325 Hrvatski
Return Fire #3 : Contents (Winter 2015-2016)
Colonisation (Glossary, Return Fire #3)
Smarter Prison A5 imposed
RF #3 Colour Cover
RF #3 B&W Cover
Upravo smo objavili PDF verzije naših nedavnih štampi, za skidanje i štampanje. (Za prethodne brojeve pogledaj ovdje). Ukratko, pred vama je prošireno izdanje "Return Fire" br. 3 (zima 2015.-2016.), ispunjen vijestima, teorijom, poezijom i antagonizmom. Popraćen je tekstom iz našeg "glosarija" o kolonizaciji; prijelomom teksta za štampanje "Pametniji zatvor?", koji smo dobili od "Radical Interference i objavili u decembru 2015.; i, na kraju, prenijeli smo jedan od tekstova iz br. 3, "Veil Drops" na theanarchistlibrary.org kao odvojeni tekst za čitanje i štampu.
Colonisation (Glossary, Return Fire #3)
Smarter Prison A5 imposed
RF #3 Colour Cover
RF #3 B&W Cover
Upravo smo objavili PDF verzije naših nedavnih štampi, za skidanje i štampanje. (Za prethodne brojeve pogledaj ovdje). Ukratko, pred vama je prošireno izdanje "Return Fire" br. 3 (zima 2015.-2016.), ispunjen vijestima, teorijom, poezijom i antagonizmom. Popraćen je tekstom iz našeg "glosarija" o kolonizaciji; prijelomom teksta za štampanje "Pametniji zatvor?", koji smo dobili od "Radical Interference i objavili u decembru 2015.; i, na kraju, prenijeli smo jedan od tekstova iz br. 3, "Veil Drops" na theanarchistlibrary.org kao odvojeni tekst za čitanje i štampu.
6 giu 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
"325" #11 [hr]
"325" #11 features articles like : 3 texts about Flooding, Nuclear- Energy and Urban War- “Climate change, nuclear-energy and urban war in the new century”, “Road Ahead Closed” and “Electricity grid at risk as floods increase” by ‘Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis, – N.T.’, “2 poems by Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco (1882-1949)”, “Industrial Alienation”- the social impact of industrialisation (from Terra Selvagia), “Anarchist comrades contributions to the IX Meeting for Animal Liberation in Italy, 2013”, “Memories from the Future: The Coming Technological Singularity”, about the visions of techno-futurist Ray Kurzweil, “Information… and Slavery”, “Necrotechnologies & Synthetic Biology”, “War to the machines! by Gianluca Iacovacci”, “Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Human Behaviour”, “The Daleks are Coming!” about the advent of semi-autonomous security bots, “Empty House and Crowded Forest & Some Thoughts on FAI/IRF by Eat”, “Escape into Sanity: The Fall by V.Q”, direct action chronology and much much more…
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
Parcel Bombs – Chaotic Manuals of Sabotage Atlantis of Practical Theory [hr]
For all anarchists of praxis, nihilists, anarchists individualists, anticivilization comrades. We send you our love and blaze from the Atlantis of Practical Theory. A few months ago, CCF put a proposition on the table of the Black International. In the communique “Lone wolves are never alone…“, published in the brochure of the comrades of 325, it was written: “We do not share our choices only by speaking and writing texts against the state and its society but also when we offer each other possible practical ways, to make our theory practice”. This proposal has already been set in motion. Siblings unknown to us who share the mutiny of FAI/IRF, and comrades of praxis have published manuals for constructing explosive devices and similar chaotic arts of sabotage. Wanting to contribute as well in creating an international diffusive-chaotic anarchist urban guerrilla, we share with you some practical ideas and some diagrams longing to be detonated… We know well that this is just a first gesture from flame and gunpowder and that countless destructive desires are waiting for us to meet again… Chaos is our friend…
30 dic 2015 Leggi il testo completo...
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