Galicia [Spain]: New operation against Gabriel Pombo da Silva and Elisa di Bernardo (24/01/2017) [en]

Careful who you call comrade!

Tuesday, 24 January, on the outskirts of Vigo (Mos), a deployment of about 60 armed men between the Guardia Civil and secret agents, searched (and almost destroyed) the house where Gabriel Pombo da Silva had lived for a few months with his partner Elisa Bernardo. At dawn the two were violently awakened, handcuffed and separated… aim: to find firearms and explosives! The search lasted about eight hours and in spite of the means employed (dogs and high technology radar tools), gave no results… among the things seized there is the usual “interesting” anarchist material, cameras, maps of various cities, some cable and old malfunctioning cell phones. While Elisa, despite the repeated threat of being placed under arrest unless she revealed the much desired hiding place, remained free, Gabriel was arrested on charges of “illegal possession and trafficking of weapons and explosives and armed group”. During the 24 hours’ detention (the release of the comrade happened, in fact, the next day) the facts were bitterly reconstructed.
About three months ago the couple got to know a self-proclaimed anarchist comrade who, during the few opportunities to meet, “confesses” her problems with drugs and a conditional sentence she is doing because of an arrest suffered in 2013 on charges of being the author of an attack with Molotov cocktails on an institution in Vigo. Heart in hand, Gabriel and Elisa, respond to the request for help from the “comrade”, accepting her for a week (at the beginning of the year) in the aforementioned house to accompany her in the worst phase of a path of detoxification. After this brief period, the girl returns to her own home… reappearing as informer (of false information) the day prior to the present named “Operación Buyo”. If we had not received certain news that during her previous arrest she had defamed other people, we would have limited ourselves to considering her a “victim of the system”, but that is not so. Maria, this is her name, is currently in jail on the same charges as Gabriel, probably hoping that being the daughter of a military leader can help her to avoid the worst since an arsenal of firearms was found at her home. In 2013, in fact, despite the charges of terrorism, one saw the sentence being reduced significantly (from 11 to 2 years !!!), then converted to parole, with her remaining imprisoned not more than a few months. With all the hatred toward the repressive system, prison and the judicial system, it is inevitable to wonder since when do those who claim themselves as anarchists receive such treatment. Each to their own conclusions.
Gabriel, for now on bail and under investigation… comments on this latest repressive operation thus:

“Inside as outside” one palpates this reactionary arrogance against who never resign themselves. You see that the pigs of every race and condition need “additives and dyes” to sweeten the whole “reality” that is inconvenient to them. “Journalists” more concerned to sell their printed shit than verifying the veracity of what they publish. “Police” more interested in organizing speculations to prove their hypotheses. What is really “surprising” (or who knows not), is that since they let me go (not to mention all that this tremendous affair contains) there was more “protection” in “Judicial Power” than within the so-called “libertarian movement”. Since 2012 there are already 3 “Operations” (Ardire, Scripta Manent and “our local” Operation Buyo) against me. In Italian ” buio ” means” dark… and yes… ”dark” is this whole operation in which a “girl” (with a dark past) approached with the question of being a “comrade” to then want me stoned alive. Those requesting information on this “girl” can read the following links and answer for themselves. I am neither a judge nor a prosecutor. In relation to the shit about the “training ground”, the “terrorist cell”, the “possession of weapons” and trafficking of the same… well… I think the facts belie all. However I understand that in this alienated society and this corrupt system it is preferred to speak / to lie about the underlying causes of poverty than watch one’s own navel. I’m still standing. I continue with my anarchist path despite all and everything. They will never be able to stop the Agustin Rueda University, that I am going to inaugurate in my parents’ house in the country there in Mos, with this kind of maneuver. In my house were seized: 5 winter cabbages, anarchist books and magazines. It is obvious that if they had found even one nail clipper in my possession, Gabriel Pombo would be writing “communiques” from a cell and not in freedom.
To those who continue to support me and show me their unconditional love: I’m here!
To those who continue to want to assassinate: I’m here!
Never Defeated!
Never repentant!!
For Anarchy and the end of domination!

Gabriel Pombo da Silva
29 January 2017

Galicija [Španjolska]: Nova represivna operacija protiv anarhista Gabriela Pombo da Silve i Elise di Bernardo (24.01.2017.)
Pazite koga nazivate drugom!
U utorak 24. januara, na periferiji naselja Vigo (Mos), masa od oko 60 naoružanih osoba iz Guardia Civil i tajnih agenata pretresla je (i skoro uništila) kuću u kojoj živi već nekoliko mjeseci Gabriel Pombo da Silva sa svojom partnericom Elisom di Bernardo. U zoru su nasilno probuđeni, stavljeni u lisice i odvojeni... cilj: pronaći vatreno oružje i eksploziv! Potraga je trajala oko 8 sati i unatoč korištenim sredstvima (psi i radari najnovije tehnologije) nije dala nikakav rezultat... između zaplijenjenim stvarima nalazi se uobičajeni “zanimljivi” anarhistički materijal, fotografski aparati, planovi raznih gradova, par kablova i stari pokvareni mobiteli. Dok je Elisa, unatoč ponovljenim prijetnjama zatvorom ako ne otkrije toliko traženo skrovište, ostala na slobodi, Gabriel je uhapšen pod optužbom za “nelegalno posjedovanje i šverc oružja i eksploziva, te za oružanu bandu”. Tokom 24 sata pritvora (drug je otpušten dan kasnije) gorko su spojene činjenice.
Prije oko tri mjeseca par je upoznao jednu navodnu anarhističku drugaricu koja,

Florence/Brescia [Italy]: Update on repression against the anarchists (01/2017) [en]

FLORENCE: Raids carried out following the explosion of a device at “Il Bargello” [neo-nazi] bookshop. 1st January 2017 at around midday the Digos of Florence turned up at three flats in the city and a house in the province of Prato. They searched the homes and cars of those who were there, looking for weapons and explosives. They found nothing apart from one instance, where they seized electrical material (cables, switches, bulbs) and various items (computers, ‘bormioli’ glass jar lids, beeswax…).
Five people were taken to the forensic unit in Florence where they were photographed and fingerprinted; after several hours in the police station they were requested to do a swab test on their hands to detect traces of explosive material. Four people agreed to it, whereas one of them refused so the police decided to seize the jacket they were wearing. At 8pm all five were released with investigation reports showing negative results.
The search of the house in the province of Prato also went on for a long time, followed by a clumsy attempt by the forensic police (who went there after the Digos of Prato and Florence) to do swab tests to look for traces of gunpowder on the hands of those being investigated. The cops wanted to do the test in the middle of a wood using cotton wool from an envelope that had already been opened. At their refusal to submit to the test, the four people were taken to Prato police station where – besides the material already seized – their coats were also taken. Charges being considered by the investigators are attempted murder, serious bodily harm and fabrication and transport of an explosive device. So far no one is known to have been declared under investigation.

BRESCIA: From the media of the regime we learn that after a year of investigation prosecutors from Brescia have put two anarchist comrades under investigation. They have been charged with attack with intents of terrorism and possession and fabrication of explosives, article 280, following an attack on the Polgai police training centre in Brescia, which took place in the night between 17th and 18th December 2015 with a bomb made with eight kilograms of gunpowder. The device caused damage to the door of the building. The attack was claimed by the anarchist comrades of Cellula anarchica acca (C.A.A) in affinity with the black international, and was in response to