Italy: Update on Operation “Scripta Manent” (16/01/2017)

The Court of Cassation decided to commit Daniele for trial, concerning the decision of Court of Liberty [provincial appeals court]. Additionally, on January 10th the judge for the preliminary investigations rejected the house arrest.
We have been informed, after the prison visits, that Marco Bisesti has had the disciplinary council on January 13th, but he did not know its outcome yet, following the fact that he smashed with a coatrack several objects in prison office. This gesture was triggered by the installation of opaque windows which actually made impossible to look outside the building.
Italija: Vijesti o Operaciji “Scripta Manent” (16.01.2017.)
Kasacijski sud je odlučio pokrenuti sudski postupak protiv Danielea, u vezi odluke Suda Slobode [regionalni žalbeni sud]. K tome, 10. januara mu je istražni sudac odbio kućni pritvor.
Doznajemo, nakon zatvorskih posjeta, da je Marco Bisesti imao disciplinarno vijeće 13. januara, ali još nije upoznat s ishodom, zbog činjenice da je vješalicom razbio nekoliko predmeta u zatvorskom uredu. Gestu je potaknula instalacija neprovidnih prozora koji zaista onemogućuju pogled izvan zgrade.