Italy: About the investigations against RadioAzione, and Croce Nera Anarchica

Yesterday, June 2nd, the DIGOS [political police] knocked on the doors of my house and of six other comrades’ to notify us of the closure of preliminary inquiries for a further investigation by the Public prosecutor of Turin and the prosecutor Roberto Sparagna [in charge of Scripta Manent], parallel to the investigation called “Scripta manent”, focusing on the anarchist web-sites of counter-information RadioAzione, and Croce Nera Anarchica.
Concerning Croce Nera Anarchica, the paper journal is also targeted, as well as its distribution and who organized the presentation of the same journal in Italy.
The articles in question are: 270bis (subversive association with the purposes of terrorism) and 414 (criminal solicitation). A further article, 280 (attack with the purposes of terrorism), is referring to two of the comrades.
Translation of texts, predisposition, solicitation, defending of criminal acts, conception and dissemination through the web-sites and journals of ideological “insurrectionist-armed struggle” propaganda, money raising to support the imprisoned comrades, and the attack against a substation of Enel [manufacturer and distributor of electricity and gas] in Civitavecchia, January 12th, 2016, signed by “Pyrotechnical committee for an extraordinary year F.A.I.-F.R.I.”.
This is the human misery produced by the filthy magistrate of Public prosecutor’s office in Turin, Roberto Sparagna.
The intentions are quiet clear: to do everything to isolate furthermore the anarchist comrades imprisoned for “Scripta Manent”.
But the gravedigger on-duty can put his soul at rest, because there will never be a step back!
The counter-information on web-sites and in journals will continue to be updated, as we will continue to raise money to support the comrades imprisoned in your shitty camps, and above all not a single one of those comrades who you took away from us, depriving us of their everyday physical presence, will remain isolated.
Finally, till my last breath on this shitty planet, I will hope there will be
10, 100, 1000 direct actions!
Somma Gioacchino (RadioAzione)