Italy: Declaration of Silvia and Anna on the beginning of the hunger strike in L’Aquila prison [en]

On the morning of May 29, 2019, in the court of Turin was held the first hearing in the trial against some anarchists for the occupation of Corso Giulio 45 (Turin). One of the defendants is Silvia, arrested on 7 February in the context of the “Scintilla” repressive operation and the eviction of the Asilo Occupato in Turin. The comrade via videoconference (which prevents her from being present at the hearings) read a text written by her and Anna announcing the beginning of a hunger strike against the conditions and restrictions imposed in the AS2 section of the prison of L’Aquila (prison conditions comparable to those of detention under the 41bis regime, present right in the prison where they are locked up). We remind that the anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino is imprisoned since 6 September 2016 for the “Scripta manent” operation, for which on 24 April was issued the sentence in the trial of first instance. She was sentenced to 17 years and four other comrades sentenced between 5 and 20 years of prison.
Revolutionary solidarity with the comrades on hunger strike and with all the imprisoned anarchists!


Italy: “Vetriolo” — Anarchist paper, issue 2, autumn 2018 [in Italian] [en]

It’s been a long while. After a year we are publishing another issue of Vetriolo, issue number 2. We haven’t brought out the paper more frequently up to now, nor have we wanted to. Not that we didn’t have anything to say during this time, on the contrary. However we have never strenuously followed the possibility of giving a strict periodicity to the publication, which because of its form (with fairly concise texts of agitation, analysis and topicality as well as more extensive and complicated theoretical articles) is not suited to it. At the same time we’d like the paper to come out without long delays. In any case we think that this paper is an important instrument for the anarchist movement regardless of the frequency with which it comes out. The pages of Vetriolo have always been and will continue to be a means aimed at discussion, dialogue and confrontation among anarchists. The paper will continue to give time and space to dialogue and debate among revolutionaries, including those who find themselves imprisoned. In this issue there are writings and articles by Marco, Anna and Alfredo, imprisoned following the arrests of the repressive operation ‘scripta manent’ of 6th September 2016.


Italy: Updates on Scripta Manent No. 2 – March 2018 [en]

Text written by Anna and Marco about the progress of the trial in which they are defendants for the Scripta Manent operation.

At the hearings of January and February the witnesses for the accusation (originally the PM Sparagna mentioned there would be about seventy) have continued to be heard, mainly Turin Digos [political police], police, carabinieri, bomb disposal experts, witnesses, the forensic departments of Rome and of the Ris [carabinieri forensic unit] of Parma, all in relation to the specific crimes alleged. Also some editors or former editors of Radio Blackout of Turin have been called to testify on the receiving of some claims, and an occupant of the Asilo [squat in Turin] in relation to knowing and corresponding with the defendants.


Italy: Update Scripta Manent [en]

The anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino (arrested in September 2016 in the framework of operation Scripta Manent, currently detained in Rebibbia prison, Rome) has informed us (2 April 2018) that “the inevitable loudly comments”, made during the ongoing trial for the aforementioned operation, “earned” her and Marco Bisesti (detained since 09/2016, too, currently in Alessandria prison) a couple of disciplinary reports, commuted to a few days of solitary confinement.

Both comrades are laughing at “punishment”.


Rebibbia prison — Rome [Italy]: “Right you are… if you think you are” — Text by anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino (01/2018) [en]

Reflections and updates on a trial

There’s not much to be said about an episode of repression, after all it’s the simple cyclical occurrence of action and reaction – or even on how repression plays dirty – another well-known fact. At most these are just a few notes on the development of techniques and strategies.

This I’ll try to do. More than a year after the arrests, with the trial already underway, a crack has opened in the censuring bell jar and the court papers been disclosed in all their misery after the short report on the last issue of “Croce Nera” and the latest developments on the closure of investigations and the preliminary hearing.


Prison of Latina [Italy] – A letter from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino [en]


The prosecution in Turin have decided to put an entire anarchist tendency on trial: anti-organisation Anarchism. This isn’t a sensationalist and defensive overstatement, it’s what Turin’s investigating judge, Anna Ricci, enacted with the arrest warrants issued in July 2016, and enforced in September, probably to avoid disrupting the summer holidays of some pubic official.
The inquisitors’ choice is clear from the ridiculous framework that appeared in the arrest warrant papers, a product of the deleterious encounter between the mind of some cop and the rushed reading of a wikipedia summary. The framework gives shape to a repressive-Manichean vision of a ‘social anarchy’, a good and harmless one, and an (anti-social and anti-classist) ‘individual anarchy’, violent and palatable to repression, whose method is the ‘anti-organization model’.
By making the necessary distinctions, this framework aims to define a specific camp, to create a cage, so that from a generic ‘insurrectionism’, (a sub-product of the anti-organization model), always violent and liable to punishment to varying degrees, sub-species can be pulled out to form different strands of the investigation[1] for Italian cops: ‘classic insurrectionism’, ‘social insurrectionism’, ‘eco insurrectionism’ and the ‘informal anarchist federation’.
That different tensions and tendencies exist within Anarchism is a fact, but it’s also true that this type of rigid categorisation is an inherent feature of the mindset and requirements of the inquisitors, who are set on delineating a specific area in order to make their manoeuvres as best they can: it is within this space that the following operation lies.
Historically, solidarity with revolutionary prisoners has been a focal point of interest for anarchists and a way to come together and build a rebellious sensibility: revolutionary solidarity not solidarity with revolutionaries.
Devised by Turin’s Digos and prosecutors back in 2012, in the wake of 20 years of recurring and failed repressive attempts, operation Scripta Manent led to the arrest of

Italy: Anarchist comrades Anna Beniamino and Valentina Speziale transferred to another prison (09/03/2017) [en]

Anna and Valentina [arrested in op. “Scripta Manent”] have been transferred today to Rebibbia prison, along with all other comrades of the section.

The new address:
Anna Beniamino
Valentina Speziale
Via Bartolo Longo, 92
00156 Rome — Italy

Anna i Valentina [uhapšene u op. “Scripta Manent”]su danas premještene u zatvor Rebibbia, zajedno sa svim ostalim drugaricama s odjela.

Prison of Latina [Italy]: The Censorship confiscated the texts by anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino (03/01/2016) [en]

The anarchist comrade Anna [arrested in Op. “Scripta Manent] write us that for the first time her outgoing mail has been blocked.
It’s about two texts for the 4th issue of publishing project “Croce Nera Anarchica” [Anarchist Black Cross magazine].
The texts concerned has been sent to me and to comrade Alfredo Cospito.

The Plague Upon You!

Omar Nioi/C.N.A.

Zatvor Latina [Italija]: Anarhističkoj drugarici Anni Beniamino cenzura zaplijenila tekstove (03.01.2017.)
Anarhistička drugarica Anna [uhapšena u Op. “Scripta Manent”] piše nam da joj je po prvi put blokirana izlazna pošta.
Radi se o dva tekta za 4. broj izdavačkog projekta “Croce Nera Anarchica” [časopis Anarhističkog Crnog Križa].
Navedeni tekstovi poslani su kako meni tako i drugu Alfredu Cospitu.

Neka vas kuga pogodi!

Omar Nioi/C.N.A.

Italy: Update on comrades arrested in operation “Scripta Manent” (27/10/2016) [en]

So, to recap, the situation of imprisoned comrades for the operation “Scripta Manent” is as follows...
Alfredo and Anna stopped their hunger strike, carried out while deathly silence prevailed outside. They ended the hunger strike following the revocation of prohibition on meeting between the arrested comrades in the same prisons. Therefore, Alfredo could meet Nicola again, and Anna was able to meet Valentina.
Instead, the prohibition on meeting is still applied in prison of Alessandria, where Alessandro and Marco are detained, and in prison of Terni where Danilo and Daniele are being held, despite the latter should not be in the High Security section AS2 for the charges he is being investigated for.
The comrades receive mail almost regularly (some letters and some envelopes with hard copy of updates from Internet are blocked).
I would remind to write to comrades in order to break the isolation that the prison itself creates. I would remind as well to put in envelope everything the comrades need to write you back (envelope, paper and stamp), to save their money which they are unfortunately forced to spend on weekly shopping inside the prison.

Break the isolation!
Solidarity and complicity with Alfredo, Nicola, Anna, Danilo, Valentina, Marco, Sandrone and Daniele!


BISESTI MARCO: Strada Alessandria, 50/A – 15121 San Michele, Alessandria (AL)
MERCOGLIANO ALESSANDRO: Strada Alessandria, 50/A – 15121 San Michele, Alessandria (AL)
BENIAMINO ANNA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
CREMONESE DANILO EMILIANO: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR
SPEZIALE VALENTINA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
ALFREDO COSPITO I NICOLA GAI are still in Ferrara prison, section of high security AS2 (via Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara)
DANIELE: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR

The account of Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross] is open for money collected for the arrested comrades:
N° Carta PostePay: 4023 6009 1934 2891
addressed to: Omar Nioi
Being an emergency the money will be used to support the comrades in prison, but also for legal costs.
For any information, here is the address of Croce Nera Anarchica: croceneranarchica (at)