#title Genoa [Italy]: “Update on trial against me for the crime 414 of C.C.” — Communique of anarchist comrade Carlo (17/11/2016) #SORTtopics Italija, suđenje, Carlo, English, slučaj Adinolfi, Alfredo Cospito-Nicola Gai #source [[https://radioazione.org/2016/11/genova-italia-aggiornamento-sul-processo-a-mio-carico-per-il-reato-414-del-c-p-testo-del-compagno-anarchico-carlo/][radioazione.org]] #cover g-i-genoa-italy-update-on-trial-against-me-for-the-1.jpg #lang en #pubdate 2016-11-18T10:22:36 #teaser As expected, they sentenced me to 14 months in prison for [[https://radioazione.org/2015/04/genova-italia-compagno-anarchico-perquisito-e-accusato][text]] I wrote immediately after the [[http://www.informa-azione.info/genova_quoti_puntini_sulle_iquot_riflessioni_sulla_rivendicazione_fai][dissociation]] of some ambiguous figures.
I am charged with “apology of crime”, while the aggravation for terrorism and recidivism was not taken into account, as well as the aggravation for publishing the text on Internet (although the prosecutor Manotti had requested it), since the Renzi decree [prime minister], which increased the crime, was introduced after my publication.
Therefore, the will to prosecute comrades who write texts continues, if the inquisitors consider them disturbing.
The result of this whole story is that two comrades are in prison for the Action carried out against Adinolfi, that I been sentenced because I have defended this Action, and those figures who have written the dissociation, they still hang out at the occupied spaces.


Genova [Italija]: Vijesti o suđenju protiv mene za kazneno djelo 414 k.z.
Kao očekivano, osudili su me na 14 mjeseci zatvora za [[https://anarhija.info/library/wp-462-import][tekst]] koji sam napisao odmah nakon što su se neki sumnjivi likovi [[http://www.informa-azione.info/genova_quoti_puntini_sulle_iquot_riflessioni_sulla_rivendicazione_fai][distancirali]].
Okrivljen sam za “veličanje zločina”, dok je otežavajuća okolnost terorizam i recidive odbačena, kao i otežavajuća okolnost objavljivanja na itnernetu pošto je Renzijev dekret [premijer], koji pooštrava kazneno djelo, uveden nakon moje objave.
Stoga, volja za progonom drugova koji pišu tekstove se nastavlja, ako
... As expected, they sentenced me to 14 months in prison for [[https://radioazione.org/2015/04/genova-italia-compagno-anarchico-perquisito-e-accusato][text]] I wrote immediately after the [[http://www.informa-azione.info/genova_quoti_puntini_sulle_iquot_riflessioni_sulla_rivendicazione_fai][dissociation]] of some ambiguous figures. I am charged with “apology of crime”, while the aggravation for terrorism and recidivism was not taken into account, as well as the aggravation for publishing the text on Internet (although the prosecutor Manotti had requested it), since the Renzi decree, which increased the crime, was introduced after my publication. Therefore, the will to prosecute comrades who write texts continues, if the inquisitors consider them disturbing. The result of this whole story is that two comrades are in prison for the Action carried out against Adinolfi, that I been sentenced because I have defended this Action, and those figures who have written the dissociation, they still hang out at the occupied spaces. ALWAYS FORWARD! SOLIDARITY WITH ANARCHIST PRISONERS! Carlo
Genova [Italija]: Vijesti o suđenju protiv mene za kazneno djelo 414 k.z. Kao očekivano, osudili su me na 14 mjeseci zatvora za [[https://anarhija.info/library/wp-462-import][tekst]] koji sam napisao odmah nakon što su se neki sumnjivi likovi [[http://www.informa-azione.info/genova_quoti_puntini_sulle_iquot_riflessioni_sulla_rivendicazione_fai][distancirali]]. Okrivljen sam za “veličanje zločina”, dok je otežavajuća okolnost terorizam i recidive odbačena, kao i otežavajuća okolnost objavljivanja na itnernetu pošto je Renzijev dekret, koji pooštrava kazneno djelo, uveden nakon moje objave. Stoga, volja za progonom drugova koji pišu tekstove se nastavlja, ako ih inkvizitori smatraju uznemiravajućim. Ishod čitave priče je da su dva druga u zatvoru zbog Djela izvedenog protiv Adinolfija, da sam ja osuđen zato što sam branio to djelo, a ti likovi koji su napisali disociranje još posjećuju okupirane prostore. UVIJEK NAPRIJED! SOLIDARNOST S ANARHISTIČKIM DRUGOVIMA I DRUGARICAMA U ZATVORU! Carlo