Florence [Italy]: ATM torched in solidarity with anarchist comrades (21/11/2016) [en]

Since the previous claim has not been received, we repeat: Florence 21/11 fire to the Italian Post ATM on Cento Celle Street. Against expulsions, cages, control and censorship. Solidarity to the arrested and to those under investigation Op Scripta Manent, Rome, Turin, to Divine, Carlo, Cedric and to everyone who fight, inside as outside, against authority.

Firenca [Italija]: Zapaljen bankomat u znak solidarnosti s anarhističkim drugovima (21.11.2016.)
Pošto prethodna izjava nije stigla, ponavljamo: Firenca 21.11 zapaljen bankomat Talijanske pošte u ulici Cento Stelle. Protiv deportacija, kaveza, kontrole i cenzure. Soliarnost s uhapšenima i pod istragom Op Scritpa Manent, Rim, Torino, Divineu, Carlu, Cedricu i svima koji se, kako unutra tako i vani, bore protiv autoriteta.

Italy: Update on Operation “Scripta Manent” (05/12/2016) [en]

Update December 8th: According to RadioAzione and the Anarchist Black Cross in Italy, comrade Valentina Speziale had their request for house arrest rejected. Solidarity with the detained comrades.

In his letter the anarchist comrade Daniele informs us about the transfer of another comrade, Danilo Cremonese, to Ferrara prison, on November 23th. Furthermore, he updates us on his situation. Practically, for his case the investigations have been closed, and the date of cassation for re-examination has been set for January 13th, 2017.
Complicity and Solidarity with Danilo, Daniele, Anna, Valentina, Alfredo, Nicola, Marco and Sandrone!

Updated addresses:
BISESTI MARCO: Casa Circondariale San Michele – Strada Casale, 50/A – 15121 Alessandria (AL)
MERCOGLIANO ALESSANDRO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara
BENIAMINO ANNA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
CREMONESE DANILO EMILIANO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara
SPEZIALE VALENTINA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
ALFREDO COSPITO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara
NICOLA GAI: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara
DANIELE: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR

Italija: Vijesti o Operaciji “Scripta Manent” (05.12.2016.)
Ažurirano 8.decembra: Po riječima RadioAzione i Anarhističkog Crnog Križa u Italiji, drugarici Valenitini Speziale odbačen je zahtjev za kućni pritvor. Solidarnost sa zatvorenim drugovima.

U svojem pismu anarhistički drug Daniele nas informira o premještaju drugog druga, Danila Cremonesea, u zatvor u Ferrari, 23. novembra. K tome, ažurira nas i o svojoj situaciji. U biti, za njegov slučaj istraga je zatvorena i datum kasacije za preispitivanje određen je za 13. januar 2017.
Suučesništvo i Solidarnost s Danilom, Danieleom, Annom, Valentinom, Alfredom, Nicolom, Marcom i Sandroneom!

Genoa [Italy]: Incendiary attack in solidarity with anarchist comrades arrested in Op. “Scripta Manent” (17/11/2016) [en]

GENOA: 17/11 VEHICLE OF ENI* TORCHED — Solidarity with arrested in Op. Scripta Manent. FOR ANARCHY

*oil and gas company

Genova [Italija]: Požar u znak solidarnosti s anarhistima uhapšenim u “Scripta Manent”
GENOVA: 17.11. ZAPALJENO VOZILO ENI — Solidarnost sa svim zatvorenicima/cama Op. Scripta Manent. ZA ANARHIJU

*naftno-plinska kompanija

Italy: Direct Actions in solidarity with anarchists arrested in Operation “Scripta Manent” (11/2016) [en]

Trento: In the night between 7th and 8th, 9 cars of Italian postal service were torched. Stop deportation. For the arrested in Scripta Manent. Ignis Ardens.

Bologna: In a night of boredom in Bologna, a supermarket was sanctioned and its invasive eyes were blinded. Immediately after this act, the flames of a roadblock broke the city quietness, screaming our complicity whit those hit by repression. You can act everywhere and in every moment. No one has to give us the green light, or impose the how on us.
Tired of those who imprison us.
Tired of those who are watching and spying us.
As reply fire and action!
Solidarity for the arrested in scripta manent and for everyone behind bars.

Some skeevygenic timewasters

Italija: Direktne akcije solidarnosti s anarhistima uhapšenima u operaciji “Scripta Manent” (11.2016.)
: U noći između 7. i 8., spaljeno je 9 vozila Talijanske pošte. Prekinimo deportacije. Za uhapšene u Scripta Manent. Ignis Ardens.

Bologona: U jednoj noći bolonjske dosade, jedan supermarket je kažnjen, a njegove invazivne oči osljepljene. Odmah nakon toga, plamen jedne blokovne točke prekinuo je gradski mir, urličući naše suučesništvo s onima koje je pogodila represija. Možeš djelovati svugdje i u svakom trenutku. Nitko nam ne treba dati zeleno svjetlo, ili nametnuti nam kako.
Umorni od onih koji nas zatvaraju.
Umorni od onih koji nas gledaju i nadgledaju.
Kao odgovor vatra i djelo!
Solidarnost za uhapšene u scripta manent i za svakoga u zatvoru.

Nekoliko odvratnogeničnih zgubidana

Italy: Update on Operation “Scripta Manent” (21/11/2016) [en]

The transfer of comrades, arrested in operation “Scripta Manent”, from one prison to another is continuing. Yet another transfer, the comrade Alessandro Mercogliano was transferred from prison of Alessandria to prison of Ferrara, always in AS2 [high security wing], where are already held the kidnapped comrades Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito.
So, the sleepless and paranoiac nights of miserable prosecutor Roberto Sparagna are continuing, in order to get some clues, since he does not have even a half, he enjoys torturing the comrades with “prohibition to meet each other” (I would remind that Sandro and Marco in Alessandria, as well as Danilo and Daniele in Terni could never meet each other) and with continuous transfers.
Beyond any logic of “innocent” or “guilty”, I express my complete solidarity and my unconditional complicity to Sandrone and to every comrade arrested in operation “Scripta Manent”.

RadioAzione, 21 November 2016

Updated addresses:
BISESTI MARCO: Casa Circondariale San Michele – Strada Casale, 50/A – 15121 Alessandria (AL)
MERCOGLIANO ALESSANDRO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara
BENIAMINO ANNA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
CREMONESE DANILO EMILIANO: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR
SPEZIALE VALENTINA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
ALFREDO COSPITO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara
NICOLA GAI: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara
DANIELE: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR

Italija: Novi premještaj u okviru operacije “Scripta Manent” (21.11.2016.)
Nastavaljaju se neprekidni premještaji iz jednog zatvora u drugi, drugova uhapšenih u operaciji “Scripta Manent”. Još jedan novi premještaj, ovaj put je drug Alessandra Mercogliano iz zatvora u Alessandriji premješten u Ferraru, na AS2, gdje se već nalaze zatočeni drugovi Nicola Gai i Alfredo Cospito.
Nastavljaju se tako

Campania [Italy]: Three BTS burned in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners Op. Scripta Manent (10/2016) [en]

“Fire to the technological domination. Campania, three base transceiver stations burned in the course of October, in solidarity with the arrested in operation scripta manent and with all the anarchist prisoners around the world.”

Campania [Italija]: Zapaljena tri BTS-a u znak soldiarnosti s anarhističkim zatvorenicima Op. Scripta Manent (10.2016.)
“Požar tehnološkoj dominaciji. Campania, tokom mjeseca oktobra zapaljene tri bazne stanice u znak solidarnosti s uhapšenima u operaciji scripta manent i sa svim anarhističkim zatvorenicima diljem svijeta.”

Italy: Direct actions in solidarity with the imprisoned comrades (01/07-11-2016) [en]

Pisa: “November 7, 2016 — Cell tower torched near Pisa in solidarity with the arrested in op. scripta manent and with all prisoners.”

Genoa: “VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT, IGNIS ARDENS. Genoa 01/11. 2 postbank ATMs and 1 bank ATM torched. The State imprisons, Mistral Air deports, Unicredit finances Erdogan. The Post and the banks will continue to be attacked. Solidarity with Alfredo, Nicola, Sandro, Marco, Anna, Valentina, Danilo, Daniele and Divine.”

Italija: Djela solidarnosti s uhapšenim drugovima (01./07.112016.)
“7. novembar 2016. — Zapaljena antena mobilne telefonije pokraj Pise u znak solidarnosti s uhapšenim u op. scripta manent i sa svim zatvorenicima.”
Genova: “VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT, IGNIS ARDENS. Genova, 01.11. Zapaljena 2 postamata i 1 bankomat. Država zatvara, Mistral Air deportira, Unicredit financira Erdogana. Pošte i banke će i dalje biti napadane. Solidarnost s Alfredom, Nicolom, Sandrom, Marcom, Annom, Valentinom, Danilom, Danieleom i Divineom.”

Italy: Update on comrades arrested in operation “Scripta Manent” (27/10/2016) [en]

So, to recap, the situation of imprisoned comrades for the operation “Scripta Manent” is as follows...
Alfredo and Anna stopped their hunger strike, carried out while deathly silence prevailed outside. They ended the hunger strike following the revocation of prohibition on meeting between the arrested comrades in the same prisons. Therefore, Alfredo could meet Nicola again, and Anna was able to meet Valentina.
Instead, the prohibition on meeting is still applied in prison of Alessandria, where Alessandro and Marco are detained, and in prison of Terni where Danilo and Daniele are being held, despite the latter should not be in the High Security section AS2 for the charges he is being investigated for.
The comrades receive mail almost regularly (some letters and some envelopes with hard copy of updates from Internet are blocked).
I would remind to write to comrades in order to break the isolation that the prison itself creates. I would remind as well to put in envelope everything the comrades need to write you back (envelope, paper and stamp), to save their money which they are unfortunately forced to spend on weekly shopping inside the prison.

Break the isolation!
Solidarity and complicity with Alfredo, Nicola, Anna, Danilo, Valentina, Marco, Sandrone and Daniele!


BISESTI MARCO: Strada Alessandria, 50/A – 15121 San Michele, Alessandria (AL)
MERCOGLIANO ALESSANDRO: Strada Alessandria, 50/A – 15121 San Michele, Alessandria (AL)
BENIAMINO ANNA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
CREMONESE DANILO EMILIANO: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR
SPEZIALE VALENTINA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
ALFREDO COSPITO I NICOLA GAI are still in Ferrara prison, section of high security AS2 (via Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara)
DANIELE: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR

The account of Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross] is open for money collected for the arrested comrades:
N° Carta PostePay: 4023 6009 1934 2891
addressed to: Omar Nioi
Being an emergency the money will be used to support the comrades in prison, but also for legal costs.
For any information, here is the address of Croce Nera Anarchica: croceneranarchica (at) autistici.org

Regina Coeli Prison – Rome [Italy]: Daniele’s communique (20-09-2016) [en]

„Between these four increasingly narrow walls
I cultivate my hatred towards the system.

If you are anarchist accept the idea, if you have not done so already, that you could end up in prison sooner or later, and there are different paths that can lead you in.
If you are anarchist, in the first place, you have to be careful what you keep in house: the common things, more or less usual, in the cops’ expertise become components of devices or explosives; a story we have seen recently, by the way, in Bologna too, with a comrade ended up in AS of Ferrara prison. Even books, pamphlets and texts, the so-called „paper documents”, become evidences of affiliation with the terrorist organizations.
And then, there are the classic crimes of association, usually the 270bis, that allow the cops to put you in prison without even bothering to provide „concrete” elements.
Basically, the paths are many, but the reason is only one: be irreducibly aligned against the power.
If I’m saying this things it is certainly not to complain about the unfairness of the democratic justice, but to point out how easily an anarchist be incarcerated, despite of his prudence. The awareness of this risk should not frighten us, just help us to be ready.
So, „Scripta Manent” comes, certainly, as no surprise, it is a repressive attack on which the only one doubt was about „when”, but not for sure „if”. An attack of democratic regime against those who, inside it, still refuses to submit to the values and to the morality of dominion, placing himself not in a conciliatory perspective of dialogue and compromise, but in the open conflict with the power. „The State is not thinkable without lordship and servitude. For the State it is indispensable that nobody have an own will; if one had, the State would have to exclude this one; if all had, they would do away with the State.”
After all, if you end up in prison or not, it is a part of the anarchist path anyway. Because it is a spectre that hangs over your head, because it took friends or the loved ones, or just because it is the foundation of this society we hate („repression is civilization”).
But the constant threat of prison is not enough to suffocate the rage we feel in front of thousands of killed and tortured animals every day, in front of entire ecosystems wiped out by the voracity of technological society, in front of million of individuals forced to alienation in their workplaces or in the infamous prisons or in the concentration camps for migrants, in front of people killed by hunger and wars.
And how could you bow your head resigned in front of the continuous interference of the State in our lives?
This society in which, like in a shopping mall, everything has its price, everything can be bought and sold, if you have money to do it, this society based on profit at any cost will have always an extreme enemy, who is not willing to trade his life and his dignity at any price. The money is the only engine of this system of death and misery. The State legitimate the money, the police protect it, the newspapers give voice to its lies. The anarchists refuse it and attack it.
Solidarity with the arrested, suspected and searched in the operation „Scripta Manent”.
Solidarity with those who in this world pay the price for opposing this system of domination.
With those who under a grey sky choose to provoke storm.
For a world build on the ruins of this.

Charges on charges, sentences on sentences,
but what matters is the moment of capitulation.


(translated by anarhija.info)

It Comes As No Surprise Operation "Scripta Manent" [en]

As I had already written in a statement a few days ago about the operation "Scripta Manent" ["written words remain"], 32 comrades across the Italy were awakened by the dogs in uniforms at dawn of September 6.
The result of this new operation, ordered by Turin Prosecutor's Office trough its inquisitor Roberto M. Sparagna, is 7 arrested and 15 under investigation.
The eight comrade, editor of Croce Nera [Anarchist Black Cross], Daniele was arrested following the search when are found the batteries and a handbook for electrician.

Apart from Alfredo and Nicola, already in Ferrara's prison for the wounding of Roberto Adinolfi, the other arrested comrades are Alessandro, Marco, Danilo, Valentina and Anna.
The articles 270bis [association for purposes of terrorism], 280 bis [attacks for terrorist or subversive purposes] and 285 [threatening to commit a terrorist crime] are the sum of the alleged offences which started as far back as 2003 and are related to a series of attacks signed by "FAI-Federazione Anarchica Informale", through the cells "“Narodnaja Volja”, “Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini (occasionalmente spettacolare)” [Fire and Similar Craftwork Cooperative, occasionally spectacular], “FAI/RAT (Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda)” [Anonymous and Terrible Revolt], and the cell "Olga". The comrades Alfredo and Nicola have assumed the responsibility for their participation in this cell and for the wounding of Adinolfi.
So, another investigation of Informal Anarchist Organization, another attempt to fishing in troubled waters just to ensure the salary which is going to fatten another Savonarola and his family in period between the investigation and the trial.

Am I surprised by just another operation?
Not at all!
If I swim in the ocean voluntary, I know very well that I will meet the sharks sooner or later.
But, these sharks can be sure they can't scare me in my accrossing...
Prosecutions, searches, investigations, prisons and trials don't touch me at all. On the contrary, the more I feel you on my back the more I feel the rage...
They will never make me take a step back, and they will never make me change my mind that, from the moment I came into this world against my will, I will do my best to live better in it...
They will never make me change my idea that the direct action is the only weapon to destroy this miserable and opulent existent.

Therefore, I am not a "poor comrade" who has suffered harassment from cops and a judge, because since I realized that I madly love my ideas, I took everything into consideration, with no exceptions.

A small example can be this temporarily reopening of the RadioAzione website which I shut down more than a year ago, and now it will try to update the comrades exclusively on this operation, publishing communiques, solidarity acts and updates on arrested comrades.
It will not be published anything else, and the reasons are the same which led me to shut down the web site in August 2015.
I hope that the non-Italian comrades won't hold it against me, I have many doubts even today about things that I don't know well and I didn't knew well in the past.

It is not a coincidence that I will update only on operation "Scripta Manent".
In this operation are involved the very few comrades, brothers and sisters, the ones I always felt very close in these last twenty years, and with someone of them even more.
Alessandro, Marco, Danilo, Valentina, Anna, Alfredo, Nicola, and Daniele too, will be everyday on my mind until the day I will see them out of the concentration camp of the State.
They will walk with me, in my thoughts, outside the prison walls, bars and special sections.
They will walk with me, in my thoughts, along the dark path which lead to anarchy.

In the end, the national press are reaffirming the same role of inquisitors and jackals, following very carefully a series of anarchist websites to transcript on their toilet paper excerpts of our reflections, accompanying them with their Lombroso-reminiscence analyses.
Especially the center-left press, like good little ships and the voice of the master, in order to hide the fact that the money for the earthquake, and for the previous one, will never be allocated (it will be used for restructuring the bank of the minister Boschi's father), it splash the anarchists and their solidarity communiques across the front page, hoping for comments of idiotic and conservative zombie mass who lives in the suburbs of the net.
But, don't worry, because in our thoughts are also you, journo hacks and jackals.
As every empire that should be destroyed, it begins with destroying the army to reach the kings and the queens.
If the "written words remains", be sure that despite the arrests and searches our ideas will survive too, until the day we will see them realized... but in that world will not be place for you.

For anarchy, for direct action.

Me, myself and I
Naples, 11 Semptember 2016

(translated by anarhija.info)

Croce Nera Anarchica
“Operation Scripta Manent” [en]

For the moment we, the editors of Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross], will wait to write about this new operation.

We remind you that the fund-raise for the comrades in prison is active.
To send solidarity contribution
PostePay Card number: 4023 6009 1934 2891
Account name: Omar Nioi

Regarding the addresses, at the moment we know that the comrades are in the following prisons:
Comrades arrested in this operation:
BISESTI MARCO: C.R. REBIBBIA via Bartolo Longo n. 72 – 00156 ROMA
BENIAMINO ANNA: C.C. CIVITAVECCHIA via Aurelia nord km 79,500 n. snc 00053
SPEZIALE VALENTINA: C.C. via Ettore Ianni n.30 – 66100 CHIETI

Daniele, the comrade editor of CROCE NERA ANARCHICA, was arrested with another procedure, accused of possessing materials to manufacture explosive devices, following the discovery of some batteries and a handbook for electricians in his home.
DANIELE C.C. regina coeli Via della lungara n29 – 00165 roma


Omar Nioi-CNA


(translated by anarhija.info)

Text by Lello (about the operation “Scripta Manent”) [en]

last night [06/09] the repression arrested six “free” comrades e two already imprisoned, and invaded the homes of 33 comrades.
This wave of repression struck an aerea of anarchist movement... the area has not representatives and has not mouthpieces, so each one expresses himself according to his consciousness and is responsible for his own words.
The repression, as always, wants to scare and intimidate, wants to force us to stop or to take a step back. We thank everyone who has expressed solidarity... the solidarity of comrades is always useful and precious.
For our part, we invite the comrades to express their solidarity in the only way that we consider effective.
Comrades, brothers and sisters, we must not allow repression to achieve its goal. We all must make efforts to multiply our forces to make our struggle against every form of power more sharper, efficient and destructive... Of course, each one will follow his own consciousness e will do what he considers appropriate.
Respond to repression means move forwards, only in this way we will be able to help our imprisoned comrades.

A hug to all and everyone.

Lello, “that in wheelchair”</em>


(translated by anarhija.info)

Il Buco – informazione e traduzione anarchica
“Scripta Manent”, but our memory is black [en]

Today [06/09] at the first light the infamous Turin Prosecutor have unleashed the investigation “Scripta Manent”, which resulted in 7 arrested anarchists, 15 under investigation and 32 searches across the Italy.
The regime newspapers publish the names of 7 arrested with their photos and old videos.
We are waiting to find out the destination of the comrades to actively express our support.
The only thing we know for certain is that Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai have been struck by this new investigation too. Our affinity is with them.

For the destruction of the existent


(translated by anarhija.info)

L’Incendiairio – Congegno Individualista
Anarchists arrests... [en]

Today morning [06/09] news: new repressive operation designed by the Turin Prosecutor to strike the informal FAI [Federazione Anarchica Informale], ugly, dirty and evil, which has nothing to do — as many hacks write — with the Italian anarchist federation [FAI-Federazione Anarhcica Italiana], whose members will finally be happy to have obtained even in the “official” media so long desired licence of respectability; this time they will not have, at least, dissociate themselves publicly.
The operation called “Scripta Manent” led to numerous searches across Italy and arrest of seven insurgents, accused of various direct actions.
Regarding the procedural ways of the filthy spies paid by the dominion: nothing new, their intent is actually clearly unveiled, for the umpteenth time they will try to charge them with the associative crime by building structures and hierarchies on the paper, as ridiculous as predictable. But let us set aside these kind of analysis, we can postpone them for the moments when the picture will be clearer. The only urgent — important — thing in this moment is express the whole possible solidarity to the 7 insurgents, detained by dominion, though we are quite aware that they will know how to face the repression with head held high, as Alfredo and Nicola have done before, also forced actors of this new fiction of Power.

Solidarity with the insurgents of the earth, let the fire continues to burn for them too!


(translated by anarhija.info)

September Carrion — Operation “Scripta Manent” [en]

At about 5.00 this morning, September 6, almost like an anniversay or the tax on garbage due, a pack of guard dogs materialized outside my doors.
They were not begging for kibble, cookies or bones, but for weapons, explosives, claims, “Croce Nera Anarchica” [the magazine of Italian ABC], “Pagine in Rivolta” e “KNO3” [anarchists magazines]... With the arrogance typical of watchdogs, they pushed into the house and started rummaging, not before having delivered me the formal invitation signed, not by me of course, but by certain Roberto M. Sparagna, who works as inquisitor on behalf of the Turin Prosecutor.

A part from a few “Cobra” firecrackers and a smoke bomb, they did not find anything else “dangerous”, and gave vent their hunger on the newspapers, pamphlets and posters, especially from Greek and Mexico, the above Italian anarchist publications and others, posters with the FAI/FRI symbols as well as a good amount of correspondence even from decades ago.
After turning my romm upside dow and visiting those of my flatmates, they asked me to accompany them to the police station to list the total of their raid and receive a receipt of confiscation.

Once again, with Septembrian surgical precision, they have unleashed raids and issued notifications; but above all some comrades have been kidnapped, 8 to be precise...
This time, in order to gain a place on the State’s payroll for a few years, the prosecutor RM Sparagna had to fish in troubled waters, going back to events happened since 2003 (I wonder if the next inquisitor will accuse us and arrest us for the “Matese uprisings” ore the “Revolt of Piombino” [XIX sentury]...).
Those that the “wig” on duty is turning to and has summed under “270bis” [anti-terrorist law] are attacks carried out from 2003 onwards with the signature FAI/FRI, not knowing that back in 2004 somone from Rome had tried with “Operation Cervantes” and a couple of years later with the operation against the comrades of the then Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross].
The arrest of our comrades will not succede in making us retreat, so arm yourself with “holy and inquisitorial” patience because you will have to wake up us at down for a long time... if you will find us still in our beds...

Alfredo, Nicola, Anna, Marco, Alessandro, Daniele, Danilo and Valentina will not be left alone even for a second.
Our thoughts will be with them every moment of their sequestered life, in their every breath, in each one of our steps along the paths of the dark forests.

Me, myself and I
Naples, 6 September 2016.

(translated by anarhija.info)

Italy: 5 arrests and 30 serches for the attacks of Informal Anarchist Organization (FAI) [en]

In the early hours of September 6, an operation coordinated by Digos [political police] of Turin led the searches of 30 homes in various Italian regions (Piedmont, Liguria, Lazio, Umbria, Lombardy, Abruzzo, Campania, Sardinia and Emilia Romagna) and the arrest of five anarchist comrades accused of subversive association with terrorist intent: Anna, Marco, Sandrone, Danilo and Valentina; in addition, a notification in prison for Nicola and Alfredo.
The operation, called “Scripta Manent” [from Latin proverb “verba volant, scripta manent” — spoken words fly away, written words remain], tries to attribute to a single direction a series of direct actions claimed by the Informal Anarchist Organization, reproducing in this way the same repressive strategies of some previous operations, such as Servantes and Boldness (“Ardire”), and trying to impose an associative and vertical structure on the expressions of anarchist conflictuality.

In particular, the attacks inserted in this investigation include the parcel-bombs sent to the CPT’s [retention centres for immigrants] director in Modena in May 2005, to the traffic-cops barracks in Turin-San Salvario and to the chief-police of Lecce (claimed by FAI/Narodnaja Volja), the explosive device against the RIS barracks [carabinieri forensics] in Parma (October 24, 2005, claimed by FAI/Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini-occasionalmente spettacolare), the parcel-bomb sent to the Mayor of Bologna Sergio Cofferati (November 2, 2005, claimed by FAI/Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini-occasionalmente spettacolare), the devices against the carrabinieri cadets’ barracks in Fossano (June 2, 2006, claimed by FAI/RAT-Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda), the devices placed in the Turin neighbourhood, Crocetta (Mart 7, 2007, claimed by FAI/RAT); among the other actions also the wounding of Adinolfi (May 7, 2012), despite the fact that two comrades have already been convicted and have publicly claimed this attack, to corroborate the crime of association.
It seems that the investigators, felt the need to structure their clues, used even the linguistic and graphology experts, in addition to the electronic and computer surveillance, and tailing.

Probably, the male comrades will be transferred to the prison of AS [high surveillance] in Ferrara, and the female comrades to Rebibbia in Rome, but we prefer to await confirmation before publishing the addresses.

(translated by anarhija.info)