Italy – Call for a solidarity presence at the preliminary hearing for operation “Scripta Manent” (05/06/2017)

A preliminary hearing for the trial in operation “Scripta Manent” will be held on 5th June 2017 in Turin; the hearing is to decide on various charges, including ‘creation and participation in a subversive association’, several explosive attacks on carabinieri, politicians, journalists and companies involved in the construction of prisons and migrants’ detention centres – all claimed by the Informal Anarchist Federation , as well as instigation to commit a crime and attempting to defend criminal acts following pieces published in Croce Nera Anarchica. There are 15 people on trial, 7 of whom are locked up in AS2 sections in the prisons of Ferrara, Alessandria and Rebibbia. The imprisoned comrades are subjected to constant harassment and further restrictions in the communication between one another and with the outside. In spite of this, they are continuing the struggle against the system of domination and keeping up conflictuality through acts of revolt and contributions to the debate between anarchists and the enemy in authority.
In particular:
-In January 2015, 7 anarchists held in the AS2 unit of Ferrara, following noisy protests and strong confrontations with the guards, were given 15 days’ solitary confinement each in turn.
-In August 2016 anarchist Alfredo Cospito smashed the partition glass between the visiting room and the guards’ room in solidarity with the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire; for this reason he’s soon to get 15 days’ solitary confinement.
-In the days following operation “Scripta Manent”, anarchists Anna Beniamino and Alfredo Cospito went on hunger strike to put an end to isolation and the prohibition for those arrested to see each other.
-In September and October 2016, anarchist Marco Bisesti refused to be subjected to a tuberculosis test on his arrival in the prison, following which he spent a long time in the basement of the Rebibbia prison.
-In November 2016, anarchist Alessandro Mercogliano refused to comply with the identification procedure (photos and fingerprinting) in the prison of Ferrara; he’s just finished serving 15 days in solitary confinement.
-In December 2016, anarchist Marco Bisesti damaged the windows of the screws’ office in the AS2 unit of Ferrara, where he’s being held. Not satisfied, as soon as he was in the cell he destroyed the opaque panels installed on the air vents. He too got 7 days in solitary confinement.
-From 3rd to 13th May 2017, anarchist Alfredo Cospito was on hunger strike against censorship, which had become more pressing after the end of the investigation; as a result, practically all incoming and outgoing letters are blocked.
Similarly, other comrades held hostages by the State are paying for being irreducible on their skin:
-Almost total censorship is striking anarchist Maddalena Calore, held in the prison of Uta (Cagliari).
-The comrades recently arrested in Turin decided to refuse and resist DNA sample-taking in the police station.
-Anarchist Davide Delogu from Sardinia, following an attempted escape, has been under punitive confinement regime since 1st May in the prison of Augusta (Sassari) and will be for 3 months. Currently he’s being held in a bare cell.
As we express solidarity with our comrades, we express solidarity with all those who struggle against prison from the inside.
For us, to remain on the side of our comrades also means to take collectively the burden of their charges, as part of the anarchists’, revolutionaries’ and rebels’ struggle.
Therefore we are making a call for a solidarity presence outside the bunker courtroom of the “Le Vallette” prison in Turin on Monday 5th June 2017 from 9am, as the preliminary hearing of the operation “Scripta Manent” trial begins.
Next, at 4pm, a meeting “Always with our heads held high” at “EL PASO”.
“Always with our heads held high” assembly
Pisa 21/05/2017
(translated by Act For Freedom Now)