Italy: “Vetriolo” — Anarchist paper, issue 2, autumn 2018 [in Italian] [en]

It’s been a long while. After a year we are publishing another issue of Vetriolo, issue number 2. We haven’t brought out the paper more frequently up to now, nor have we wanted to. Not that we didn’t have anything to say during this time, on the contrary. However we have never strenuously followed the possibility of giving a strict periodicity to the publication, which because of its form (with fairly concise texts of agitation, analysis and topicality as well as more extensive and complicated theoretical articles) is not suited to it. At the same time we’d like the paper to come out without long delays. In any case we think that this paper is an important instrument for the anarchist movement regardless of the frequency with which it comes out. The pages of Vetriolo have always been and will continue to be a means aimed at discussion, dialogue and confrontation among anarchists. The paper will continue to give time and space to dialogue and debate among revolutionaries, including those who find themselves imprisoned. In this issue there are writings and articles by Marco, Anna and Alfredo, imprisoned following the arrests of the repressive operation ‘scripta manent’ of 6th September 2016.


Italy: Updates on Scripta Manent No. 2 – March 2018 [en]

Text written by Anna and Marco about the progress of the trial in which they are defendants for the Scripta Manent operation.

At the hearings of January and February the witnesses for the accusation (originally the PM Sparagna mentioned there would be about seventy) have continued to be heard, mainly Turin Digos [political police], police, carabinieri, bomb disposal experts, witnesses, the forensic departments of Rome and of the Ris [carabinieri forensic unit] of Parma, all in relation to the specific crimes alleged. Also some editors or former editors of Radio Blackout of Turin have been called to testify on the receiving of some claims, and an occupant of the Asilo [squat in Turin] in relation to knowing and corresponding with the defendants.


Italy: Update Scripta Manent [en]

The anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino (arrested in September 2016 in the framework of operation Scripta Manent, currently detained in Rebibbia prison, Rome) has informed us (2 April 2018) that “the inevitable loudly comments”, made during the ongoing trial for the aforementioned operation, “earned” her and Marco Bisesti (detained since 09/2016, too, currently in Alessandria prison) a couple of disciplinary reports, commuted to a few days of solitary confinement.

Both comrades are laughing at “punishment”.


Prison of Alessandria [Italy]: One week of isolation for anarchist comrade Marco Bisesti (26/01/2017) [en]

We learn from a letter of January 26th that the anarchist comrade has been subjected to a week of isolation, as punishment for having destroyed some opacifying panels and the windowpanes in prison guard office of the unit.

Zatvor u Alessandriji [Italija]: Tjedan dana izolacije za anrhističkog druga Marca Bisestija (26.01.2017.)
Doznajemo iz pisma od 26. januara, da je anarhistički drug podvrgnut sedam dana izolacije, kao kazne za uništavanje nekoliko neprovidnog stakla i prozorskih stakala u uredu stražara odjela.

From Ferrara Prison to Alessandria Prison [Italy]: Communique of comrade Alfredo Cospito in solidarity with the comrade Marco Bisesti (05/02/2017) [en]

I have received fragmentary information that in prison of Alessandria Marco has opposed the installation of bocche di lupo [special windows that let air and light in the cell but prevent prisoners from seeing outside] destroying some furniture in cops’ offices.
The inquisitor Sparagna [the prosecutor in charge of op. Scripta Manent] get us already used to his trolling the sludge, it’s been 5 months now, under the pretext that Marco is now the life partner of my ex-partner, in the attempt to divide us, that he keeps in fact Marco in “isolation” from me and his other comrades, because of absurd and spurious fear of my hypothetical retaliation.
Aware that shoot in the legs of a powerful is not enough to become an anarchist in the true sense of the word, a person free from sexism and machismo of any sort. Unfortunately, I am still a long way from become this thing.
I reaffirm my friendship for Marco, who was and remains my comrade.
To him all my revolutionary solidarity in the hope I be able to hug him as soon as possible.
Strength, comrade!
Always for Anarchy!

Alfredo Cospito

Iz zatvora Ferrara zatvoru Alessandria [Italija]: Izjava solidarnosti druga Alfreda Cospita s drugom Marcom Bisestijem (05.02.2017.)
Dobio sam djelomične informacije da se u alessandrijskom zatvoru Marco usprotivio instalaciji bocche di lupo [posebni prozori/rešetke koji dozvoljavaju ulaz zraka i svjetlosti u ćeliju, ali onemogućavaju zatvoreniku da gleda vani] uništavajući nešto od namještaja u uredima pandura.
Inkvizitor Sparagna [tužitelj na čelu op. Scripta Manent] nas je već naviknuo na svoje pecanje u blatu, već je prošlo pet mjeseci, pod izlikom da je Marco danas životni partner moje bivše partnerice, u pokušaju da nas razdvoji, otkad drži de facto Marca u "izolaciji" od mene i njegovih drugih drugova, zbog apsurdnog i patvorenog straha od

Prison of Alessandria [Italy]: Text of anarchist comrade Marco Bisesti (01/01/2017) [en]

Note of Croce Nera Anarchica: We receive and publish this text of anarchist comrade Marco Bisesti, even though a considerable delay (the letter was written on January 1st) due to the censorship imposed to comrade

Irremediably on the unexplored and iconoclastic path of a free life, on Friday December 30th I put together joy and rage, which I will continue to treasure, and I threw them at the windows of prison guards office of the unit.
Never satisfy, once I was inside the cell I destroyed the gelosie [opacified panels placed over windows bars to prevent the view at the outside] installed a month ago, regaining a piece of sky.
No underlying cause, no straw that broke the camel’s back full of frustration. Pure conscience.
Act of resistance if it is read trough a restrictive dynamic guard/prisoner, but in reality yet another contribution of panorama of anarchist attack which continues to appear outside and inside the prisons.
Nothing to ask.
Everything to take.


Zatvor Alessandria [Italija]: Tekst anarhističkog druga Marca Bisestija (01.01.2017.)
Napomena Croce Nera Anarchica: Dobili smo i objavljujemo ovaj tekst anarhističkog druga Marca Bisestija, mada uz značajno kašnjenje (pismo je napisano 1. januara) zbog cenzure nametnute drugu.

Nepopravljivo na neistraženim i ikonoklastičnim putem jednog slobodnog života, u petak 30. decembra, sakupio sam radost i bijes, koje ću nastaviti čuvati kao blago, i bacio ih u prozor ureda zatvorskih stražara odjela.
Nikad zadovoljen, jednom kad sam se našao u ćeliji uništio sam gelosie [zamagljeni paneli stavljeni na rešetke prozora kako bi spriječili gledanje vani] ugrađene prije

Italy: Update on Operation “Scripta Manent” (16/01/2017) [en]

The Court of Cassation decided to commit Daniele for trial, concerning the decision of Court of Liberty [provincial appeals court]. Additionally, on January 10th the judge for the preliminary investigations rejected the house arrest.

We have been informed, after the prison visits, that Marco Bisesti has had the disciplinary council on January 13th, but he did not know its outcome yet, following the fact that he smashed with a coatrack several objects in prison office. This gesture was triggered by the installation of opaque windows which actually made impossible to look outside the building.

Italija: Vijesti o Operaciji “Scripta Manent” (16.01.2017.)
Kasacijski sud je odlučio pokrenuti sudski postupak protiv Danielea, u vezi odluke Suda Slobode [regionalni žalbeni sud]. K tome, 10. januara mu je istražni sudac odbio kućni pritvor.

Doznajemo, nakon zatvorskih posjeta, da je Marco Bisesti imao disciplinarno vijeće 13. januara, ali još nije upoznat s ishodom, zbog činjenice da je vješalicom razbio nekoliko predmeta u zatvorskom uredu. Gestu je potaknula instalacija neprovidnih prozora koji zaista onemogućuju pogled izvan zgrade.