Italija English
Italy: Direct actions in solidarity with the imprisoned comrades (01/07-11-2016) [en]
Pisa: “November 7, 2016 — Cell tower torched near Pisa in solidarity with the arrested in op. scripta manent and with all prisoners.”
Genoa: “VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT, IGNIS ARDENS. Genoa 01/11. 2 postbank ATMs and 1 bank ATM torched. The State imprisons, Mistral Air deports, Unicredit finances Erdogan. The Post and the banks will continue to be attacked. Solidarity with Alfredo, Nicola, Sandro, Marco, Anna, Valentina, Danilo, Daniele and Divine.”
Italija: Djela solidarnosti s uhapšenim drugovima (01./07.112016.)
Pisa: “7. novembar 2016. — Zapaljena antena mobilne telefonije pokraj Pise u znak solidarnosti s uhapšenim u op. scripta manent i sa svim zatvorenicima.”
Genova: “VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT, IGNIS ARDENS. Genova, 01.11. Zapaljena 2 postamata i 1 bankomat. Država zatvara, Mistral Air deportira, Unicredit financira Erdogana. Pošte i banke će i dalje biti napadane. Solidarnost s Alfredom, Nicolom, Sandrom, Marcom, Annom, Valentinom, Danilom, Danieleom i Divineom.”
Genoa: “VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT, IGNIS ARDENS. Genoa 01/11. 2 postbank ATMs and 1 bank ATM torched. The State imprisons, Mistral Air deports, Unicredit finances Erdogan. The Post and the banks will continue to be attacked. Solidarity with Alfredo, Nicola, Sandro, Marco, Anna, Valentina, Danilo, Daniele and Divine.”
Italija: Djela solidarnosti s uhapšenim drugovima (01./07.112016.)
Pisa: “7. novembar 2016. — Zapaljena antena mobilne telefonije pokraj Pise u znak solidarnosti s uhapšenim u op. scripta manent i sa svim zatvorenicima.”
Genova: “VERBA VOLANT, SCRIPTA MANENT, IGNIS ARDENS. Genova, 01.11. Zapaljena 2 postamata i 1 bankomat. Država zatvara, Mistral Air deportira, Unicredit financira Erdogana. Pošte i banke će i dalje biti napadane. Solidarnost s Alfredom, Nicolom, Sandrom, Marcom, Annom, Valentinom, Danilom, Danieleom i Divineom.”
11 nov 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
Italy: Update on comrades arrested in operation “Scripta Manent” (27/10/2016) [en]
So, to recap, the situation of imprisoned comrades for the operation “Scripta Manent” is as follows...
Alfredo and Anna stopped their hunger strike, carried out while deathly silence prevailed outside. They ended the hunger strike following the revocation of prohibition on meeting between the arrested comrades in the same prisons. Therefore, Alfredo could meet Nicola again, and Anna was able to meet Valentina.
Instead, the prohibition on meeting is still applied in prison of Alessandria, where Alessandro and Marco are detained, and in prison of Terni where Danilo and Daniele are being held, despite the latter should not be in the High Security section AS2 for the charges he is being investigated for.
The comrades receive mail almost regularly (some letters and some envelopes with hard copy of updates from Internet are blocked).
I would remind to write to comrades in order to break the isolation that the prison itself creates. I would remind as well to put in envelope everything the comrades need to write you back (envelope, paper and stamp), to save their money which they are unfortunately forced to spend on weekly shopping inside the prison.
Break the isolation!
Solidarity and complicity with Alfredo, Nicola, Anna, Danilo, Valentina, Marco, Sandrone and Daniele!
BISESTI MARCO: Strada Alessandria, 50/A – 15121 San Michele, Alessandria (AL)
MERCOGLIANO ALESSANDRO: Strada Alessandria, 50/A – 15121 San Michele, Alessandria (AL)
BENIAMINO ANNA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
CREMONESE DANILO EMILIANO: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR
SPEZIALE VALENTINA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
ALFREDO COSPITO I NICOLA GAI are still in Ferrara prison, section of high security AS2 (via Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara)
DANIELE: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR
The account of Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross] is open for money collected for the arrested comrades:
N° Carta PostePay: 4023 6009 1934 2891
addressed to: Omar Nioi
Being an emergency the money will be used to support the comrades in prison, but also for legal costs.
For any information, here is the address of Croce Nera Anarchica: croceneranarchica (at)
Alfredo and Anna stopped their hunger strike, carried out while deathly silence prevailed outside. They ended the hunger strike following the revocation of prohibition on meeting between the arrested comrades in the same prisons. Therefore, Alfredo could meet Nicola again, and Anna was able to meet Valentina.
Instead, the prohibition on meeting is still applied in prison of Alessandria, where Alessandro and Marco are detained, and in prison of Terni where Danilo and Daniele are being held, despite the latter should not be in the High Security section AS2 for the charges he is being investigated for.
The comrades receive mail almost regularly (some letters and some envelopes with hard copy of updates from Internet are blocked).
I would remind to write to comrades in order to break the isolation that the prison itself creates. I would remind as well to put in envelope everything the comrades need to write you back (envelope, paper and stamp), to save their money which they are unfortunately forced to spend on weekly shopping inside the prison.
Break the isolation!
Solidarity and complicity with Alfredo, Nicola, Anna, Danilo, Valentina, Marco, Sandrone and Daniele!
BISESTI MARCO: Strada Alessandria, 50/A – 15121 San Michele, Alessandria (AL)
MERCOGLIANO ALESSANDRO: Strada Alessandria, 50/A – 15121 San Michele, Alessandria (AL)
BENIAMINO ANNA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
CREMONESE DANILO EMILIANO: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR
SPEZIALE VALENTINA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT
ALFREDO COSPITO I NICOLA GAI are still in Ferrara prison, section of high security AS2 (via Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara)
DANIELE: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR
The account of Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross] is open for money collected for the arrested comrades:
N° Carta PostePay: 4023 6009 1934 2891
addressed to: Omar Nioi
Being an emergency the money will be used to support the comrades in prison, but also for legal costs.
For any information, here is the address of Croce Nera Anarchica: croceneranarchica (at)
31 ott 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
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