“Return Fire” #3 (Winter 2015.-2016.)

Return Fire #3 : Contents (Winter 2015-2016)
Colonisation (Glossary, Return Fire #3)
Smarter Prison A5 imposed
RF #3 Colour Cover
RF #3 B&W Cover
Just now we’ve sent out the PDF versions of our recent releases, for downloading and printing. (For past issues, see here). To summarise, there’s the full length edition of Return Fire vol.3 (Winter 2015-2016), full of news, theory, poetry and antagonism; a companion piece consisting of our ‘glossary’ entry for the issue, on Colonisation; an imposed and print-ready version of “Smartest prisons”, as a supplement to vol.3, which we received from ‘Radical Interference’ and released for December of 2015; and lastly, we’ve uploaded one of the feature texts from vol.3, “Veil Drops” to theanarchistlibrary.org as a separate file for reading and reproduction.
Izvor: 325