
„Prošlost je bila izbrisana, čin izbrisivanja zaboravljen, i laž je postala istina.”(„1984.”)
Više puta je na stranicama ovog sajta otvorena tema „poludjele kontroinformacije”.
Vraćam se na nju zato što sam ovih dana, radeći na Orwellovoj „1984.” počeo primjećivati neke sličnosti s ovim što se zbiva u posljednje vrijeme.
Lik kojeg sam citirao je moja potpuna suprotnost; on je potpuno suprotan od anarhista, što ne znači da ne otvara zanimljive teme.
Kontroinformacija koja danas znači sve i sve suprotno od svega.
Neka ovo što kažem, u vezi mreže, ne bude drhtaj radosti za štovatelje papira, jer ako mreža izražava licemjerje, proturječnosti, pokušaje pisanja drugačije povijesti anarhizma, ili usrane bisere sjevernoameričke kulture glede anarhizma (oskar najboljim anarhistima ili, posljednji biser, sajt navodnih američkih anarhista na kojem objašnjavaju tehnike bdsm među anarhistima...), papir, barem ovdje u Italiji, osim Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarhistički Crni Križ, nap.prev.], izražava siromaštvo ideja i analiza, mada kažu da bi ih trebao izroditi više od sajta ili jednog bloga.
Dvomisao i Novogovor
Na svu tu propagandnu gangrenu bacaju se crveni lešinari, koji lete u vrtlogu nad našim glavama, čekajući da ugrabe prvi slabi um. Lovina je napadnuta, njene ideje se proždiru, zaražena je, i zarazi svakog tko joj je i ostaje blizu. Ideje se mijenjaju, uniformiraju se, misao se stapa s tisuću kontradikcija, stručnjaci je šire i laž postaje istina.
Iz svega toga rađa se „novogovor”, vrlo raširen posljednjih godina, utemeljen u posljednje vrijeme na „dvomisli”, temeljni pojam rekuperatora borbi, koji se bazira na činjenici da pojedinac može podržavati istovremeno dvije ideje potpuno oprečne i kontradiktorne.
To se dešava redovito, i svakodnevno, na stranicama kontroinformacije, u posljednje vrijeme.
Ostavljajujući po strani temu „papir”, jer nemam volje da zapalim kratke fitilje i gubim vrijeme u svađama oko „ničega”, moja kritička misao je usmjerena na onu vrstu projekata sličnih, samo po korištenoj platformi, RadioAzione.
Naravno, neću ovdje nabrajati imena projekata koje ne podržavam, zbog poštovanja prema drugovima koji ih vode, ali čije ideje ne poštujem.
Danas je teško razumjeti da li brojni anarhisti vode sajtove i blogove kontroinformacije, ili pak pošto nemaju ostavu u svojem domu, odlučili su da stvore virtualne podrume u koje će naguravati bilo što.
Nekada se jedno govorilo a drugo radilo. Danas se i drugo govori.
Nešto nedostaje... ili pak, vrlo jednostavno, da kažemo to u šali, kao zaglupljene današnje pubertetlije (i nažalost ne samo...), to je samo jedan način na koji biti „vrlo social” (odnosim se na social network).
Zašto „vrlo social”?
Zato jer na taj način, objavljujući štogod, nitko se neće uvrijediti.
Ako se k tome niti ne komentira ono što se objavljuje, onda kao što kaže drugarica s RadioAzione [Hrvatska], izlažemo se riziku da se pretvorimo u „novinske agencije”, gdje se objavljuje od politike do sporta, prolazeći kroz kulturu i gossip.
Ali, izbjegavati komentare vrlo često znači samo da ne želimo nikoga uvrijediti.
Zato možeš izaći na ulicu znajući da nećeš susreti druge neprijatelje osim onih u uniformi, posjećivati skvotove crne, crvene, u duginim bojama i tako dalje i sve dalje.
Možeš primiti u svoj prostor tkogod može uvećati broj i doprinijeti na vidljivosti našeg političkog rada, bez imalo brige o vrsti osoba koje ugostiš.
Može imati brojna „prijateljstva” i mnoge „lajkove” takvim ponašanjem, ali na koncu ostaje činjenica da su ta prijateljstva, mada fizička, ipak apstraktna, virtualna. Ako ti kažu „Like”, onda je to zato jer postoji interes, koristan si, dozvolit ćeš im da te proždru, zalijepe ti se kao krpelji, pod kožu, zaraze te, a ti zaraziš druge „Dvomisli”.
Završit ću ovaj dio teksta tvrdnjom da anarhisti ne traže „ukidanja”.
Poštovanje i solidarnost s borbama „unutra”, s onima koji se nalaze zatočeni u logorima države, ne vodi me u sljepilo i u podršku pretvarajući ih u „moje borbe”.
„Moja borba” je definitivno brisanje svih struktura zatvora s lica zemlje, a ne tražiti ukidanje ovog ili onog zakona.
Ne gajim poštovanje a priori prema drugovima koji su uvijek govorili na jedan određeni način, a sada traže „ukidanja”, samo zato jer su bivši anarhisti ili drugovi i dalje anarhisti, pri tome u zatvoru.
Što znači boriti se za ukidanje posebnih zatvora?
Znači li to da nam, danas, normalni zatvori odgovaraju?
Eh da... već smo se bili dobro naviknuli na stare zatvore, sada će biti teško prilagoditi se novim zatvorima.
Zatvor je zatvor. Zatočeništvo, koje vrši država ili bilo koja druga autoritarna institucija, fizičkog tijela svakog tko ne uđe u red da dobije hostiju i zahvali „gospodinu”.
Naravno, postoje razlike što se tiče pošte, ili smanjeno druženje, ali te stvari moramo nadići, zato što je meta anarhista mnogo veća u odnosu na zatvor.
Mi smo anarhisti a ne reformisti. Ne zanima nas stići do mete „step by step”, nego potpuno uništenje bez sporednih putova.
Što znači „ukidanje antiterorističkih zakona ili biti protiv antiterorističkih zakona”?
Znači li da ćemo bolje živjeti ako ih ukinu? Da nam svi drugi zakoni odgovaraju?
To ne mogu biti anarhističke borbe. To je „Dvomisao”.
„Opasno je suprotstaviti se partiji...”
Suživot konradiktornih ideja, uniformirane misli i smatrati „svetim” sve što kažu „uzvišeni” umovi, posjednici „politically correct” jezika.
Tko se suprotstavi svemu tome, tko kaže ono što misli, ono što vidi, ono što je očito, ono što je „bolje ne reći ispred svih ili javno napisati, jer ćemo se inače osramotiti kao anarhisti” itd. Dakle, tko počini takvu „zlomisao” obilježen je kao opasni element kojeg treba izbjegavati, lakrdijaš, ništarija, „jadan gubitnik”, i davež, sve do izdajnika ako se ne uniformira, osim ako nepostane „jadan mučenik” ako ga iz igre fizički izbaci država. Kada bi nedostajao taj posljednji prijelaz životopisi borbe revolucionara bili bi umanjeni.
I zato nije potrebno biti institucionalna struktura da bi se radilo o „partiji”, jer partije postoje i među anarhistima, uz vođe, potencijalne vođe, lakeje, i krdo spuštene glave.
A suprotstaviti se partijama, posjedovati um koji se nije uniformirao i nadasve, u odnosu na masu, posjedovati kičmu, znači privlačiti k sebi isto toliko ljudske bijede.
Ako se netko osjeća uvrijeđen nakon što je pročitao ove redove, griješi ako u meni vidi svog „neprijatelja”, zato što je njegov pravi NEPRIJATELJ u njegovim mislima, idejama, odnosu prema idejama. Njegov pravi NEPRIJATELJ je dvomisao.
„U vremenu u kome postoji istina i u kome se ono što je učinjeno ne može povući: Iz doba jednoobraznosti, iz doba samoće, iz doba Velikog Brata, iz doba dvomisli – pozdravi!”</em> („1984.”)
RadioAzione, polovicom marta 2015.
In Orwellian Way
“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth”. (“1984″)
On the pages of this web-site (RadioAzione) is been discussed the issue of “crazed counter-information” more than once. I return on this issue because I was working on Orwell’s “1984” this days and I started to perceive many similarities with what was happening recently. The character, that I mentioned above, is the total opposite of me; he stands in antithesis to an anarchist, but this doesn’t mean that his topics aren’t interesting.
The counter-information means everything and the contrary of everything nowadays. Don’t let my words, concerning the net,become the shudder of joy for the admires of paper; as the net express hypocrisy,contradiction, attempts to rewrite the anarchist history, or pearls of shit of American’s culture related to anarchism (Oscars for the best anarchists or, the last pearl, a web-site where so-called American anarchists were explained how to practice bdsm between anarchists…), so the paper, at least in Italy, except “Croce Nera Anarchica” [Anarchist Black Cross], express a poverty of ideas and analysis, in spite of confrontations that should it create, more than sites and blogs.
Neolanguage and Doublethink
On all these propagandistic gangrene the red vultures swoop down, flying swirly over our heads, waiting for the first weak mind on which to pounce on. The prey is attacked, ideas devoured,infected, infecting therefore whoever is and remains beside. The ideas are changing, conforming, the thought merges into thousand of contradictions, the specialists spread them and the lie become the truth. From all this the “neolanguage” is born, very popular in past years, and recently based on the “doublethink”, essential notion for the recoverers of struggle, founded on the fact that an individual can support two ideas, completely different and in opposition, at the same time. This happen regularly, and daily, on the pages of counter-information, these days.
Leaving aside the issue about “paper”, because I don’t want to light the short fuses and waste my time arguing about “nothing”, my critical thinking refers to those kind of projects similar to RadioAzione, but just for the platform in use. Obvious, I will not cite the names of these projects that I don’t support, in respect of comrades who carry on these activities, but whose ideas I don’t respect.
It’s becoming very hard to understand, if many anarchists manage counterinformation web-sites and blog or, since they don’t have a storeroom in their homes, they decided to create virtual storages where can amass everything. In the past, has not been practiced what was preached. Today, even the preach is absent.
The figures don’t add up… or maybe, very simply, to put it jokingly like the nowadays dopey kids (and not just them,unfortunately), this is a way to be “very social” (referring to the social networks).
“Why very social”?
Because using that way means, publishing everything, none will be offended. If, then, none even comments on things that have been published, like the comrade from RadioAzione [Croatia] says, we risk to become news agencies, which publish everything, from politics to sports, passing trough culture and gossip.
But abstain from comment very often means not want to offend anyone. So you can go out on the streets without encounter further enemies, besides those in uniforms, hang out at black, red, rainbow, and so on and so forth, squats. You can welcome anyone at your place, just for quantity, and for visibility of your political job, not giving a fuck about who you are hosting. In this way of doing you can have many “friends” and a lot of “like”, but what remains in the end is the fact that those friendships, in despite of their physicality, are abstract, virtual. If they say to you “Like” is because there is an advantage, you are convenient, you allow them to devour you, they sneak in to you like the ticks under the skin, infecting you and you infect others with “Doublethink”.
I close this text section by saying that anarchists don’t demand “abolition”. The respect and the solidarity with the “internal” struggle, with those who are sequestered in the dungeons of the State, anyway, don’t lead me to blindness and support, transforming them in “my struggles”. “My struggle” is definitely to wipe the prison structure off the face of Earth, and not demand the abolition of this or that law. But I don’t have unconditional respect for the comrades who have always speaking in a certain way and now are demanding “abolitions”, the respect, just because they are former anarchist or are still anarchist comrades, and moreover detained.
What does it mean to fight for the abolition of special prisons? Does it mean these normal prisons are good for us now?
Oh yes…, we got used very well to the old prison, and now it will be very difficult for us to adapt to the new one. The prison is the prison. This is sequestration by the State, or by any other authoritarian structure, above the physical body who doesn’t reenter in the ranks for receive the host and thanks the “lord”. Of course, there are differences about the correspondence, the reduced social relationships, but we must go beyond these things, because the aim of an anarchist is much bigger in comparison with the prison.
We are anarchists, not reformists. We’re not interested in reaching the goal, doing things “step by step”, but in the total destruction, without middle ways.
What does it mean “abolition of anti-terrorism laws or to be against the anti-terrorism laws”? Does it mean if they abolish them, we will live better? Are we fine with all other laws?
These can not be anarchist struggles. This is “Doublethink”.
„Oppose to the Party is dangerous...”
Coexistence of contradictory ideas,uniformity of thought and consider like “sacred”, what the “sublime” minds say, the holders of “politically correct” language. The one who opposes to this, who says what he thinks, what he sees, what is evident, what is “better not to say in front of everyone, or do not write publicly,otherwise, we, anarchist, will appear in a bad light” etc. Well, the one who commits the “thoughtcrime” is branded as dangerous subject, who has to be avoid, as buffoon, jackass, “poor loser”, and more, as pain in the balls or in the ovaries, going as far as accusing him for treachery if he doesn’t conform, except if the State take him out, because then he becomes a “poor martyr”. If this last passage didn’t happen, the curriculum vitae of revolutionaries would be diminished.
Therefore, there is no need to be an institutional structure to be a “party”, because the parties exist among the anarchists too, with leaders, wannabe leaders, lackeys, and the herd with bowed heads as well. And opposing to the parties, have a not conformed brain, and especially, compared to the masses, to have a spine means attract to themselves so much human misery.
If someone feels offended after reading these lines, makes a mistake to consider me like his “enemy”, because his real ENEMY is in his thoughts, his ideas, his relations with ideas. His real ENEMY is the doublethink.
“To a time when truth exists and what us done cannot be undone. From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of Doublethink - greetings!” (“1984″)
RadioAzione, in mid March 2015
Translated by RadioAzione[Croatia]