkoj” verziji zadovoljno predlažu uništenje nekih materijalnih infrastruktura (zatvora, ministarstava itd.) staroga svijeta. Što znači, u par riječi, da će ostatak ratnog plijena biti spašen. Tehnologija, posao, civilizacija, moć većine, sve će to proganjati novu utopiju naše egzistencije. Ali za nas, novu anarhističku urbanu gerilu, ne radi se samo o uništenju zgrade ili osobe, već o uništenju svih društvenih odnosa. Za nas politički prijedlozi društvenih pokreta koji žele samo jedan pravedniji, ravnopravniji, ali isto tako predvidljiv i tmuran svijet, nisu dovoljni. [...]"

Fragmenti o anarhističkom nasilju i građanskom anarhizmu [hr]

(„Fragment: Violence” & „Subversive disassociation – Fragment against civil anarchism” by L)
[...] Građanski anarhizam nije baš politička struja, već jedan otvoreni pojam koji se koristi za ocrtavanje utočišta za kukavične, reformističke i kolaboracionističke pojedince, koji koriste anarhizam kao oslonac za bijeg iz represije društva i potrebe za djelovanjem. [...] , izgleda da je jedna od ključnih vrijednosti građanskog anarhizma aktivno političko djelovanje kao svrha samoj sebi, umjesto kao sredstvo određene svrhe; i zato, mjesto da se kreće prema društvenom konfliktu i ustanku, smješta se u malenu nišu medijskog/političkog-spektakla i naširoko izbjegava potrebu izlaganja riziku. No, on može tako djelovati i zato što je „demokracija” kao pojam toliko zloupotrebljavana za neo-liberalne projekte da pokušaj čišćenja njenog lika i „povratka na istinsku i participativnu demokraciju” (ili građanstvo i civilno investiranje u vlast) počinje izgledati radikalno (premda nije). Anarhistička zakonitost ne doživljava sebe snagom negacije, ali postaje nerazlučiv od demokratske politike, mada se pretvara da je nadilazi. Građanski anarhizam se neće nikada razviti u prepoznatljivo svojstvo konflikta na društvenom terenu, zato što nema specifičnu narav, slijedi stope mase i ljubomorno kljuca po glavama onih koji se usuđuju izraziti svoje neodobravanje pred ostalima. [...]

Aviv Etrebilal
Leptiri, slobodna ljubav i ideologija Rasprava o nedosljednosti [hr]

[...] Ali kako se netko može usuditi, jučer kao i danas, odrediti tako bahato i samodopadno koji bi model („model”!) ljubavnog i seksualnog odnosa morali usvojiti anarhisti (ili koja god druga društvena grupa)? Pojam „slobodna ljubav” sadrži već sam po sebi isključenje, zato što podrazumijeva da sam taj model može pružiti slobodu, dok mi ozbiljno sumnjamo da se sloboda može pronaći kroz ljubav, zvala se ona „slobodna” ili ne. U biti, da li se zaista radi o slobodi koju tražimo kroz ljubav? Ne smijemo se zavaravati, u eri postmodernizma pojam slobode se često koristi, nažalost, kao izlika za negaciju pojedinca i za negaciju svake istinske volje za promjenom svijeta. „Baš me briga i zaboli me za tebe!”, izgleda da je to nova sloboda; drugim riječima, potpuna i nedjeljiva sloboda, individualna ali uvjetovana tuđom slobodom (koja je u središtu anarhističkih perspektiva otkad su predmet razmatranja i rasprava između anarhista) zamijenjena je ovom sortom sveprisutnog liberalizma. [...] I onda nam kažu kako je sloboda nomadizam, lepršanje amo tamo kao leptiri, ali kako ćemo onda moći kontinuirano revolucionarno djelovati, u kvartu, u zemlji, u regiji; kroz štampu, prostor, borbu? Da li su oni koji se osjećaju slobodnima lepršajući kao leptiri od jedne borbe do druge, svjesni da si to mogu dozvoliti samo zato što drugi dozvoljavaju kontinuitet takvih sredstava? Ili je, na temelju činjenica, to romantično lepršanjesamo još jedan komotan oblik konzumiranja? [...]

Giannis Naxakis
Mi ćemo se usuditi nezamislivo [hr]

Nakon mjesec dana od mojeg uhićenja još sam i dalje uronjen u misli tražeći trenutak spokoja i bistrine, kako bih mogao napokon uzeti olovku u ruke i napisati nekoliko riječi. [...] Postojeći uvjeti života zahtijevaju samo jednu stvar, uništenje. Nijedna analiza ne može ih točno opisati, može ih samo potvrditi. Sociocentrične analize ignoriraju temeljnu činjenicu potrebnu za čitanje “objektivne realnosti”. Ignoriraju naivnost, da autoritet u obliku izrabljivanja kao što ga danas mnogi poimaju, počinje tamo gdje pojedinac završava. Autoritet koji karakterizira postojeće oko nas, pretpostoji u pojedincu kao temeljni element koji definira njegovu egzistenciju, kao instinkt koji definira njegovo preživljavanje. Autoritet, drugim riječima, nije metafizički element koji jednog jutra dođe i zarazi “slobodno” društvo, autoritet je element prirode, isto kao život i smrt. Zato socijalizirani pojedinci koliko god se protiv njega borili, svejedno ga nose u sebi. [...] Koliko god riječi je izgovoreno, koliko god tomova literature je napisano romantično opisujući otpor, koliko god knjiga s herojskim pričama ustanka je štampano i ponovno štampano kroz stoljeća, koliko revolucionare poezije, koliko propovijedi o ortodoksnoj anarhiji, koliko divljih mizantropskih vapaja ili predivnih melodija o jedinstvu, koliko god strastvenih i izražajnih pjesama je otpjevano s ganućem, koliko god jasnih prijedloga o borbi i koliko god već gotovih recepata za oslobođenje – ostavljajući po strani apstraktne izraze odbijanja – ispunilo tisuće stranica komunikeja, ipak samo svijet prakse, nasilnih akcija, “prljavog” rata može podariti značenje bilo kojoj teoriji o sukobu s autoritetom. [...]

"Contra Toda Autoridad"
O opasnosti pretvaranja anarhije u skup ispraznih aktivnosti [hr]

Jedna od velikih opasnosti, za anarhiju, koja nesumnjivo stalno vreba u zasjedi je mogućnost da se ista pretvori u skup aktivnosti bez ikakvih konfliktualnih sadržaja protiv vlasti. Takvu situaciju potiče, s jedne strane, sam neprijatelj kroz svoje vrijednosti demokratskog vladanja, kao što su “različitost”, “tolerancija”, “pluralizam”, i ekonomska integracija putem komodifikacije pobune i “alternativne” potrošnje. S druge pak strane postoji čitav jedan niz “protestnih” pojedinaca i grupa, te čak i anarhista, koji se nesvjesno ili hotimično udaljavaju od antagonizma neprekidne konfliktualnosti protiv moći, te na taj način ušutkuju nužnost destrukcije i neposrednog napada na vlast ili, u najgorem slučaju, organiziraju velike inicijative koje prikazuju pristojno lice anarhizma, prikazujući se kao patetični pobornici jedne ideologije koja je sasvim tuđa sukobu s vlastima. [...]

A.D. Bourzoukos
O pljački banke kao metodi anarhističke borbe [hr]

Predstavljamo pismo anarhista A.D. Bourzoukosa, jednog od četvorice drugova anarhista uhićenih 1. februara 2013. zbog dvostruke pljačke u mjestu Velventòs, Grčka.
"[...] Kapitalizam ne bi mogao postojati bez bankarskog sistema. Bez ovog posljednjeg ne bi postojao jedan od najosnovnijih alata za akumulaciju kapitala. Ne bi postojao kapitalizam. Kao što je pred padom bankarskog sistema pozvana država da ispuni bankarske kase, ubrzo zatim, naspram prijetnje pada državnog aparata, pozvane su banke da učvrste investicije, na taj je način otvoren put novoj kapitalizaciji banaka. Začarani krug kojem je jedini cilj izbjeći smrt umirućeg kapitalizma. [...] Moje djelo nazivam eksproprijacijom. Po meni, pravi lopovi upravljaju izvršnim odborima banaka i državnim aparatom. [...]"

Giannis Michailidis
Ovi ljudi su sistem, a sistem nam je neprijatelj [hr]

Ovo pismo je pokušaj da objasnim svoje stavove i izbore anarhističkih buntovnih akcija, u nadi da će one služiti kao okidač za njeno širenje. Nije pisano kroz prizmu određene ideologije ili kristaliziranje sklonosti, ovo su sinteze sa ukradenim proizvodima iz ideoloških super-marketa – to su moje misli. To se osvojeno, ipak odlukama i vrijednostima nekoga ko sudjeluje u ratu protiv vlasti, puni blistav ideal anarhije. Ideal viđen toliko u tradicionalnim zajednicama iz prošlosti, kao i pobunama zajednica iz prošlosti i sadašnjosti. Ideal kojem sada možemo pristupiti, možda nikada neće potpuno dominirati. Jer, kao što je naš suborac i prijatelj Giannis Naxakis napisao “autoritet nije metafizički, on je u nama“ baš kao što je i strast za slobodom i neautoritativnim odnosima. Spoznaja da je stvarnost kapitalizma rat svih protiv svih, natjecanje u preživljavanju, natjerala me je da postanem dio rata protiv kapitalizma i odaberem poziciju. Između ljubitelja reda, nesvjesnih ubica, odabrao sam stranu pobunjenika. Anarhija je način pobune, dok pokušavam dočarati ono protiv čega se borim – odnos prema autoritetu, antihijerarhijsko organizovanje zajednice u borbi.

Alfredo Cospito
Nekoliko "slobodnih" riječi O neformalnoj anarhističkoj federaciji i ustaničkom anarhizmu [hr]

Alfredo Cospito, iz Nukleusa Olga, u talijanskom zatvoru, opširno odgovara na pitanja Zavjere Vatrenih Ćelija, u grčkim zatvorima, o različitim aspektima anarhije i anarhizma: neformalna anarhistička federacija, crna internacionala, revolucionarna solidarnost i kampanje, međusobna komunikacija, direktna akcija kroz neposredan napad, podjele unutar talijanskog ustaničkog [insurekcionističkog] anarhizma (tzv. "klasičnog insurekcionizma" i "nove anarhije") i razlike u metodama, formalne strukture, pitanje akronima i anonimnosti djela, iščekivanja revolucije i osobnog ustanka, građanski/socijalni anarhizam, podilaženje masama i gubitak identiteta, masovni pokret, smisao skvota, reprodukcija moći u anarhističkim sredinama, anticivilizacijska nihilistička anarhija nasuprot anarhističkoj utopiji samoupravljanja i "anarhističke vladavine" svijetom, odnosi ALF/ELF sa FAI-FRI...