Divine Umoru English
Italy: Kidnapping and attempted deportation of anarchist Divine Umoru + Saturday, July 20th: Protest at the CPR of Bari [en]
Transfers, violence and deportations:
Yesterday [15 July 2019] we received the news of the deportation, now in progress, of Divine Umoru, made possible by an order issued directly by Salvini, despite having the documents in order. He is an anarchist comrade who has undergone several trials, we know him and we want to be in solidarity.
For this reason, although we have made it impossible to trace their movements, we will be at Malpensa at 17.30 (Tuesday 16th) at the terminal 1 departures entrance 16. Run and come all!
19 lug 2019 Leggi il testo completo...
Florence [Italy]: ATM torched in solidarity with anarchist comrades (21/11/2016) [en]
Since the previous claim has not been received, we repeat: Florence 21/11 fire to the Italian Post ATM on Cento Celle Street. Against expulsions, cages, control and censorship. Solidarity to the arrested and to those under investigation Op Scripta Manent, Rome, Turin, to Divine, Carlo, Cedric and to everyone who fight, inside as outside, against authority.
Firenca [Italija]: Zapaljen bankomat u znak solidarnosti s anarhističkim drugovima (21.11.2016.)
Pošto prethodna izjava nije stigla, ponavljamo: Firenca 21.11 zapaljen bankomat Talijanske pošte u ulici Cento Stelle. Protiv deportacija, kaveza, kontrole i cenzure. Soliarnost s uhapšenima i pod istragom Op Scritpa Manent, Rim, Torino, Divineu, Carlu, Cedricu i svima koji se, kako unutra tako i vani, bore protiv autoriteta.
Firenca [Italija]: Zapaljen bankomat u znak solidarnosti s anarhističkim drugovima (21.11.2016.)
Pošto prethodna izjava nije stigla, ponavljamo: Firenca 21.11 zapaljen bankomat Talijanske pošte u ulici Cento Stelle. Protiv deportacija, kaveza, kontrole i cenzure. Soliarnost s uhapšenima i pod istragom Op Scritpa Manent, Rim, Torino, Divineu, Carlu, Cedricu i svima koji se, kako unutra tako i vani, bore protiv autoriteta.
14 dic 2016 Leggi il testo completo...
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